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import datetime as dt
import numpy as np
import calendar as cal
from enum import Enum, IntEnum
from pytz import timezone
from typing import Iterable, Optional, Tuple, Union
from gs_quant.datetime.gscalendar import GsCalendar
from gs_quant.target.common import PricingLocation
DateOrDates = Union[dt.date, Iterable[dt.date]]
class PaymentFrequency(IntEnum):
"""Payment frequency enumeration
Provides an enumeration of different payment frequencies used to to discount cashflows and accrue interest
DAILY = 252
class DayCountConvention(Enum):
"""Day Count Convention enumeration
Provides an enumeration of different day count conventions for determining how interest accrues over payment periods
for financial securities
# Actual/360: Number of days between dates divided by 360
ACTUAL_360 = "ACTUAL_360"
# Actual/364: Number of days between dates divided by 364
ACTUAL_364 = "ACTUAL_364"
# Actual/365_25: Number of days between dates divided by 365.25
ACTUAL_365_25 = "ACTUAL_365_25"
# Actual/365 FIXED: Number of days between dates divided by 365
# Actual/365 LEAP: Number of days between dates divided by 365 or 366 in leap years
# ONE_ONE: Always returns a day count fraction of 1
[docs]def is_business_day(dates: DateOrDates, calendars: Union[str, Tuple[str, ...]] = (), week_mask: Optional[str] = None)\
-> Union[bool, Tuple[bool]]:
Determine whether each date in dates is a business day
:param dates: The input date or dates
:param calendars: Calendars to use for holidays
:param week_mask: Which days are considered weekends (defaults to Saturday and Sunday)
:return: True/False if dates is a single date. A tuple indicating True/False for each date if dates is an iterable
>>> import datetime as dt
>>> is_business_day(dt.date.today())
>>> is_business_day(dt.date(2019, 7, 4), calendars=('NYSE',))
calendar = GsCalendar.get(calendars)
res = np.is_busday(dates, busdaycal=calendar.business_day_calendar(week_mask))
return tuple(res) if isinstance(res, np.ndarray) else res
[docs]def business_day_offset(
dates: DateOrDates, offsets: Union[int, Iterable[int]],
roll: str = 'raise', calendars: Union[str, Tuple[str, ...]] = (),
week_mask: Optional[str] = None) -> DateOrDates:
Apply offsets to the dates and move to the nearest business date
:param dates: The input date or dates
:param offsets: The number of days by which to adjust the dates
:param roll: Which direction to roll, in order to get to the nearest business date
:param calendars: Calendars to use for holidays
:param week_mask: Which days are considered weekends (defaults to Saturday and Sunday)
:return: A date (if dates is a single date) or tuple of dates, adjusted by the offsets
>>> import datetime as dt
>>> prev_bus_date = business_day_offset(dt.date.today(), -1, roll='forward')
calendar = GsCalendar.get(calendars)
res = np.busday_offset(dates, offsets, roll, busdaycal=calendar.business_day_calendar(week_mask)).astype(dt.date)
return tuple(res) if isinstance(res, np.ndarray) else res
[docs]def prev_business_date(
dates: DateOrDates = dt.date.today(),
calendars: Union[str, Tuple[str, ...]] = (),
week_mask: Optional[str] = None) -> DateOrDates:
Returns the previous business date for a given date or date series, defaulting to today.
:param dates: The input date or dates, defaults to today
:param calendars: Calendars to use for holidays
:param week_mask: Which days are considered weekends (defaults to Saturday and Sunday)
:return: A date (if dates is a single date) or tuple of dates, adjusted by the offset of one day.
