Source code for

Copyright 2019 Goldman Sachs.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
software distributed under the License is distributed on an
KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
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under the License.
from copy import deepcopy
from functools import wraps
import json
import logging
from pydash import has, set_

from import GsAsset
from import GsIndexApi
from import GsReportApi
from import GsUsersApi
from import DataMeasure
from gs_quant.entities.entity import EntityType, PositionedEntity
from gs_quant.entities.entitlements import Entitlements as BasketEntitlements
from gs_quant.errors import MqError, MqValueError
from gs_quant.json_encoder import JSONEncoder
from import *
from import Asset, AssetType as SecAssetType
from gs_quant.session import GsSession
from import DataQuery
from import *
from import Report, ReportStatus
from import PositionSet

_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

class ErrorMessage(Enum):
    NON_ADMIN = 'You are not permitted to perform this action on this basket. Please make sure \
        the basket owner has entitled your application properly if you believe this is a mistake'
    NON_INTERNAL = 'You are not permitted to access this basket setting.'
    UNINITIALIZED = 'Basket class object must be initialized using one of an existing basket\'s \
        identifiers to perform this action'
    UNMODIFIABLE = 'This property can not be modified since the basket has already been created'

def _validate(*error_msgs):
    """ Confirms initialization is complete and checks for errors before calling function """
    def _outer(fn):
        def _inner(self, *args, **kwargs):
            if has(self, '_Basket__error_messages') and self._Basket__error_messages is not None:
                if len(self._Basket__error_messages) < 1:
                for error_msg in error_msgs:
                    if error_msg in self._Basket__error_messages:
                        raise MqError(error_msg.value)
            return fn(self, *args, **kwargs)
        return _inner
    return _outer

[docs]class Basket(Asset, PositionedEntity): """ Basket which tracks an evolving portfolio of securities, and can be traded through cash or derivatives markets """
[docs] def __init__(self, gs_asset: GsAsset = None, **kwargs): self.__error_messages = None if gs_asset: if gs_asset.type.value not in BasketType.to_list(): raise MqValueError(f'Failed to initialize. Asset {} is not a basket') self.__id = self.__initial_entitlements = gs_asset.entitlements asset_entity: Dict = json.loads(json.dumps(gs_asset.as_dict(), cls=JSONEncoder)) Asset.__init__(self,, gs_asset.asset_class,,, currency=gs_asset.currency, entity=asset_entity) PositionedEntity.__init__(self,, EntityType.ASSET) self.__populate_current_attributes_for_existing_basket(gs_asset) else: self.__populate_default_attributes_for_new_basket(**kwargs) self.__error_messages = set([]) if get(kwargs, '_finish_init', False): self.__finish_initialization()
[docs] @classmethod def get(cls, identifier: str, **kwargs): """ Fetch an existing basket :param identifier: Any common identifier for a basket (ric, ticker, etc.) :return: Basket object **Usage** Get existing basket instance **Examples** Get basket details: >>> from import Basket >>> >>> basket = Basket.get("GSMBXXXX") """ gs_asset = cls.__get_gs_asset(identifier) return cls(gs_asset=gs_asset, _finish_init=get(kwargs, '_finish_init', True))
[docs] @_validate() def get_details(self) -> pd.DataFrame: """ Get basket details :return: dataframe containing current basket properties **Usage** Get basket's current state **Examples** Get basket details: >>> from import Basket >>> >>> basket = Basket.get("GSMBXXXX") >>> basket.get_details() """ props = list(, props = sorted(props) details = [{'name': k, 'value': get(self, k)} for k in props if has(self, k)] return pd.DataFrame(details)
