Timeseries Package¶
Absolute value of each element in series |
Add two series or scalars |
Logical "and" of two or more boolean series. |
Cap series at maximum value |
Divide two series or scalars |
Exponential of series |
Removes values where comparison with the operator and value combination results in true, defaults to removing missing values from the series |
Removes dates where comparison with the operator and dates combination results in true, defaults to removing missing values from the series |
Floor series at minimum value |
Floor divide two series or scalars |
Returns a series s. |
Natural logarithm of series |
Multiply two series or scalars |
Logical negation of a single boolean series. |
Logical "or" of two or more boolean series. |
Raise each element in series to power |
Square root of (a) each element in a series or (b) a real number |
Add two series or scalars |
Calculate a weighted sum. |
Diff observations with given lag |
First value of series |
Last value of series (as a series) |
Last value of series (as a scalar) |
Count observations in series |
Lag timeseries by a number of observations or a relative date. |
Calculates a basket return series. |
Construct a basket of stocks |
Date / Time¶
Align dates of two series or scalars |
Interpolate over specified dates or times |
Value at specified date or time |
Day of each value in series |
Weekday of each value in series |
Month of each value in series |
Year of each value in series |
Quarter of each value in series |
Create a time series from a (sub-)range of dates in an existing time series. |
Prepend data series |
Fill in missing dates or times of one series with another |
Bucketize a series and apply aggregate function to each bucket |
Create a Window with size and ramp up to use. |
Annualize series based on sample observation frequency |
Rolling beta of price series and benchmark |
Arithmetic series normalization |
Rolling correlation of two price series |
Calculate excess returns |
Geometric series normalization |
Compute the maximum peak to trough drawdown over a rolling window as a ratio. |
Calculate price levels from returns series |
Calculate returns from price series |
Calculate Sharpe ratio |
Realized volatility of price series |
Rolling co-variance of series over given window |
Exponentially weighted standard deviation |
Generate sample timeseries |
Maximum value of series over given window |
Arithmetic mean of series over given window |
Median value of series over given window |
Minimum value of series over given window |
Most common value in series over given window |
Returns the nth percentile of a series. |
Rolling percentiles over given window |
Rolling product of series over given window |
Range of series over given window |
Rolling standard deviation of series over given window |
Rolling sum of series over given window |
Rolling variance of series over given window |
Limit extreme values in series |
Rolling z-scores over a given window |
Fit an Ordinary least squares (OLS) linear regression model. |
Fit a rolling ordinary least squares (OLS) linear regression model. |
SIR Compartmental model for transmission of infectious disease |
SEIR Compartmental model for transmission of infectious disease |
Technical Analysis¶
Bollinger bands with given window and width |
Moving average over specified window |
Exponentially weighted moving average |
Exponentially weighted volatility |
Exponentially weighted spread volatility |
Smoothed moving average over specified window |
Relative Strength Index |
Moving average convergence divergence (MACD). |