>>> import datetime as dt
>>> prev_bus_date = prev_business_date()
return business_day_offset(dates, -1, roll='forward', calendars=calendars, week_mask=week_mask)
[docs]def business_day_count(begin_dates: DateOrDates, end_dates: DateOrDates, calendars: Union[str, Tuple[str, ...]] = (
), week_mask: Optional[str] = None) -> Union[int, Tuple[int]]:
Determine the number of business days between begin_dates and end_dates
:param begin_dates: A date or collection of beginning dates
:param end_dates: A date or collection of end dates
:param calendars: Calendars to use for holidays
:param week_mask: Which days are considered weekends (defaults to Saturday and Sunday)
:return: An int or tuple of ints, representing the number of business days between begin_dates and end_dates
>>> import datetime as dt
>>> today = dt.date.today()
>>> bus_days = business_day_count(today, today + dt.timedelta(days=7))
calendar = GsCalendar.get(calendars)
res = np.busday_count(begin_dates, end_dates, busdaycal=calendar.business_day_calendar(week_mask))
return tuple(res) if isinstance(res, np.ndarray) else res
[docs]def date_range(begin: Union[int, dt.date],
end: Union[int, dt.date],
calendars: Union[str, Tuple[str, ...]] = (),
week_mask: Optional[str] = None) -> Iterable[dt.date]:
Construct a range of dates
:param begin: Beginning date or int. An int will be interpreted as the number of business days before end
(which must be a date)
:param end: End date or int. An int will be interpreted as the number of business days after begin
(which must be a date)
:param calendars: Calendars to use for holidays
:param week_mask: Which days are considered weekends (defaults to Saturday and Sunday)
:return: A generator of dates
>>> import datetime as dt
>>> today = dt.date.today()
>>> dates = tuple(date_range(5, today))
>>> for date in date_range(dt.date(2019, 1, 1), dt.date(2019, 2, 1)):
>>> print(date)
if isinstance(begin, dt.date):
if isinstance(end, dt.date):
def f():
prev = begin
if prev > end:
raise ValueError('begin must be <= end')
while prev <= end:
yield prev
prev = business_day_offset(prev, 1, calendars=calendars, week_mask=week_mask)
return (d for d in f())
elif isinstance(end, int):
return (business_day_offset(begin, i, calendars=calendars, week_mask=week_mask) for i in range(end))
raise ValueError('end must be a date or int')
elif isinstance(begin, int):
if isinstance(end, dt.date):
return (business_day_offset(end, -i, roll='preceding', calendars=calendars, week_mask=week_mask)
for i in range(begin))
raise ValueError('end must be a date if begin is an int')
raise ValueError('begin must be a date or int')
def today(location: Optional[PricingLocation] = None) -> dt.date:
if not location:
return dt.date.today()
if location == PricingLocation.LDN:
tz = 'Europe/London'
elif location == PricingLocation.NYC:
tz = 'America/New_York'
elif location == PricingLocation.HKG:
tz = 'Asia/Hong_Kong'
elif location == PricingLocation.TKO:
tz = 'Asia/Tokyo'
raise ValueError(f'Unrecognized timezone {location}')
return dt.datetime.now(timezone(tz)).date()
def has_feb_29(start: dt.date, end: dt.date):
Determine if date range has a leap day (29Feb)
:param start: first date
:param end: second date
Determine if a given date range contains a leap day (Feb 29). Used for various day count convention calculations
which alter behaviour for leap years. Start date is exclusive and end date is inclusive
Determine if a given date range contains 29Feb
>>> start = date(2020, 1, 1)
>>> end = date(2020, 3, 15)
>>> has_feb_29(start, end)
feb_29 = False
for x in range(1, (end - start).days + 1):
date = start + dt.timedelta(days=x)
feb_29 = feb_29 | (date.month == 2 and date.day == 29)
return feb_29
def day_count_fraction(
start: dt.date, # First payment date
end: dt.date, # Second payment date
convention: DayCountConvention = DayCountConvention.ACTUAL_360,
frequency: PaymentFrequency = PaymentFrequency.MONTHLY
Compute day count fraction between dates
:param start: first date
:param end: second date
:param convention: day count convention
:param frequency: payment frequency of instrument
:return: day count fraction between dates per convention
Compute day count fraction between dates, based on the value of *convention*. For more information on the available
day count conventions, see the
`Day Count Conventions <https://developer.gs.com/docs/gsquant/guides/Dates/1-day-count-conventions>`_ guide.
Compute day count fraction between two dates using Actual/360 convention:
>>> start = date(2015, 11, 12)
>>> end = date(2017, 12, 15)
>>> day_count_fraction(start, end, DayCountConvention.ACTUAL_360)
if convention == DayCountConvention.ACTUAL_360:
return (end - start).days / 360
elif convention == DayCountConvention.ACTUAL_364:
return (end - start).days / 364
elif convention == DayCountConvention.ACTUAL_365F:
return (end - start).days / 365
elif convention == DayCountConvention.ACTUAL_365L:
if frequency == PaymentFrequency.ANNUALLY:
days_in_year = 366 if has_feb_29(start, end) else 365
days_in_year = 366 if cal.isleap(end.year) else 365
return (end - start).days / days_in_year
elif convention == DayCountConvention.ACTUAL_365_25:
return (end - start).days / 365.25
elif convention == DayCountConvention.ONE_ONE:
return 1
raise ValueError('Unknown day count convention: ' + convention.value)