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from typing import Optional, Union
from pandas import Series
from gs_quant.analytics.core.processor import BaseProcessor, DataCoordinateOrProcessor, DataQueryInfo, \
from gs_quant.analytics.core.processor_result import ProcessorResult
from gs_quant.analytics.processors.special_processors import MeasureProcessor
from gs_quant.data.coordinate import DataCoordinate
from gs_quant.data.query import DataQuery
from gs_quant.entities.entity import Entity
from gs_quant.markets.securities import Stock, Cross
from gs_quant.target.common import Currency
from gs_quant.timeseries import correlation, Window, SeriesType, DataMeasure, DataFrequency, DataContext, \
from gs_quant.timeseries import excess_returns_pure
from gs_quant.timeseries.econometrics import get_ratio_pure, SharpeAssets, change, returns
from gs_quant.timeseries.econometrics import volatility, Returns, beta
from gs_quant.timeseries.helper import CurveType
[docs]class VolatilityProcessor(BaseProcessor):
[docs] def __init__(self,
a: DataCoordinateOrProcessor,
start: Optional[DateOrDatetimeOrRDate] = None,
end: Optional[DateOrDatetimeOrRDate] = None,
w: Union[Window, int] = Window(None, 0),
returns_type: Returns = Returns.SIMPLE,
""" VolatilityProcessor
:param a: DataCoordinate or BaseProcessor for the series to apply the volatility timeseries function
:param start: start date or time used in the underlying data query
:param end: end date or time used in the underlying data query
:param w: Window or int: size of window and ramp up to use. e.g. Window(22, 10) where 22 is the window size
and 10 the ramp up value. If w is a string, it should be a relative date like '1m', '1d', etc.
Window size defaults to length of series.
:param returns_type: returns type: simple, logarithmic or absolute
# coordinate
self.children['a'] = a
self.start = start
self.end = end
self.w = w
self.returns_type = returns_type
[docs] def process(self):
a_data = self.children_data.get('a')
if isinstance(a_data, ProcessorResult):
if a_data.success:
result = volatility(a_data.data, self.w, self.returns_type)
self.value = ProcessorResult(True, result)
self.value = ProcessorResult(False, 'Could not compute volatility')
self.value = ProcessorResult(False, 'Processor does not have data')
return self.value
[docs] def get_plot_expression(self):
[docs]class SharpeRatioProcessor(BaseProcessor):
[docs] def __init__(self,
a: DataCoordinateOrProcessor,
start: Optional[DateOrDatetimeOrRDate] = None,
end: Optional[DateOrDatetimeOrRDate] = None,
currency: Currency,
w: Union[Window, int] = None,
curve_type: CurveType = CurveType.PRICES,
""" SharpeRatioProcessor
:param a: DataCoordinate or BaseProcessor for the series of prices or excess returns
:param currency: currency for risk-free rate, defaults to USD
:param w: Window or int: size of window and ramp up to use. e.g. Window(22, 10) where 22 is the window size
and 10 the ramp up value.
