Copyright 2019 Goldman Sachs.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
software distributed under the License is distributed on an
KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
specific language governing permissions and limitations
under the License.
import datetime as dt
import itertools
from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod
from concurrent.futures import Future
from copy import copy
from dataclasses import dataclass, fields
from typing import Iterable, Optional, Tuple, Union, Dict
import pandas as pd
from dataclasses_json import dataclass_json
import gs_quant
from gs_quant.base import RiskKey
from gs_quant.config import DisplayOptions
from gs_quant.datetime import point_sort_order
__column_sort_fns = {
'label1': point_sort_order,
'mkt_point': point_sort_order,
'point': point_sort_order
__risk_columns = ('date', 'time', 'mkt_type', 'mkt_asset', 'mkt_class', 'mkt_point')
class ResultInfo(metaclass=ABCMeta):
def __init__(
risk_key: RiskKey,
unit: Optional[dict] = None,
error: Optional[Union[str, dict]] = None,
request_id: Optional[str] = None
self.__risk_key = risk_key
self.__unit = unit
self.__error = error
self.__request_id = request_id
def raw_value(self):
def risk_key(self) -> RiskKey:
return self.__risk_key
def unit(self) -> dict:
"""The units of this result"""
return self.__unit
def error(self) -> Union[str, dict]:
"""Any error associated with this result"""
return self.__error
def request_id(self) -> Optional[str]:
"""The request Id associated with this result"""
return self.__request_id
def composition_info(components: Iterable):
from gs_quant.markets.markets import historical_risk_key
dates = []
values = []
errors = {}
risk_key = None
unit = None
for component in components:
date = component.risk_key.date
risk_key = historical_risk_key(component.risk_key) if risk_key is None else risk_key
if risk_key.market.location != component.risk_key.market.location:
raise ValueError('Cannot compose results with different markets')
if isinstance(component, (ErrorValue, Exception)):
errors[date] = component
unit = unit or component.unit
return dates, values, errors, risk_key, unit
class ErrorValue(ResultInfo):
def __init__(self, risk_key: RiskKey, error: Union[str, dict], request_id: Optional[str] = None):
super().__init__(risk_key, error=error, request_id=request_id)
def __repr__(self):
return self.error
def __getattr__(self, item):
# only called if self.item doesn't exist
raise AttributeError(f'ErrorValue object has no attribute {item}. Error was {self.error}')
def raw_value(self):
return None
def _to_records(self, extra_dict, display_options: DisplayOptions = None):
return [{**extra_dict, 'value': self}]
class UnsupportedValue(ResultInfo):
def __init__(self, risk_key: RiskKey, request_id: Optional[str] = None):
super().__init__(risk_key, request_id=request_id)
def __repr__(self):
return 'Unsupported Value'
def raw_value(self):
return 'Unsupported Value'
def _to_records(self, extra_dict, display_options: DisplayOptions = None):
if display_options is not None and not isinstance(display_options, DisplayOptions):
raise TypeError("display_options must be of type DisplayOptions")
options = display_options if display_options is not None else gs_quant.config.display_options
show_na = options.show_na
return [{**extra_dict, 'value': self}] if show_na else []
class ScalarWithInfo(ResultInfo, metaclass=ABCMeta):
def __init__(self,
risk_key: RiskKey,
value: Union[float, str],
unit: Optional[dict] = None,
error: Optional[Union[str, dict]] = None,
request_id: Optional[str] = None):
ResultInfo.__init__(self, risk_key, unit=unit, error=error, request_id=request_id)
def raw_value(self):
def compose(components: Iterable):
dates, values, errors, risk_key, unit = ResultInfo.composition_info(components)
return SeriesWithInfo(pd.Series(index=pd.DatetimeIndex(dates).date, data=values),
def _to_records(self, extra_dict, display_options: DisplayOptions = None):
return [{**extra_dict, 'value': self}]
