Risk Package


aggregate_risk(results, threshold=None, allow_heterogeneous_types=False)[source]

Combine the results of multiple InstrumentBase.calc() calls, into a single result

  • results (Iterable[Union[DataFrameWithInfo, Future]]) – An iterable of Dataframes and/or Futures (returned by InstrumentBase.calc())

  • threshold (Optional[float]) – exclude values whose absolute value falls below this threshold

  • allow_heterogeneous_types (bool) – allow Series to be converted to DataFrames before aggregating

Return type:



A Dataframe with the aggregated results


>>> from gs_quant.instrument import IRCap, IRFloor
>>> from gs_quant.markets import PricingContext
>>> from gs_quant.risk import IRDelta, IRVega
>>> cap = IRCap('5y', 'GBP')
>>> floor = IRFloor('5y', 'GBP')
>>> instruments = (cap, floor)
>>> with PricingContext():
>>>     delta_f = [inst.calc(IRDelta) for inst in instruments]
>>>     vega_f = [inst.calc(IRVega) for inst in (cap, floor)]
>>> delta = aggregate_risk(delta_f, threshold=0.1)
>>> vega = aggregate_risk(vega_f)

delta_f and vega_f are lists of futures, where the result will be a Dataframe delta and vega are Dataframes, representing the merged risk of the individual instruments

subtract_risk(left, right)[source]

Subtract bucketed risk. Dimensions must be identical

  • left (DataFrameWithInfo) – Results to substract from

  • right (DataFrameWithInfo) – Results to substract

Return type:



>>> from gs_quant.datetime.date import business_day_offset
>>> from gs_quant.instrument IRSwap
>>> from gs_quant.markets import PricingContext
>>> from gs_quant.risk import IRDelta
>>> import datetime as dt
>>> ir_swap = IRSwap('Pay', '10y', 'USD')
>>> delta_today = ir_swap.calc(IRDelta)
>>> with PricingContext(pricing_date=business_day_offset(dt.date.today(), -1, roll='preceding')):
>>>     delta_yday_f = ir_swap.calc(IRDelta)
>>> delta_diff = subtract_risk(delta_today, delta_yday_f.result())
sort_risk(df, by=('date', 'time', 'mkt_type', 'mkt_asset', 'mkt_class', 'mkt_point'))[source]

Sort bucketed risk

  • df (DataFrame) – Input Dataframe

  • by (Tuple[str, ...]) – Columns to sort by

Return type:



A sorted Dataframe


DollarPrice = DollarPrice

Price of the instrument in US Dollars

Price(currency=None, name=None) = Price

Present Value

ForwardPrice = ForwardPrice

Price of the instrument at expiry in the local currency

Theta = Theta


BaseCPI = BaseCPI

Base CPI

CommodDelta = CommodDelta

Commod Delta

CommodTheta = CommodTheta

Commod Theta

CommodVega = CommodVega

Commod Vega

EqDelta(currency=None, name=None) = EqDelta

Change in Dollar Price (USD present value) due to individual 1% move in the spot price of underlying equity security

EqGamma(currency=None, name=None) = EqGamma

Change in EqDelta for a 1% move in the price of the underlying equity security

EqVega(currency=None, name=None) = EqVega

Change in Dollar Price (USD present value) due to individual 1bp moves in the implied volatility of the underlying equity security

EqSpot = EqSpot

Equity Spot

EqAnnualImpliedVol = EqAnnualImpliedVol

Equity Annual Implied Volatility (%)

FairVarStrike = FairVarStrike

Fair Variance Strike Value of a Variance Swap

FairVolStrike = FairVolStrike

Fair Volatility Strike Value of a Variance Swap

FXDelta(aggregation_level=None, bump_size=None, currency=None, finite_difference_method=None, local_curve=None, mkt_marking_options=None, scale_factor=None, name=None) = FXDelta

Dollar Price sensitivity of the instrument to a move in the underlying spot such that dSpot * FXDelta = PnL

FXGamma = FXGamma

FXDelta sensitivity of the instrument to a move in the underlying spot such that dSpot * FXGamma = dDelta

FXVega(aggregation_level=None, bump_size=None, currency=None, finite_difference_method=None, local_curve=None, mkt_marking_options=None, scale_factor=None, name=None) = FXVega

Change in Dollar Price due to a 1 vol move in the implied volatility of ATM instruments used to build the volatility surface

FXSpot = FXSpot

FX spot reference

FXAnnualImpliedVol = FXAnnualImpliedVol

FX Annual Implied Volatility

FXAnnualATMImpliedVol = FXAnnualATMImpliedVol

FX Annual ATM Implied Volatility

InflationDelta(aggregation_level=None, bump_size=None, currency=None, finite_difference_method=None, local_curve=None, mkt_marking_options=None, scale_factor=None, name=None) = InflationDelta

Change in Price due to 1bp move in inflation curve.