[docs] def create(self) -> Dict: """ Create a new custom basket in Marquee :return: dictionary containing asset id and report id **Usage** Create a new custom basket in Marquee **See also** :func:`get_details` :func:`poll_status` :func:`update` """ inputs, pricing, publish = {}, {}, {} for prop in set_(inputs, prop, get(self, prop)) for prop in set_(pricing, prop, get(self, prop)) for prop in set_(publish, prop, get(self, prop)) set_(inputs, 'position_set', self.position_set.to_target(common=False)) set_(inputs, 'pricing_parameters', CustomBasketsPricingParameters(**pricing)) set_(inputs, 'publish_parameters', PublishParameters(**publish)) create_inputs = CustomBasketsCreateInputs(**inputs) response = GsIndexApi.create(create_inputs) gs_asset = GsAssetApi.get_asset(response.asset_id) self.__latest_create_report = GsReportApi.get_report(response.report_id) self.__init__(gs_asset=gs_asset, _finish_init=True) return response.as_dict()
[docs] @_validate(ErrorMessage.UNINITIALIZED) def clone(self): """ Retrieve a clone of an existing basket :return: New basket instance with position set identical to current basket **Usage** Clone an existing basket's position set in a new basket instance prior to creation **Examples** Clone current basket: >>> from import Basket >>> >>> parent_basket = Basket.get("GSMBXXXX") >>> clone = parent_basket.clone() **See also** :func:`create` """ position_set = deepcopy(self.position_set) return Basket(position_set=position_set,, parent_basket=self.ticker)
[docs] @_validate(ErrorMessage.UNINITIALIZED, ErrorMessage.NON_ADMIN) def update(self) -> Dict: """ Update your custom basket :return: dictionary containing asset id and report id **Usage** Make updates to your basket's metadata, pricing options, publishing options, or composition **See also** :func:`get_details` :func:`poll_status` :func:`create` """ edit_inputs, rebal_inputs = self.__get_updates() response = None init_entitlements = BasketEntitlements.from_target(self.__initial_entitlements) if not init_entitlements == self.__entitlements: response = GsAssetApi.update_asset_entitlements(, self.__entitlements.to_target(include_all_tokens=True)) if edit_inputs is None and rebal_inputs is None: if response: return response raise MqValueError('Update failed: Nothing on the basket was changed') elif edit_inputs is not None and rebal_inputs is None: response = GsIndexApi.edit(, edit_inputs) elif rebal_inputs is not None and edit_inputs is None: response = GsIndexApi.rebalance(, rebal_inputs) else: response = self.__edit_and_rebalance(edit_inputs, rebal_inputs) gs_asset = GsAssetApi.get_asset( self.__latest_create_report = GsReportApi.get_report(response.report_id) self.__init__(gs_asset=gs_asset, _finish_init=True) return response.as_dict()
[docs] @_validate(ErrorMessage.UNINITIALIZED, ErrorMessage.NON_ADMIN) def upload_position_history(self, position_sets: List[PositionSet]) -> Dict: """ Upload basket composition history :param position_sets: list of dated position sets :return: dictionary containing asset id and report id **Usage** Upload your basket's historical composition after it's been created **Examples** Upload composition history from a list of identifiers: >>> from datetime import date >>> from import Basket >>> from import PositionSet >>> >>> first_position_set = PositionSet.from_list(['BBID1', 'BBID2'], date(2020, 1, 1)) >>> second_position_set = PositionSet.from_list(['BBID1','BBID2', 'BBID3'], date(2021, 1, 1)) >>> >>> basket = Basket.get("GSMBXXXX") >>> basket.upload_position_history([first_position_set, second_position_set]) **See also** :class:`PositionSet` """ if self.default_backcast: raise MqValueError('Unable to upload position history: option must be set during basket creation') historical_position_sets = [] for position_set in position_sets: self.__validate_position_set(position_set) positions = [IndicesPositionInput(p.asset_id, p.weight) for p in position_set.positions] historical_position_sets.append(IndicesPositionSet(tuple(positions), response = GsIndexApi.backcast(, CustomBasketsBackcastInputs(tuple(historical_position_sets))) return response.as_dict()
