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import datetime as dt
import json
import pandas as pd
from typing import Dict, Optional, List, Tuple
from pydash import get
from gs_quant.api.gs.assets import Currency, GsAsset, GsAssetApi
from gs_quant.common import DateLimit
from gs_quant.data.fields import DataMeasure
from gs_quant.entities.entity import EntityType, PositionedEntity
from gs_quant.errors import MqValueError
from gs_quant.instrument import Instrument
from gs_quant.json_encoder import JSONEncoder
from gs_quant.markets.securities import Asset, AssetType
from gs_quant.markets.indices_utils import *
from gs_quant.target.data import DataQuery
from gs_quant.entities.tree_entity import AssetTreeNode, TreeHelper
[docs]class Index(Asset, PositionedEntity):
Index which tracks an evolving portfolio of securities, and can be traded through cash or derivatives markets.
Includes support for STS indices.
[docs] def __init__(self,
id_: str,
asset_class: AssetClass,
name: str,
exchange: Optional[str] = None,
currency: Optional[Currency] = None,
entity: Optional[Dict] = None):
Asset.__init__(self, id_, asset_class, name, exchange, currency, entity=entity)
PositionedEntity.__init__(self, id_, EntityType.ASSET)
if entity:
self.asset_type = AssetType(entity['type'])
self.asset_type = AssetType.INDEX
if self.__is_sts_index():
self.tree_helper = TreeHelper(id_, tree_underlier_dataset='STS_UNDERLIER_WEIGHTS')
self.tree_df = pd.DataFrame()
def __str__(self):
return self.name
[docs] def get_type(self) -> AssetType:
return self.asset_type
[docs] def get_currency(self) -> Optional[Currency]:
return self.currency
[docs] def get_return_type(self) -> ReturnType:
if self.parameters is None or self.parameters.index_return_type is None:
return ReturnType.TOTAL_RETURN
return ReturnType(self.parameters.index_return_type)
[docs] @classmethod
def get(cls, identifier: str) -> Optional['Index']:
Fetch an existing index
:param identifier: Any common identifier for an index(ric, ticker, etc.)
:return: Index object
Get existing Index instance
Get index details:
>>> from gs_quant.markets.index import Index
>>> index = Index.get("GSMBXXXX")
gs_asset = cls.__get_gs_asset(identifier)
asset_entity: Dict = json.loads(json.dumps(gs_asset.as_dict(), cls=JSONEncoder))
if gs_asset.type.value in STSIndexType.to_list() or gs_asset.type.value == 'Index':
return cls(gs_asset.id, gs_asset.asset_class, gs_asset.name, exchange=gs_asset.exchange,
currency=gs_asset.currency, entity=asset_entity)
raise MqValueError(f'{identifier} is not an Index identifier')
[docs] def get_fundamentals(self,
start: dt.date = DateLimit.LOW_LIMIT.value,
end: dt.date = dt.date.today(),
period: Optional[DataMeasure] = None,
direction: DataMeasure = DataMeasure.FORWARD.value,
metrics: List[DataMeasure] = DataMeasure.list_fundamentals()) -> pd.DataFrame:
Retrieve fundamentals data for an index across a date range. Currently supports STS indices only
:param start: start date (default is 1 January, 1970)
:param end: end date (default is today)
:param period: period for the relevant metric. Can be one of ONE_YEAR('1y'), TWO_YEARS('2y'), \
THREE_YEARS('3y') (default is all periods)
:param direction: direction of the outlook period. Can be one of 'forward' or 'trailing' (default is forward)
:param metrics: list of fundamentals metrics. (default is all)
:return: dataframe with fundamentals information
Retrieve fundamentals data for an index across a date range
Retrieve historical dividend yield data for an index
>>> from gs_quant.markets.index import Index
>>> from gs_quant.data.fields import DataMeasure
>>> index = Index.get("GSMBXXXX")
>>> index.get_fundamentals(metrics=[DataMeasure.DIVIDEND_YIELD])
if self.__is_sts_index():
where = dict(assetId=self.id, periodDirection=direction, metric=metrics)
if period:
where["period"] = period
query = DataQuery(where=where, start_date=start, end_date=end)
response = GsDataApi.query_data(query=query, dataset_id=IndicesDatasets.STS_FUNDAMENTALS.value)
return pd.DataFrame(response)
raise MqValueError('This method currently supports STS indices only')
[docs] def get_latest_close_price(self, price_type: List[PriceType] = None) -> pd.DataFrame:
Retrieve latest close prices for an index. Only STS indices support indicative prices.