class FloatWithInfo(ScalarWithInfo, float):
def __new__(cls,
risk_key: RiskKey,
value: Union[float, str],
unit: dict = None,
error: Optional[str] = None,
request_id: Optional[str] = None):
return float.__new__(cls, value)
def raw_value(self) -> float:
return float(self)
def __repr__(self):
return self.error if self.error else float.__repr__(self)
def __add__(self, other):
if isinstance(other, FloatWithInfo):
if self.unit == other.unit:
return FloatWithInfo(combine_risk_key(self.risk_key, other.risk_key), self.raw_value + other.raw_value,
raise ValueError('FloatWithInfo unit mismatch')
return super(FloatWithInfo, self).__add__(other)
def __mul__(self, other):
if isinstance(other, FloatWithInfo):
return FloatWithInfo(combine_risk_key(self.risk_key, other.risk_key), self.raw_value * other.raw_value,
return FloatWithInfo(self.risk_key, self.raw_value * other, self.unit)
def to_frame(self):
return self
class StringWithInfo(ScalarWithInfo, str):
def __new__(cls,
risk_key: RiskKey,
value: Union[float, str],
unit: Optional[dict] = None,
error: Optional[str] = None,
request_id: Optional[str] = None):
return str.__new__(cls, value)
def raw_value(self) -> str:
return str(self)
def __repr__(self):
return self.error if self.error else str.__repr__(self)
class SeriesWithInfo(pd.Series, ResultInfo):
_internal_names = pd.DataFrame._internal_names + \
['_ResultInfo__' + i for i in dir(ResultInfo) if isinstance(getattr(ResultInfo, i), property)]
_internal_names_set = set(_internal_names)
def __init__(
risk_key: Optional[RiskKey] = None,
unit: Optional[dict] = None,
error: Optional[Union[str, dict]] = None,
request_id: Optional[str] = None,
pd.Series.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
ResultInfo.__init__(self, risk_key, unit=unit, error=error, request_id=request_id)
def __repr__(self):
if self.error:
return pd.Series.__repr__(self) + "\nErrors: " + str(self.error)
return pd.Series.__repr__(self)
def _constructor(self):
return SeriesWithInfo
def _constructor_expanddim(self):
return DataFrameWithInfo
def raw_value(self) -> pd.Series:
return pd.Series(self)
def compose(components: Iterable):
dates, values, errors, risk_key, unit = ResultInfo.composition_info(components)
return SeriesWithInfo(pd.Series(index=pd.DatetimeIndex(dates).date, data=values),
def _to_records(self, extra_dict, display_options: DisplayOptions = None):
df = pd.DataFrame(self).reset_index()
df.columns = ['dates', 'value']
records = df.to_dict('records')
records = [dict(item, **{**extra_dict}) for item in records]
return records
def __mul__(self, other):
new_result = pd.Series.__mul__(self, other)
ResultInfo.__init__(new_result, risk_key=self.risk_key, unit=self.unit, error=self.error, request_id=self.request_id)
return new_result
def copy_with_resultinfo(self, deep=True):
return SeriesWithInfo(self.raw_value.copy(deep=deep), risk_key=self.risk_key, unit=self.unit, error=self.error, request_id=self.request_id)
class DataFrameWithInfo(pd.DataFrame, ResultInfo):
_internal_names = pd.DataFrame._internal_names + \
['_ResultInfo__' + i for i in dir(ResultInfo) if isinstance(getattr(ResultInfo, i), property)]
_internal_names_set = set(_internal_names)
def __init__(
risk_key: Optional[RiskKey] = None,
unit: Optional[dict] = None,
error: Optional[Union[str, dict]] = None,
request_id: Optional[str] = None,
pd.DataFrame.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
ResultInfo.__init__(self, risk_key, unit=unit, error=error, request_id=request_id)
def __repr__(self):
if self.error:
return pd.DataFrame.__repr__(self) + "\nErrors: " + str(self.errors)
return pd.DataFrame.__repr__(self)
def _constructor(self):
return DataFrameWithInfo
def _constructor_sliced(self):
return SeriesWithInfo
def raw_value(self) -> pd.DataFrame:
if self.empty:
return pd.DataFrame(self)
df = self.copy()
if isinstance(self.index.values[0], dt.date):
df.index.name = 'dates'
return pd.DataFrame(df)
def compose(components: Iterable):
dates, values, errors, risk_key, unit = ResultInfo.composition_info(components)