[docs] @_validate(ErrorMessage.UNINITIALIZED) def poll_status(self, timeout: int = 600, step: int = 30) -> ReportStatus: """ Polls the status of the basket's most recent create/edit/rebalance report :param timeout: how many seconds you'd like to poll for (default is 600 sec) :param step: how frequently you'd like to check the report's status (default is every 30 sec) :return: Report status **Usage** Poll the status of a newly created or updated basket **Examples** Poll most recent create/update report status: >>> from import Basket >>> >>> basket = Basket.get("GSMBXXXX") >>> basket.poll_status(timeout=120, step=20) **See also** :func:`create` :func:`update` """ report = get(self, '__latest_create_report', self.__get_latest_create_report()) report_id = get(report, 'id') return self.poll_report(report_id, timeout, step)
[docs] @_validate(ErrorMessage.UNINITIALIZED) def get_latest_rebalance_data(self) -> Dict: """ Retrieve the most recent rebalance data for a basket **Usage** Retrieve the most recent rebalance data for a basket **Examples** Retrieve the most recent rebalance data for a basket >>> from import Basket >>> >>> basket = Basket.get("GSMBXXXX") >>> basket.get_latest_rebalance_data() **See also** :func:`get_latest_rebalance_date` """ return GsIndexApi.last_rebalance_data(
[docs] @_validate(ErrorMessage.UNINITIALIZED) def get_latest_rebalance_date(self) -> """ Retrieve the most recent rebalance date for a basket :return: dictionary **Usage** Retrieve the most recent rebalance date for a basket **Examples** Retrieve the most recent rebalance date for a basket >>> from import Basket >>> >>> basket = Basket.get("GSMBXXXX") >>> basket.get_latest_rebalance_date() **See also** :func:`get_latest_rebalance_data` """ last_rebalance = GsIndexApi.last_rebalance_data( return dt.datetime.strptime(last_rebalance['date'], '%Y-%m-%d').date()
[docs] @_validate(ErrorMessage.UNINITIALIZED) def get_rebalance_approval_status(self) -> str: """ Retrieve the most recent rebalance submission's approval status :return: current approval status **Usage** Retrieve the most recent rebalance submission's approval status **Examples** Retrieve the most recent rebalance submission's approval status >>> from import Basket >>> >>> basket = Basket.get("GSMBXXXX") >>> basket.get_rebalance_approval_status() **See also** :func:`cancel_rebalance` :func:`poll_report` """ last_approval = GsIndexApi.last_rebalance_approval( return get(last_approval, 'status')
[docs] @_validate(ErrorMessage.NON_ADMIN) def cancel_rebalance(self) -> Dict: """ Cancel the most recent rebalance submission **Usage** Cancel the basket's most recent rebalance submission if it has not yet been approved **Examples** Cancel the basket's most recent rebalance submission >>> from import Basket >>> >>> basket = Basket.get("GSMBXXXX") >>> basket.cancel_rebalance() **See also** :func:`get_rebalance_approval_status` :func:`update` """ return GsIndexApi.cancel_rebalance(, CustomBasketsRebalanceAction.default_instance())
