Source code for gs_quant.datetime.relative_date

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import logging
from copy import copy
from datetime import date, datetime
from typing import Union, Optional, List

from pandas import Timestamp

import gs_quant.datetime.rules as rules
from gs_quant.errors import MqValueError
from import PricingContext
from import ExchangeCode
from import Currency

_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class RelativeDate: """ RelativeDates are objects which provide utilities for getting dates given a relative date rule. Some rules require a business day calendar. :param rule: Rule to use :param base_date: Base date to use (Optional). :return: new RelativeDate object **Usage** Create a RelativeDate object and then call `apply_rule` to get a date back. **Examples** RelativeDate to return relative previous day: >>> my_date: date = RelativeDate('-1d').apply_rule() **Documentation** Full Documentation and examples can be found here: """ def __init__(self, rule: str, base_date: Optional[date] = None): self.rule = rule self.base_date_passed_in = False if base_date: self.base_date = base_date self.base_date_passed_in = True elif PricingContext.current.is_entered: pricing_date = PricingContext.current.pricing_date self.base_date = pricing_date else: self.base_date = self.base_date = if isinstance(self.base_date, (datetime, Timestamp)) else self.base_date def apply_rule(self, currencies: List[Union[Currency, str]] = None, exchanges: List[Union[ExchangeCode, str]] = None, holiday_calendar: List[date] = None, week_mask: str = '1111100', **kwargs) -> date: """ Applies business date logic on the rule using the given holiday calendars for rules that use business day logic. week_mask is based off :param holiday_calendar: Optional list of date to use for holiday calendar. This parameter takes precedence over currencies/exchanges. :param currencies: List of currency holiday calendars to use. (GS Internal only) :param exchanges: List of exchange holiday calendars to use. :param week_mask: String of seven-element boolean mask indicating valid days. Default weekend is Sat and Sun. :return: """ result = copy(self.base_date) for rule in self._get_rules(): result = self.__handle_rule(rule, result, week_mask, currencies=currencies, exchanges=exchanges, holiday_calendar=holiday_calendar, **kwargs) return result def _get_rules(self) -> List[str]: rule_list = [] current_rule = '' if not len(self.rule): raise MqValueError('Invalid Rule ""') current_alpha = self.rule[0].isalpha() for c in self.rule: is_alpha = c.isalpha() if current_alpha and not is_alpha: if current_rule.startswith('+'): rule_list.append(current_rule[1:]) else: rule_list.append(current_rule) current_rule = '' current_alpha = False if is_alpha: current_alpha = True current_rule += c if current_rule.startswith('+'): rule_list.append(current_rule[1:]) else: rule_list.append(current_rule) return rule_list def __handle_rule(self, rule: str, result: date, week_mask: str, currencies: List[Union[Currency, str]] = None, exchanges: List[Union[ExchangeCode, str]] = None, holiday_calendar: List[date] = None, **kwargs) -> date: roll = None if rule.startswith('-'): index = 1 while index != len(rule) and rule[index].isdigit(): index += 1 number = int(rule[1:index]) * -1 if index < len(rule) else 0 rule_str = rule[index] roll = "preceding" else: index = 0 if not rule[0].isdigit(): rule_str = rule number = 0 else: while index != len(rule) and rule[index].isdigit(): index += 1 if index < len(rule): number = int(rule[0:index]) rule_str = rule[index] else: rule_str = rule number = 0 if not rule_str: raise MqValueError(f'Invalid rule "{rule}"') try: rule_class = getattr(rules, f'{rule_str}Rule') return rule_class(result, results=result, number=number, week_mask=week_mask, currencies=currencies, exchanges=exchanges, holiday_calendar=holiday_calendar, usd_calendar=kwargs.get('usd_calendar'), roll=roll).handle() except AttributeError: raise NotImplementedError(f'Rule {rule} not implemented') def as_dict(self): rdate_dict = {'rule': self.rule} if self.base_date_passed_in: rdate_dict['baseDate'] = str(self.base_date) return rdate_dict
class RelativeDateSchedule: """ RelativeDatesSchedules are objects which wrap a RelativeDate to provide a schedule between two dates Some rules require a business day calendar. :param rule: Rule to use :param base_date: Base date to use (Optional). :param end_date: No dates past this date will be returned (Optional). :return: new RelativeDateSchedule object **Usage** Create a RelativeDateSchedule object and then call `apply_rule` to get a date schedule back. **Examples** RelativeDateSchedule to return a schedule from today to 1w in the future >>> my_date: date = RelativeDateSchedule('1w',, ).apply_rule() """ def __init__(self, rule: str, base_date: Optional[date] = None, end_date: Optional[date] = None): self.rule = rule self.base_date_passed_in = False if base_date: self.base_date = base_date self.base_date_passed_in = True elif PricingContext.current.is_entered: pricing_date = PricingContext.current.pricing_date self.base_date = if isinstance(pricing_date, (datetime, Timestamp)) else pricing_date else: self.base_date = self.end_date = end_date def apply_rule(self, currencies: List[Union[Currency, str]] = None, exchanges: List[Union[ExchangeCode, str]] = None, holiday_calendar: List[date] = None, week_mask: str = '1111100', **kwargs) -> List[date]: """ Applies business date logic on the rule using the given holiday calendars for rules that use business day logic. week_mask is based off :param holiday_calendar: Optional list of date to use for holiday calendar. This parameter takes precedence over currencies/exchanges. :param currencies: List of currency holiday calendars to use. (GS Internal only) :param exchanges: List of exchange holiday calendars to use. :param week_mask: String of seven-element boolean mask indicating valid days. Default weekend is Sat and Sun. :return: """ i = 1 schedule = [self.base_date] while True: rule = f'{int(self.rule[:-1]) * i}{self.rule[-1]}' result = RelativeDate(rule, self.base_date).apply_rule(currencies, exchanges, holiday_calendar, week_mask, **kwargs) if self.end_date is None or result > self.end_date: break i += 1 schedule.append(result) return schedule def as_dict(self): rdate_dict = {'rule': self.rule} if self.base_date_passed_in: rdate_dict['baseDate'] = str(self.base_date) rdate_dict['endDate'] = str(self.end_date) return rdate_dict