Copyright 2019 Goldman Sachs.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
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software distributed under the License is distributed on an
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under the License.
import datetime as dt
import inspect
import logging
import warnings
from copy import deepcopy
from typing import Iterable, Optional, Tuple, Union
from dataclasses_json import global_config
from gs_quant.api.gs.parser import GsParserApi
from gs_quant.api.gs.risk import GsRiskApi
from gs_quant.base import get_enum_value, InstrumentBase, Priceable, Scenario
from gs_quant.common import AssetClass, AssetType, XRef, RiskMeasure
from gs_quant.markets import HistoricalPricingContext, MarketDataCoordinate, PricingContext
from gs_quant.priceable import PriceableImpl
from gs_quant.risk import FloatWithInfo, DataFrameWithInfo, SeriesWithInfo, ResolvedInstrumentValues, \
from gs_quant.risk.results import ErrorValue, MultipleRiskMeasureFuture, PricingFuture, MultipleScenarioFuture
from gs_quant.target.common import MultiScenario
_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class Instrument(PriceableImpl, InstrumentBase):
__instrument_mappings = {}
def __asset_class_and_type_to_instrument(cls):
if not cls.__instrument_mappings:
import gs_quant.target.instrument as instrument_
instrument_classes = [c for _, c in inspect.getmembers(instrument_, inspect.isclass) if
issubclass(c, Instrument) and c is not Instrument]
cls.__instrument_mappings[(AssetClass.Cash, AssetType.Currency)] = instrument_.Forward
for clazz in instrument_classes:
instrument = clazz.default_instance()
cls.__instrument_mappings[(instrument.asset_class, instrument.type)] = clazz
return cls.__instrument_mappings
def provider(self):
return self.PROVIDER
def resolve(self, in_place: bool = True) -> Optional[Union[PriceableImpl, PricingFuture, dict]]:
Resolve non-supplied properties of an instrument
>>> from gs_quant.instrument import IRSwap
>>> swap = IRSwap('Pay', '10y', 'USD')
>>> rate = swap.fixedRate
rate is None
>>> swap.resolve()
>>> rate = swap.fixedRate
rates is now the solved fixed rate
is_historical = isinstance(PricingContext.current, HistoricalPricingContext)
def handle_result(result: Optional[Union[ErrorValue, InstrumentBase]]) -> Optional[PriceableImpl]:
ret = None if in_place else result
if isinstance(result, ErrorValue):
_logger.error('Failed to resolve instrument fields: ' + result.error)
ret = {result.risk_key.date: None} if is_historical else None
elif result is None:
_logger.error('Unknown error resolving instrument fields')
ret = {dt.date.today(): self} if is_historical else self
elif in_place:
return ret
if in_place and is_historical:
raise RuntimeError('Cannot resolve in place under a HistoricalPricingContext')
if in_place and len([i for i in Scenario.path if isinstance(i, MultiScenario)]):
raise RuntimeError('Cannot resolve in place under a MultiScenario Context')
return self.calc(ResolvedInstrumentValues, fn=handle_result)
def calc(self, risk_measure: Union[RiskMeasure, Iterable[RiskMeasure]], fn=None) \
-> Union[DataFrameWithInfo, ErrorValue, FloatWithInfo, PriceableImpl, PricingFuture,
SeriesWithInfo, Tuple[MarketDataCoordinate, ...]]:
Calculate the value of the risk_measure
:param risk_measure: the risk measure to compute, e.g. IRDelta (from gs_quant.risk)
:param fn: post-processing function (optional)
:return: a float or dataframe, depending on whether the value is scalar or structured, or a future thereof
(depending on how PricingContext is being used)
>>> from gs_quant.instrument import IRCap
>>> from gs_quant.risk import IRDelta
>>> cap = IRCap('1y', 'USD')
>>> delta = cap.calc(IRDelta)
delta is a dataframe
>>> from gs_quant.instrument import EqOption
>>> from gs_quant.risk import EqDelta
>>> option = EqOption('.SPX', '3m', 'ATMF', 'Call', 'European')
>>> delta = option.calc(EqDelta)
delta is a float
>>> from gs_quant.markets import PricingContext
>>> cap_usd = IRCap('1y', 'USD')
>>> cap_eur = IRCap('1y', 'EUR')
>>> with PricingContext():
>>> usd_delta_f = cap_usd.calc(IRDelta)
>>> eur_delta_f = cap_eur.calc(IRDelta)
>>> usd_delta = usd_delta_f.result()
>>> eur_delta = eur_delta_f.result()
usd_delta_f and eur_delta_f are futures, usd_delta and eur_delta are dataframes
def get_inst_futures(curr_measure):
return MultipleScenarioFuture(self, multi_scenario.scenarios,
(curr_measure.pricing_context.calc(self, curr_measure),)) \
if multi_scenario else curr_measure.pricing_context.calc(self, curr_measure)
single_measure = isinstance(risk_measure, RiskMeasure)
multi_scenario = next((i for i in Scenario.path if isinstance(i, MultiScenario)), None)
with self._pricing_context:
future = get_inst_futures(risk_measure) if single_measure else \
MultipleRiskMeasureFuture(self, {r: get_inst_futures(r) for r in risk_measure})
# Warn on use of deprecated measures
def warning_on_one_line(msg, category, _filename, _lineno, _file=None, _line=None):
return f'{category.__name__}:{msg}'
for measure in (risk_measure,) if single_measure else risk_measure:
if measure.name in DEPRECATED_MEASURES.keys():