:param curve_type: whether input series is of prices or excess returns, defaults to prices
:param start: start date or time used in the underlying data query
:param end: end date or time used in the underlying data query
# coordinates
self.children['a'] = a
# datetime
self.start = start
self.end = end
# parameters
self.currency = currency
self.w = w
self.curve_type = curve_type
# additional queries
self.children['excess_returns'] = self.get_excess_returns_query()
[docs] def get_excess_returns_query(self) -> DataQueryInfo:
marquee_id = SharpeAssets[self.currency.value].value
entity = Stock(marquee_id, "", "")
coordinate: DataCoordinate = DataCoordinate(
data_query: DataQuery = DataQuery(coordinate=coordinate, start=self.start, end=self.end)
return DataQueryInfo('excess_returns', None, data_query, entity)
[docs] def process(self):
a_data = self.children_data.get('a')
excess_returns_data = self.children_data.get('excess_returns')
if isinstance(a_data, ProcessorResult) and isinstance(excess_returns_data, ProcessorResult):
if a_data.success and excess_returns_data.success:
if self.curve_type == CurveType.PRICES:
excess_returns = excess_returns_pure(a_data.data, excess_returns_data.data)
excess_returns = a_data.data
ratio = get_ratio_pure(excess_returns, self.w)
self.value = ProcessorResult(True, ratio)
return self.value
[docs] def get_plot_expression(self):
[docs]class CorrelationProcessor(BaseProcessor):
[docs] def __init__(self,
a: DataCoordinateOrProcessor,
benchmark: Entity,
start: Optional[DateOrDatetimeOrRDate] = None,
end: Optional[DateOrDatetimeOrRDate] = None,
w: Union[Window, int] = Window(None, 0),
type_: SeriesType = SeriesType.PRICES,
""" CorrelationProcessor
:param a: DataCoordinate or BaseProcessor for the series
:param benchmark: benchmark to compare price series
:param start: start date or time used in the underlying data query
:param end: end date or time used in the underlying data query
:param w: Window, int, or str: size of window and ramp up to use. e.g. Window(22, 10) where 22 is the window
size and 10 the ramp up value. If w is a string, it should be a relative date like '1m', '1d', etc.
Window size defaults to length of series.
:param type_: type of both input series: prices or returns
# coordinate
self.children['a'] = a
# Used for additional query
self.benchmark: Entity = benchmark
# datetime
self.start = start
self.end = end
self.children['benchmark'] = self.get_benchmark_coordinate()
# parameters
self.w = w
self.type_ = type_
[docs] def get_benchmark_coordinate(self) -> DataQueryInfo:
coordinate = DataCoordinate(measure=DataMeasure.CLOSE_PRICE, frequency=DataFrequency.DAILY)
data_query = DataQuery(coordinate=coordinate, start=self.start, end=self.end)
return DataQueryInfo('benchmark', None, data_query, self.benchmark)
[docs] def process(self):
a_data = self.children_data.get('a')
benchmark_data = self.children_data.get('benchmark')
if isinstance(a_data, ProcessorResult) and isinstance(benchmark_data, ProcessorResult):
if a_data.success and benchmark_data.success:
result = correlation(a_data.data, benchmark_data.data, w=self.w, type_=self.type_)
self.value = ProcessorResult(True, result)
self.value = ProcessorResult(False, "Processor does not have A and Benchmark data yet")
self.value = ProcessorResult(False, "Processor does not have A and Benchmark data yet")
return self.value
[docs] def get_plot_expression(self):
[docs]class ChangeProcessor(BaseProcessor):
[docs] def __init__(self,
a: DataCoordinateOrProcessor,
start: Optional[DateOrDatetimeOrRDate] = None,
end: Optional[DateOrDatetimeOrRDate] = None,
""" ChangeProcessor computes the change of a series
:param a: DataCoordinate or BaseProcessor for the series
:param start: start date or time used in the underlying data query
:param end: end date or time used in the underlying data query
# coordinate
self.children['a'] = a
# datetime
self.start = start
self.end = end
[docs] def process(self):
a_data = self.children_data.get('a')
if isinstance(a_data, ProcessorResult):
if a_data.success:
value = change(a_data.data)
self.value = ProcessorResult(True, value)
return self.value
[docs] def get_plot_expression(self):
[docs]class ReturnsProcessor(BaseProcessor):
[docs] def __init__(self,
a: DataCoordinateOrProcessor,
start: Optional[DateOrDatetimeOrRDate] = None,
end: Optional[DateOrDatetimeOrRDate] = None,
observations: Optional[int] = None,
type_: Returns = Returns.SIMPLE,
""" ReturnsProcessor computes the returns of a series
:param a: DataCoordinate or BaseProcessor for the series
:param start: start date or time used in the underlying data query
:param end: end date or time used in the underlying data query
:param observations: number of observations, defaults to the return of the entire series as a single value
:param type_: simple, logarithmic or absolute
# coordinate
self.children['a'] = a
# datetime
self.start = start
self.end = end
self.observations = observations
self.type_ = type_
[docs] def process(self):
a_data = self.children_data.get('a')
if isinstance(a_data, ProcessorResult):
if a_data.success:
data = a_data.data
if self.observations is None:
if len(data) > 1:
self.value = ProcessorResult(True, Series([(data.iloc[-1] - data.iloc[0]) / data.iloc[0]]))
self.value = ProcessorResult(True, 'Series has is less than 2.')