[docs] @_validate(ErrorMessage.UNINITIALIZED) def get_corporate_actions(self, start: = DateLimit.LOW_LIMIT.value, end: = + dt.timedelta(days=10), ca_type: List[CorporateActionType] = CorporateActionType.to_list()) -> pd.DataFrame: """ Retrieve corporate actions for a basket across a date range :param start: start date (default minimum date value) :param end: end date (default is maximum date value) :param ca_type: list of corporate action types (default is all) :return: dataframe with corporate actions information **Usage** Retrieve corporate actions for a basket across a date range **Examples** Retrieve historical acquisition corporate actions for a basket >>> from import Basket >>> from import CorporateActionType >>> >>> basket = Basket.get("GSMBXXXX") >>> basket.get_corporate_actions(ca_type=[CorporateActionType.ACQUISITION]) **See also** :func:`get_fundamentals` """ where = dict(, corporateActionType=ca_type) query = DataQuery(where=where, start_date=start, end_date=end) response = GsDataApi.query_data(query=query, dataset_id=IndicesDatasets.CORPORATE_ACTIONS.value) return pd.DataFrame(response)
[docs] @_validate(ErrorMessage.UNINITIALIZED) def get_fundamentals(self, start: = DateLimit.LOW_LIMIT.value, end: =, period: DataMeasure = DataMeasure.ONE_YEAR.value, direction: DataMeasure = DataMeasure.FORWARD.value, metrics: List[DataMeasure] = DataMeasure.list_fundamentals()) -> pd.DataFrame: """ Retrieve fundamentals data for a basket across a date range :param start: start date (default minimum date value) :param end: end date (default is today) :param period: period for the relevant metric (default is 1y) :param direction: direction of the outlook period (default is forward) :param metrics: list of fundamentals metrics (default is all) :return: dataframe with fundamentals information **Usage** Retrieve fundamentals data for a basket across a date range **Examples** Retrieve historical dividend yield data for a basket >>> from import DataMeasure >>> from import Basket >>> >>> basket = Basket.get("GSMBXXXX") >>> basket.get_fundamentals(metrics=[DataMeasure.DIVIDEND_YIELD]) **See also** :func:`get_corporate_actions` """ where = dict(, period=period, periodDirection=direction, metric=metrics) query = DataQuery(where=where, start_date=start, end_date=end) response = GsDataApi.query_data(query=query, dataset_id=IndicesDatasets.BASKET_FUNDAMENTALS.value) return pd.DataFrame(response)
[docs] @_validate(ErrorMessage.UNINITIALIZED) def get_live_date(self) -> Optional[]: """ Retrieve basket's live date **Usage** Retrieve basket's live date **Examples** >>> from import Basket >>> >>> basket = Basket.get("GSMBXXXX") >>> basket.get_live_date() """ return self.__live_date
[docs] def get_type(self) -> Optional[SecAssetType]: """ Retrieve basket type **Usage** Retrieve basket type **Examples** >>> from import Basket >>> >>> basket = Basket.get("GSMBXXXX") >>> basket.get_type() """ if self.__gs_asset_type: return SecAssetType[]
[docs] @_validate(ErrorMessage.UNINITIALIZED) def get_url(self) -> str: """ Retrieve url to basket's product page in Marquee **Usage** Retrieve url to basket's product page in Marquee **Examples** >>> from import Basket >>> >>> basket = Basket.get("GSMBXXXX") >>> basket.get_url() """ env = '-dev' if 'dev' in get(GsSession, 'current.domain', '') else '' env = '-qa' if 'qa' in get(GsSession, 'current.domain', '') else env return f'https://marquee{env}{}/summary'
[docs] @_validate(ErrorMessage.UNINITIALIZED, ErrorMessage.NON_ADMIN) def add_factor_risk_report(self, risk_model_id: str, fx_hedged: bool): """ Create and schedule a new factor risk report for your basket :param risk_model_id: risk model identifier :param fx_hedged: Assume basket is FX hedged **Usage** Create and schedule a new factor risk report for your basket **Examples** >>> from import Basket >>> >>> basket = Basket.get("GSMBXXXX") >>> basket.add_factor_risk_report('AXUS4M', True) **See also** :func:`delete_factor_risk_report` """ payload = CustomBasketRiskParams(risk_model=risk_model_id, fx_hedged=fx_hedged) return GsIndexApi.update_risk_reports(payload)