df = pd.concat(v.assign(date=d) for d, v in zip(dates, values)).set_index('date')
return DataFrameWithInfo(df, risk_key=risk_key, unit=unit, error=errors)
def to_frame(self):
return self
def _to_records(self, extra_dict, display_options: DisplayOptions = None):
if self.empty:
if display_options is not None and not isinstance(display_options, DisplayOptions):
raise TypeError("display_options must be of type DisplayOptions")
options = display_options if display_options is not None else gs_quant.config.display_options
show_na = options.show_na
return [{**extra_dict, 'value': None}] if show_na else []
return [dict(item, **{**extra_dict}) for item in self.raw_value.to_dict('records')]
def copy_with_resultinfo(self, deep=True):
return DataFrameWithInfo(self.raw_value.copy(deep=deep), risk_key=self.risk_key, unit=self.unit,
error=self.error, request_id=self.request_id)
def filter_by_coord(self, coordinate):
from gs_quant.markets import MarketDataCoordinate
df = self.copy_with_resultinfo()
for att in [i.name for i in fields(MarketDataCoordinate)]:
if getattr(coordinate, att) is not None:
if isinstance(getattr(coordinate, att), str):
df = df[getattr(df, att) == getattr(coordinate, att)]
df = df[getattr(df, att).isin(getattr(coordinate, att))]
return df
class MQVSValidationTarget:
env: Optional[str] = None
operator: Optional[str] = None
mqGroups: Optional[Tuple[str, ...]] = None
users: Optional[Tuple[str]] = None
assetClasses: Optional[Tuple[str, ...]] = None
assets: Optional[Tuple[str, ...]] = None
legTypes: Optional[Tuple[str, ...]] = None
legFields: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None
class MQVSValidatorDefn:
validatorType: str
targets: Tuple[MQVSValidationTarget, ...]
args: Dict[str, str]
groupId: Optional[str] = None
groupIndex: Optional[int] = None
groupMethod: Optional[str] = None
class MQVSValidatorDefnsWithInfo(ResultInfo):
validators: Tuple[MQVSValidatorDefn]
def __init__(self,
risk_key: RiskKey,
value: Union[MQVSValidatorDefn, Tuple[MQVSValidatorDefn]],
unit: Optional[dict] = None,
error: Optional[Union[str, dict]] = None,
request_id: Optional[str] = None):
ResultInfo.__init__(self, risk_key, unit=unit, error=error, request_id=request_id)
if value and isinstance(value, tuple):
self.validators = value
elif value and isinstance(value, MQVSValidatorDefn):
self.validators = tuple([value])
def raw_value(self):
return self.validators
[docs]def aggregate_risk(results: Iterable[Union[DataFrameWithInfo, Future]],
threshold: Optional[float] = None,
allow_heterogeneous_types: bool = False) \
-> pd.DataFrame:
Combine the results of multiple InstrumentBase.calc() calls, into a single result
:param results: An iterable of Dataframes and/or Futures (returned by InstrumentBase.calc())
:param threshold: exclude values whose absolute value falls below this threshold
:param allow_heterogeneous_types: allow Series to be converted to DataFrames before aggregating
:return: A Dataframe with the aggregated results
>>> from gs_quant.instrument import IRCap, IRFloor
>>> from gs_quant.markets import PricingContext
>>> from gs_quant.risk import IRDelta, IRVega
>>> cap = IRCap('5y', 'GBP')
>>> floor = IRFloor('5y', 'GBP')
>>> instruments = (cap, floor)
>>> with PricingContext():
>>> delta_f = [inst.calc(IRDelta) for inst in instruments]
>>> vega_f = [inst.calc(IRVega) for inst in (cap, floor)]
>>> delta = aggregate_risk(delta_f, threshold=0.1)
>>> vega = aggregate_risk(vega_f)
delta_f and vega_f are lists of futures, where the result will be a Dataframe
delta and vega are Dataframes, representing the merged risk of the individual instruments
def get_df(result_obj):
if isinstance(result_obj, Future):
result_obj = result_obj.result()
if isinstance(result_obj, pd.Series) and allow_heterogeneous_types:
return pd.DataFrame(result_obj.raw_value).T
return result_obj.raw_value
dfs = [get_df(r) for r in results]
result = pd.concat(dfs).fillna(0)
result = result.groupby([c for c in result.columns if c != 'value'], as_index=False).sum()