message = '{0} risk measure is deprecated. Please use {1} instead and pass in arguments to describe ' \
'risk measure specifics.\n'.format(measure.name, DEPRECATED_MEASURES[measure.name])
warnings.formatwarning = warning_on_one_line
warnings.warn(message, DeprecationWarning)
if fn is not None:
ret = PricingFuture()
def cb(f):
except Exception as e:
future = ret
return future if self._return_future else future.result()
def from_dict(cls, values: dict):
if not values:
instrument = cls if hasattr(cls, 'asset_class') else None
if instrument is None:
builder_type = values.get('$type') or values.get('builder', values.get('defn', {})).get('$type')
values_used = values.get('builder', values.get('defn', values))
if builder_type:
from gs_quant_internal.base import decode_quill_value
return decode_quill_value(values_used)
asset_class_field = next((f for f in ('asset_class', 'assetClass') if f in values), None)
if not asset_class_field:
raise ValueError('assetClass/asset_class not specified')
if 'type' not in values:
raise ValueError('type not specified')
asset_type = values.pop('type')
asset_class = values.pop(asset_class_field)
security_types = (None, '', 'Security')
default_type = Security if asset_type in security_types and asset_class in security_types else None
instrument = Instrument.__asset_class_and_type_to_instrument().get((
get_enum_value(AssetClass, asset_class),
get_enum_value(AssetType, asset_type)), default_type)
if instrument is None:
raise ValueError('unable to build instrument')
return instrument.from_dict(values)
def from_quick_entry(cls, text: str, asset_class: Optional[AssetClass] = None):
if not asset_class:
inst = cls.default_instance()
asset_class = inst.asset_class
except AttributeError:
if not asset_class:
res = GsParserApi.get_instrument_from_text(text)
if len(res): # multiple instruments returned
instrument = res.pop(0)
raise ValueError('Could not resolve instrument')
instrument = GsParserApi.get_instrument_from_text_asset_class(text, asset_class.value)
return cls.from_dict(instrument)
except AttributeError:
raise ValueError('Invalid instrument specification')
def from_asset_ids(cls, asset_ids: Tuple[str, ...]) -> Tuple[InstrumentBase, ...]:
from gs_quant.api.gs.assets import GsAssetApi
instruments = GsAssetApi.get_instruments_for_asset_ids(asset_ids)
inst = cls.default_instance()
asset_class = inst.asset_class
asset_type = inst.type
if not all(i.asset_class == asset_class and i.type == asset_type for i in instruments):
raise ValueError(f'Instrument(s) not all of type {cls.__name__}')
except AttributeError:
return instruments
def from_asset_id(cls, asset_id: str) -> InstrumentBase:
return cls.from_asset_ids((asset_id,))[0]
def compose(components: Iterable):
return {c.risk_key.date if isinstance(c, ErrorValue) else c.resolution_key.date: c for c in components}
def flip(self, in_place: bool = True):
return self.scale(-1, in_place)
def scale(self, scaling: float, in_place: bool = True):
if scaling is None:
return self
if not hasattr(self, 'scale_in_place'):
raise NotImplementedError(f'scale_in_place not implemented on {type(self).__name__}')
if in_place:
new_inst = deepcopy(self)
return new_inst
class DummyInstrument(Instrument):
def __init__(self, dummy_result: Union[str, float] = None):
self.dummy_result = dummy_result
def dummy_result(self) -> Union[str, float]:
return self.__dummy_result
def dummy_result(self, value: Union[str, float]):
self.__dummy_result = value
def type(self) -> AssetType:
return AssetType.Any
[docs]class Security(XRef, Instrument):
"""A security, specified by a well-known identifier"""
def __init__(self,
ticker: str = None,
bbid: str = None,
ric: str = None,
isin: str = None,
cusip: str = None,
prime_id: str = None,
quantity: float = 1):
Create a security by passing one identifier only and, optionally, a quantity
:param ticker: Exchange ticker
:param bbid: Bloomberg identifier
:param isin: International Security Number
:param cusip: CUSIP
:param prime_id: Prime (GS internal) identifier
:param quantity: Quantity (number of contracts for exchange-traded instruments, notional for bonds)
if len(tuple(filter(None, (f is not None for f in (ticker, bbid, isin, cusip, prime_id))))) > 1:
raise ValueError('Only specify one identifier')
XRef.__init__(self, ticker=ticker, bbid=bbid, ric=ric, isin=isin, cusip=cusip, prime_id=prime_id)
self.quantity_ = quantity
def encode_instrument(instrument: Optional[Instrument]) -> Optional[dict]:
if instrument is not None:
return instrument.to_dict()
def encode_instruments(instruments: Optional[Iterable[Instrument]]) -> Optional[Iterable[Optional[dict]]]:
if instruments is not None:
return [encode_instrument(i) for i in instruments]
global_config.decoders[Instrument] = Instrument.from_dict
global_config.decoders[InstrumentBase] = Instrument.from_dict
global_config.encoders[Instrument] = encode_instrument
global_config.encoders[Priceable] = encode_instrument
global_config.encoders[Optional[Priceable]] = encode_instrument
global_config.encoders[Optional[Instrument]] = encode_instrument
global_config.encoders[Optional[InstrumentBase]] = encode_instrument