[docs] @_validate(ErrorMessage.UNINITIALIZED, ErrorMessage.NON_ADMIN) def delete_factor_risk_report(self, risk_model_id: str): """ Delete an existing factor risk report for your basket :param risk_model_id: risk model identifier for the report you'd like to delete **Usage** Delete an existing factor risk report for your basket **Examples** >>> from import Basket >>> >>> basket = Basket.get("GSMBXXXX") >>> basket.delete_factor_risk_report('AXUS4M') **See also** :func:`add_factor_risk_report` """ payload = CustomBasketRiskParams(risk_model=risk_model_id, delete=True) return GsIndexApi.update_risk_reports(payload)
@property def allow_ca_restricted_assets(self) -> Optional[bool]: """ Allow basket to have constituents that will not be corporate action adjusted in the future """ return self.__allow_ca_restricted_assets @allow_ca_restricted_assets.setter @_validate(ErrorMessage.NON_ADMIN) def allow_ca_restricted_assets(self, value: bool): self.__allow_ca_restricted_assets = value @property def allow_limited_access_assets(self) -> Optional[bool]: """ Allow basket to have constituents that GS has limited access to """ return self.__allow_limited_access_assets @allow_limited_access_assets.setter @_validate(ErrorMessage.NON_ADMIN) def allow_limited_access_assets(self, value: bool): self.__allow_limited_access_assets = value @property def clone_parent_id(self) -> Optional[str]: """ Marquee Id of the source basket, in case basket composition is sourced from another marquee basket """ return self.__clone_parent_id @property def currency(self) -> Optional[IndicesCurrency]: """ Denomination of the basket """ return self.__currency @currency.setter @_validate(ErrorMessage.UNMODIFIABLE) def currency(self, value: IndicesCurrency): self.__currency = value @property def default_backcast(self) -> Optional[bool]: """ If basket should be backcasted using the current composition """ return self.__default_backcast @default_backcast.setter @_validate(ErrorMessage.UNMODIFIABLE) def default_backcast(self, value: bool): self.__default_backcast = value @property def description(self) -> Optional[str]: """ Free text description of basket """ return self.__description @description.setter @_validate(ErrorMessage.NON_ADMIN) def description(self, value: str): self.__description = value @property @_validate() def divisor(self) -> Optional[float]: """ Divisor to be applied to the overall position set """ return self.__divisor @divisor.setter @_validate(ErrorMessage.NON_ADMIN) def divisor(self, value: float): self.__initial_price = None self.__divisor = value @property @_validate() def entitlements(self) -> Optional[BasketEntitlements]: """ Basket entitlements """ return self.__entitlements @entitlements.setter @_validate(ErrorMessage.NON_ADMIN) def entitlements(self, value: BasketEntitlements): self.__entitlements = value @property def flagship(self) -> Optional[bool]: """ If the basket is flagship (internal only) """ return self.__flagship @flagship.setter @_validate(ErrorMessage.NON_INTERNAL) def flagship(self, value: bool): self.__flagship = value @property def hedge_id(self) -> Optional[str]: """ Marquee Id of the source hedge, in case current basket composition is sourced from marquee hedge """ return self.__hedge_id @property def include_price_history(self) -> Optional[bool]: """ Include full price history when publishing to Bloomberg """ return self.__include_price_history @include_price_history.setter @_validate(ErrorMessage.NON_ADMIN) def include_price_history(self, value: bool): self.__include_price_history = value @property @_validate() def initial_price(self) -> Optional[float]: """ Initial price the basket it should start ticking at """ return self.__initial_price @initial_price.setter @_validate(ErrorMessage.NON_ADMIN) def initial_price(self, value: float): self.__divisor = None self.__initial_price = value @property def name(self) -> Optional[str]: """ Display name of the basket (must be <= 24 characters)""" return self.__name @name.setter @_validate(ErrorMessage.NON_ADMIN) def name(self, value: str): if len(value) > 24:'Basket name of {len(value)} characters is too long (must be <= 24 characters).') self.