if threshold is not None:
result = result[result.value.abs() > threshold]
return sort_risk(result)
ResultType = Union[None, dict, tuple, DataFrameWithInfo, FloatWithInfo, SeriesWithInfo]
def aggregate_results(results: Iterable[ResultType], allow_mismatch_risk_keys=False,
allow_heterogeneous_types=False) -> ResultType:
unit = None
risk_key = None
results = tuple(results)
if not len(results):
return None
for result in results:
if isinstance(result, Exception):
raise Exception
if result.error:
raise ValueError('Cannot aggregate results in error')
if not allow_heterogeneous_types and not isinstance(result, type(results[0])):
raise ValueError(f'Cannot aggregate heterogeneous types: {type(result)} vs {type(results[0])}')
if result.unit:
if unit and unit != result.unit:
raise ValueError('Cannot aggregate results with different units')
unit = unit or result.unit
if not allow_mismatch_risk_keys and risk_key and risk_key != result.risk_key:
raise ValueError('Cannot aggregate results with different pricing keys')
risk_key = risk_key or result.risk_key
inst = next(iter(results))
if isinstance(inst, dict):
return dict((k, aggregate_results([r[k] for r in results])) for k in inst.keys())
elif isinstance(inst, tuple):
return tuple(set(itertools.chain.from_iterable(results)))
elif isinstance(inst, FloatWithInfo):
return FloatWithInfo(risk_key, sum(results), unit=unit)
elif isinstance(inst, SeriesWithInfo):
return SeriesWithInfo(sum(results), risk_key=risk_key, unit=unit)
elif isinstance(inst, DataFrameWithInfo):
return DataFrameWithInfo(aggregate_risk(results, allow_heterogeneous_types=allow_heterogeneous_types),
risk_key=risk_key, unit=unit)
[docs]def subtract_risk(left: DataFrameWithInfo, right: DataFrameWithInfo) -> pd.DataFrame:
"""Subtract bucketed risk. Dimensions must be identical
:param left: Results to substract from
:param right: Results to substract
>>> from gs_quant.datetime.date import business_day_offset
>>> from gs_quant.instrument IRSwap
>>> from gs_quant.markets import PricingContext
>>> from gs_quant.risk import IRDelta
>>> import datetime as dt
>>> ir_swap = IRSwap('Pay', '10y', 'USD')
>>> delta_today = ir_swap.calc(IRDelta)
>>> with PricingContext(pricing_date=business_day_offset(dt.date.today(), -1, roll='preceding')):
>>> delta_yday_f = ir_swap.calc(IRDelta)
>>> delta_diff = subtract_risk(delta_today, delta_yday_f.result())
assert (left.columns.names == right.columns.names)
assert ('value' in left.columns.names)
right_negated = copy(right)
right_negated.value *= -1
return aggregate_risk((left, right_negated))
def sort_values(data: Iterable, columns: Tuple[str, ...], by: Tuple[str, ...]) -> Iterable:
indices = tuple(columns.index(c) for c in by if c in columns)
fns = [None] * len(columns)
for idx in indices:
fns[idx] = __column_sort_fns.get(columns[idx])
def cmp(row) -> tuple:
return tuple((fns[i](row[i]) or 0) if fns[i] else row[i] for i in indices)
return sorted(data, key=cmp)
[docs]def sort_risk(df: pd.DataFrame, by: Tuple[str, ...] = __risk_columns) -> pd.DataFrame:
Sort bucketed risk
:param df: Input Dataframe
:param by: Columns to sort by
:return: A sorted Dataframe
columns = tuple(df.columns)
data = sort_values((row for _, row in df.iterrows()), columns, by)
fields = [f for f in by if f in columns]
fields.extend(f for f in columns if f not in fields)
result = pd.DataFrame.from_records(data, columns=columns)[fields]
if 'date' in result:
result = result.set_index('date')
return result
def combine_risk_key(key_1: RiskKey, key_2: RiskKey) -> RiskKey:
Combine two risk keys (key_1, key_2) into a new RiskKey
:type key_1: RiskKey
:type key_2: RiskKey
def get_field_value(field_name: str):
return getattr(key_1, field_name) if getattr(key_1, field_name) == getattr(key_2, field_name) else None
return RiskKey(get_field_value("provider"), get_field_value("date"), get_field_value("market"),
get_field_value("params"), get_field_value("scenario"), get_field_value("risk_measure"))