value = returns(a_data.data, self.observations, self.type_)
self.value = ProcessorResult(True, value)
return self.value
[docs] def get_plot_expression(self):
class BetaProcessor(BaseProcessor):
def __init__(self,
a: DataCoordinateOrProcessor,
b: DataCoordinateOrProcessor,
start: Optional[DateOrDatetimeOrRDate] = None,
end: Optional[DateOrDatetimeOrRDate] = None,
w: Union[Window, int] = Window(None, 0),
""" BetaProcessor
:param a: DataCoordinate or BaseProcessor for the first series
:param b: DataCoordinate or BaseProcessor for the second series
:param start: start date or time used in the underlying data query
:param end: end date or time used in the underlying data query
:param w: Window or int: size of window and ramp up to use. e.g. Window(22, 10) where 22 is the window size
and 10 the ramp up value. If w is a string, it should be a relative date like '1m', '1d', etc.
Window size defaults to length of series.
Calculate rolling `beta <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Beta_(finance)>`_
If window is not provided, computes beta over the full series
self.children['a'] = a
self.children['b'] = b
self.start = start
self.end = end
self.w = w
def process(self):
a_data = self.children_data.get('a')
if isinstance(a_data, ProcessorResult):
if a_data.success:
b_data = self.children_data.get('b')
# Need to check if the child node b was set in the first place.
if self.children.get('b') and isinstance(b_data, ProcessorResult):
if b_data.success:
result = beta(a_data.data, b_data.data, w=self.w)
self.value = ProcessorResult(True, result)
self.value = ProcessorResult(True, "BetaProcessor does not have 'b' series values yet.")
self.value = ProcessorResult(True, 'BetaProcessor: b is not a valid series.')
self.value = ProcessorResult(False, "BetaProcessor does not have 'a' series values yet")
self.value = ProcessorResult(False, "BetaProcessor does not have 'a' series yet")
return self.value
def get_plot_expression(self):
class FXImpliedCorrProcessor(MeasureProcessor):
def __init__(self,
cross2: Entity = None,
tenor: str = '3m',
start: Optional[DateOrDatetimeOrRDate] = None,
end: Optional[DateOrDatetimeOrRDate] = None,
""" CorrelationProcessor
:param a: DataCoordinate or BaseProcessor for the series
:param benchmark: benchmark to compare price series
:param start: start date or time used in the underlying data query
:param end: end date or time used in the underlying data query
:param w: Window, int, or str: size of window and ramp up to use. e.g. Window(22, 10) where 22 is the window
size and 10 the ramp up value. If w is a string, it should be a relative date like '1m', '1d', etc.
Window size defaults to length of series.
:param type_: type of both input series: prices or returns
super().__init__(**kwargs, )
self.cross2: Entity = cross2
self.tenor: str = tenor
# datetime
self.start = start
self.end = end
def process(self, cross1: Entity) -> ProcessorResult:
if isinstance(cross1, Cross) and isinstance(self.cross2, Cross):
with DataContext(self.start, self.end):
result = fx_implied_correlation(cross1, self.cross2, self.tenor)
self.value = ProcessorResult(True, result)
except Exception as e:
self.value = ProcessorResult(False, str(e))
self.value = ProcessorResult(False, "Processor does not have valid crosses as inputs")
return self.value
def get_plot_expression(self):