__name = value @property def parent_basket(self) -> Optional[str]: """ Ticker of the source basket, in case current basket composition is sourced from another marquee basket """ if has(self, '__clone_parent_id') and not has(self, '__parent_basket'): self.__parent_basket = get(GsAssetApi.get_asset(self.__clone_parent_id), 'id') return self.__parent_basket @parent_basket.setter @_validate(ErrorMessage.UNMODIFIABLE) def parent_basket(self, value: str): self.__clone_parent_id = get(__get_gs_asset(value), 'id') self.__parent_basket = value @property @_validate() def position_set(self) -> Optional[PositionSet]: """ Information of constituents associated with the basket """ return self.__position_set @position_set.setter @_validate(ErrorMessage.NON_ADMIN) def position_set(self, value: PositionSet): self.__validate_position_set(value) self.__position_set = value @property @_validate() def publish_to_bloomberg(self) -> Optional[bool]: """ If the basket should be published to Bloomberg """ return self.__publish_to_bloomberg @publish_to_bloomberg.setter @_validate(ErrorMessage.NON_ADMIN) def publish_to_bloomberg(self, value: bool): self.__publish_to_bloomberg = value @property @_validate() def publish_to_factset(self) -> Optional[bool]: """ If the basket should be published to Factset """ return self.__publish_to_factset @publish_to_factset.setter @_validate(ErrorMessage.NON_ADMIN) def publish_to_factset(self, value: bool): self.__publish_to_factset = value @property def publish_to_reuters(self) -> Optional[bool]: """ If the basket should be published to Reuters """ return self.__publish_to_reuters @publish_to_reuters.setter @_validate(ErrorMessage.NON_ADMIN) def publish_to_reuters(self, value: bool): self.__publish_to_reuters = value @property def return_type(self) -> Optional[ReturnType]: """ Determines the index calculation methodology with respect to dividend reinvestment """ return self.__return_type @return_type.setter @_validate(ErrorMessage.NON_ADMIN) def return_type(self, value: ReturnType): self.__return_type = value @property def reweight(self) -> Optional[bool]: """ To reweight positions if input weights don't add up to 1 """ return self.__reweight @reweight.setter @_validate(ErrorMessage.NON_ADMIN) def reweight(self, value: bool): self.__reweight = value @property def target_notional(self) -> Optional[float]: """ Target notional for the position set """ return self.__target_notional @target_notional.setter @_validate(ErrorMessage.NON_ADMIN) def target_notional(self, value: float): self.__target_notional = value @property def ticker(self) -> Optional[str]: """ Associated 8-character basket identifier """ return self.__ticker @ticker.setter @_validate(ErrorMessage.UNMODIFIABLE) def ticker(self, value: str): self.__validate_ticker(value) self.__ticker = value @property def weighting_strategy(self) -> Optional[WeightingStrategy]: """ Strategy used to price the position set """ return self.__weighting_strategy @weighting_strategy.setter @_validate(ErrorMessage.NON_ADMIN) def weighting_strategy(self, value: WeightingStrategy): self.__weighting_strategy = value def __edit_and_rebalance(self, edit_inputs: CustomBasketsEditInputs, rebal_inputs: CustomBasketsRebalanceInputs) -> CustomBasketsResponse: """ If updates require edit and rebalance, rebal will not be scheduled until/if edit report succeeds """'Current update request requires multiple reports. Your rebalance request will be submitted \ once the edit report has completed. Submitting basket edits now...') response = GsIndexApi.edit(, edit_inputs) report_id = response.report_id self.