InflationDeltaParallel(aggregation_level=None, bump_size=None, currency=None, finite_difference_method=None, local_curve=None, mkt_marking_options=None, scale_factor=None, name=None) = InflationDeltaParallel(aggregation_level:Type)

Change in Price due to 1bp move in inflation curve.

IRBasis(aggregation_level=None, bump_size=None, currency=None, finite_difference_method=None, local_curve=None, mkt_marking_options=None, scale_factor=None, name=None) = IRBasis

Change in Dollar Price (USD present value) due to individual 1bp moves in the interest rate instruments used to build the basis curve(s)

IRDelta(aggregation_level=None, bump_size=None, currency=None, finite_difference_method=None, local_curve=None, mkt_marking_options=None, scale_factor=None, name=None) = IRDelta

Change in Dollar Price (USD present value) due to individual 1bp moves in the interest rate instruments used to build the underlying discount curve

IRDeltaParallel(aggregation_level=None, bump_size=None, currency=None, finite_difference_method=None, local_curve=None, mkt_marking_options=None, scale_factor=None, name=None) = IRDeltaParallel(aggregation_level:Asset)

Change in Dollar Price (USD present value) due to individual 1bp moves in the interest rate instruments used to build the underlying discount curve

IRDeltaLocalCcy(aggregation_level=None, bump_size=None, currency=None, finite_difference_method=None, local_curve=None, mkt_marking_options=None, scale_factor=None, name=None) = IRDeltaLocalCcy(currency:local)

Change in Dollar Price (USD present value) due to individual 1bp moves in the interest rate instruments used to build the underlying discount curve

IRXccyDelta(aggregation_level=None, bump_size=None, currency=None, finite_difference_method=None, local_curve=None, mkt_marking_options=None, scale_factor=None, name=None) = IRXccyDelta

Change in Price due to 1bp move in cross currency rates.

IRXccyDeltaParallel(aggregation_level=None, bump_size=None, currency=None, finite_difference_method=None, local_curve=None, mkt_marking_options=None, scale_factor=None, name=None) = IRXccyDeltaParallel(aggregation_level:Type)

Change in Price due to 1bp move in cross currency rates.

IRGammaParallel = IRGammaParallel

Change in aggregated IRDelta for a aggregated 1bp shift in the interest rate instruments used to build the underlying discount curve

IRGammaParallelLocalCcy = IRGammaParallelLocalCcy

Interest Rate Parallel Gamma (Local Ccy)

IRVega(aggregation_level=None, bump_size=None, currency=None, finite_difference_method=None, local_curve=None, mkt_marking_options=None, scale_factor=None, name=None) = IRVega

Change in Dollar Price (USD present value) due to individual 1bp moves in the implied volatility (IRAnnualImpliedVol) of instruments used to build the volatility surface

IRVegaParallel(aggregation_level=None, bump_size=None, currency=None, finite_difference_method=None, local_curve=None, mkt_marking_options=None, scale_factor=None, name=None) = IRVegaParallel(aggregation_level:Asset)

Change in Dollar Price (USD present value) due to individual 1bp moves in the implied volatility (IRAnnualImpliedVol) of instruments used to build the volatility surface

IRVegaLocalCcy(aggregation_level=None, bump_size=None, currency=None, finite_difference_method=None, local_curve=None, mkt_marking_options=None, scale_factor=None, name=None) = IRVegaLocalCcy(currency:local)

Change in Dollar Price (USD present value) due to individual 1bp moves in the implied volatility (IRAnnualImpliedVol) of instruments used to build the volatility surface

IRAnnualImpliedVol = IRAnnualImpliedVol

Interest rate annual implied volatility (in percent)

IRAnnualATMImpliedVol = IRAnnualATMImpliedVol

Interest rate annual implied at-the-money volatility (in percent)

IRDailyImpliedVol = IRDailyImpliedVol

Interest rate daily implied volatility (in basis points)

IRSpotRate = IRSpotRate

Interest rate at-the-money spot rate (in percent)

IRFwdRate = IRFwdRate

Interest rate par rate (in percent)