__latest_create_report = GsReportApi.get_report(response.report_id) report_status = self.poll_report(report_id, timeout=600, step=15) if report_status != ReportStatus.done: raise MqError(f'The basket edit report\'s status is {report_status}. The current rebalance request will \ not be submitted in the meantime.')'Your basket edits have completed successfuly. Submitting rebalance request now...') response = GsIndexApi.rebalance(, rebal_inputs) return response def __finish_initialization(self): """ Fetches remaining data not retrieved during basket initialization """ if has(self, 'id'): if not has(self, '__initial_positions'): position_set = GsAssetApi.get_latest_positions(, PositionType.ANY) position_set = PositionSet.from_target(position_set) self.__position_set = position_set self.__divisor = get(position_set, 'divisor') self.__initial_positions = set(deepcopy(self.__position_set.positions)) set_(self.__initial_state, 'divisor', self.__divisor) set_(self.__initial_state, 'position_set', self.__position_set) if not has(self.__initial_state, 'initial_price'): initial_price = GsIndexApi.initial_price(, self.__initial_price = get(initial_price, 'price') set_(self.__initial_state, 'initial_price', self.__initial_price) if not has(self.__initial_state, 'publish_to_bloomberg'): report = get(self, '__latest_create_report', self.__get_latest_create_report()) self.__publish_to_bloomberg = get(report, 'parameters.publish_to_bloomberg') self.__publish_to_factset = get(report, 'parameters.publish_to_factset') self.__publish_to_reuters = get(report, 'parameters.publish_to_reuters') set_(self.__initial_state, 'publish_to_bloomberg', self.__publish_to_bloomberg) set_(self.__initial_state, 'publish_to_factset', self.__publish_to_factset) set_(self.__initial_state, 'publish_to_reuters', self.__publish_to_reuters) if not has(self, '__entitlements'): self.__entitlements = BasketEntitlements.from_target(self.__initial_entitlements) self.__set_error_messages() @staticmethod def __get_gs_asset(identifier: str) -> GsAsset: """ Resolves basket identifier during initialization """ response = GsAssetApi.resolve_assets(identifier=[identifier], fields=['id'], limit=1)[identifier] if len(response) == 0 or get(response, '') is None: raise MqValueError(f'Basket could not be found using identifier {identifier}') return GsAssetApi.get_asset(get(response, '')) def __get_latest_create_report(self) -> Report: """ Used to find baskets's most recent price/publish info """ report = GsReportApi.get_reports(limit=1,, report_type='Basket Create', order_by='>latestExecutionTime') return get(report, '0') def __get_updates(self) -> Tuple[Optional[CustomBasketsEditInputs], Optional[CustomBasketsRebalanceInputs]]: """ Compares initial and current basket state to determine if updates require edit/rebalance """ edit_inputs, rebal_inputs, pricing, publish = {}, {}, {}, {} update_publish_params = False for prop in if get(self.__initial_state, prop) != get(self, prop): set_(edit_inputs, prop, get(self, prop)) for prop in if prop != 'position_set' and get(self.__initial_state, prop) != get(self, prop): set_(rebal_inputs, prop, get(self, prop)) for prop in if get(self.__initial_state, prop) != get(self, prop): set_(pricing, prop, get(self, prop)) for prop in if get(self.__initial_state, prop) != get(self, prop): update_publish_params = True set_(publish, prop, get(self, prop)) curr_positions = set(self.position_set.positions) position_set_changed = False if self.__initial_positions == curr_positions else True # handle nested objects and make sure required/default values are input correctly if len(rebal_inputs) or len(pricing) or position_set_changed: set_(rebal_inputs, 'position_set', self.position_set.to_target(common=False)) set_(rebal_inputs, 'pricing_parameters', CustomBasketsPricingParameters(**pricing)) # publish params can be sent during edit or rebal, so we choose depending on current payload states if update_publish_params: publish = PublishParameters(**publish) set_(rebal_inputs if len(rebal_inputs) else edit_inputs, 'publish_parameters', publish) edit_inputs = None if not len(edit_inputs) else CustomBasketsEditInputs(**edit_inputs) rebal_inputs = None if not len(rebal_inputs) else CustomBasketsRebalanceInputs(**rebal_inputs) return edit_inputs, rebal_inputs def __populate_current_attributes_for_existing_basket(self, gs_asset: GsAsset): """ Current basket settings for existing basket """ self.__clone_parent_id = get(gs_asset, 'parameters.cloneParentId') self.__default_backcast = get(gs_asset, 'parameters.defaultBackcast') self.__description = get(gs_asset, 'description') self.__flagship = get(gs_asset, 'parameters.flagship') self.__gs_asset_type = get(gs_asset, 'type') self.__hedge_id = get(gs_asset, 'parameters.hedgeId') self.__include_price_history = False self.__live_date = get(gs_asset, 'liveDate') self.__return_type = get(gs_asset, 'parameters.indexCalculationType') self.__ticker = get(gs_asset, 'xref.ticker') self.__initial_state = {} for prop in,, set_(self.__initial_state, prop, get(self, prop)) def __populate_default_attributes_for_new_basket(self, **kwargs): """ Default basket settings prior to creation """ self.__allow_ca_restricted_assets = get(kwargs, 'allow_ca_restricted_assets') self.__allow_limited_access_assets = get(kwargs, 'allow_limited_access_assets') self.__clone_parent_id = get(kwargs, 'clone_parent_id') self.__currency = get(kwargs, 'currency') self.__default_backcast = get(kwargs, 'default_backcast', True) self.__description = get(kwargs, 'description') self.__divisor = get(kwargs, 'divisor') self.__hedge_id = get(kwargs, 'hedge_id') self.__include_price_history = get(kwargs, 'include_price_history', False) self.__initial_price = get(kwargs, 'initial_price', 100) if self.__divisor is None else None self.__name = get(kwargs, 'name') self.__parent_basket = get(kwargs, 'parent_basket') if self.__parent_basket is not None and self.__clone_parent_id is None: self.__clone_parent_id = get(__get_gs_asset(self.__parent_basket), 'id') self.__position_set = get(kwargs, 'position_set') self.__publish_to_bloomberg = get(kwargs, 'publish_to_bloomberg', True) self.__publish_to_factset = get(kwargs, 'publish_to_factset', False) self.__publish_to_reuters = get(kwargs, 'publish_to_reuters', False) self.__return_type = get(kwargs, 'return_type') self.__target_notional = get(kwargs, 'target_notional', 10000000) self.__ticker = get(kwargs, 'ticker') def __set_error_messages(self): """ Errors to check for based on current user/basket state """ if len(get(self, '__error_messages', [])) > 0: return errors = [] user_tokens = get(GsUsersApi.get_current_user_info(), 'tokens', []) if 'internal' not in user_tokens: errors.append(ErrorMessage.NON_INTERNAL) if not has(self, 'id'): errors.append(ErrorMessage.UNINITIALIZED) else: errors.append(ErrorMessage.UNMODIFIABLE) tokens = set(get(self.__initial_entitlements, 'admin', [])) if not any(t in user_tokens for t in tokens): errors.append(ErrorMessage.NON_ADMIN) self.__error_messages = set(errors) @staticmethod def __validate_position_set(position_set: PositionSet): position_set.resolve() neg_pos = [p.identifier for p in position_set.positions if (p.weight or 1) < 0 or (p.quantity or 1) < 0] if len(neg_pos): raise MqValueError(f'Position weights/quantities must be positive. Found negative values for date \ {}: {neg_pos}') if position_set.unresolved_positions is not None and len(position_set.unresolved_positions): raise MqValueError(f'Error in resolving the following identifiers for date {}: \ {[p.identifier for p in position_set.unresolved_positions]}') def __validate_ticker(self, ticker: str): """ Blocks ticker setter if entry is invalid """ if not len(ticker) == 8: raise MqValueError('Invalid ticker: must be 8 characters') GsIndexApi.validate_ticker(ticker) if not ticker[:2] == 'GS':'Remember to prefix your ticker with \'GS\' if you\'d like to \ publish your basket to Bloomberg')