:param price_type: Type of prices to return. Default returns official close price
:return: dataframe with latest close price
Retrieve latest close prices for an index
>>> from gs_quant.markets.index import Index
>>> index = Index.get("GSMBXXXX")
>>> index.get_latest_close_price([PriceType.OFFICIAL_CLOSE_PRICE, PriceType.INDICATIVE_CLOSE_PRICE])
if (not price_type) or (price_type == [PriceType.OFFICIAL_CLOSE_PRICE]):
return super().get_latest_close_price()
prices = pd.DataFrame()
if PriceType.OFFICIAL_CLOSE_PRICE in price_type:
official_level = super().get_latest_close_price()
prices['date'] = official_level.index
prices['closePrice'] = official_level[0]
if PriceType.INDICATIVE_CLOSE_PRICE in price_type:
if self.__is_sts_index():
where = dict(assetId=self.id)
query = DataQuery(where=where)
response = GsDataApi.last_data(query=query, dataset_id=IndicesDatasets.STS_INDICATIVE_LEVELS.value)
indicative_level = pd.DataFrame(response).iloc[-1:][['date', 'indicativeClosePrice']]
prices['date'] = indicative_level['date'].iat[0]
prices['indicativeClosePrice'] = indicative_level['indicativeClosePrice'].iat[0]
raise MqValueError('PriceType.INDICATIVE_CLOSE_PRICE currently supports STS indices only')
return prices
[docs] def get_close_price_for_date(self,
date: dt.date = dt.date.today(),
price_type: List[PriceType] = None) -> pd.DataFrame:
Retrieve close prices for an index. Only STS indices support indicative prices.
:param date: date of the required prices (default is today)
:param price_type: Type of prices to return. Default returns official close price
:return: dataframe with date's close prices
Retrieve the close prices for an index for a given date
>>> from gs_quant.markets.index import Index
>>> index = Index.get("GSMBXXXX")
>>> index.get_close_price_for_date(dt.date(2021, 1, 7), \
if (not price_type) or (price_type == [PriceType.OFFICIAL_CLOSE_PRICE]):
return super().get_close_price_for_date(date)
prices = pd.DataFrame()
if PriceType.OFFICIAL_CLOSE_PRICE in price_type:
official_level = super().get_close_price_for_date(date)
prices['date'] = official_level.index
prices['closePrice'] = official_level[0]
if PriceType.INDICATIVE_CLOSE_PRICE in price_type:
if self.__is_sts_index():
response = self.__query_indicative_levels_dataset(start=date, end=date)
indicative_level = pd.DataFrame(response)
prices['date'] = indicative_level['date'].iat[0]
prices['indicativeClosePrice'] = indicative_level['indicativeClosePrice'].iat[0]
raise MqValueError('PriceType.INDICATIVE_CLOSE_PRICE currently supports STS indices only')
return prices
[docs] def get_close_prices(self,
start: dt.date = DateLimit.LOW_LIMIT.value,
end: dt.date = dt.date.today(),
price_type: List[PriceType] = None) -> pd.DataFrame:
Retrieve close prices for an index for a date range. Only STS indices support indicative prices.
:param start: start date (default is 1 January, 1970)
:param end: end date (default is today)
:param price_type: Type of prices to return. Default returns official close price
:return: dataframe with the close price between start and end date
Retrieve the close prices for an index for a given date range.
>>> from gs_quant.markets.index import Index
>>> index = Index.get("GSMBXXXX")
>>> index.get_close_prices(dt.date(2021, 1, 7), dt.date(2021, 3, 27), \
if (not price_type) or (price_type == [PriceType.OFFICIAL_CLOSE_PRICE]):
return super().get_close_prices(start, end)
prices = pd.DataFrame()
if self.__is_sts_index():
if price_type == [PriceType.INDICATIVE_CLOSE_PRICE]:
indicative_level = self.__query_indicative_levels_dataset(start=start, end=end)
indicative_level.drop(['updateTime', 'assetId'], axis=1, inplace=True)
indicative_level = indicative_level.astype({'date': 'datetime64[ns]'})
prices['date'] = indicative_level['date']
prices['indicativeClosePrice'] = indicative_level['indicativeClosePrice']
return prices
official_level = super().get_close_prices(start=start, end=end).to_frame('closePrice')
indicative_level = self.__query_indicative_levels_dataset(start=start, end=end)
indicative_level.drop(['updateTime', 'assetId'], axis=1, inplace=True)
indicative_levels = indicative_level.astype({'date': official_level.dtypes['date']})
merged = pd.merge(official_level, indicative_levels, on='date', how='outer')
return merged
raise MqValueError('PriceType.INDICATIVE_CLOSE_PRICE currently supports STS indices only')
[docs] def get_underlier_tree(self,
refresh_tree: Optional[bool] = False) -> AssetTreeNode:
Get the root node of the tree formed by the Index, as an AssetTreeNode object.
:param refresh_tree: Refresh the underliers information of the entire tree
Please refer to the documenation of the AssetTreeNode class for more information.
Currently supports STS indices only.
:return: root node of the tree formed by the Index, as an AssetTreeNode object.
>>> from gs_quant.markets.index import Index
>>> index = Index.get("GSMBXXXX")
>>> index.get_underlier_tree()
if self.__is_sts_index():
if (not self.tree_helper.tree_built) or refresh_tree:
self.tree_df = self.tree_helper.to_frame()
return self.tree_helper.root
raise MqValueError('This method currently supports STS indices only')
[docs] def get_underlier_weights(self) -> pd.DataFrame:
Get the weights of the immediate (one-level-down) underliers of the Index.
Currently supports STS indices only.
:return: pandas DataFrame with the weights of the immediate underliers.
>>> from gs_quant.markets.index import Index
>>> index = Index.get("GSMBXXXX")
>>> index.get_underlier_weights()
if self.__is_sts_index():
if len(self.tree_df) == 0:
return self.tree_df.loc[self.tree_df.depth == 1].drop(columns=['absoluteAttribution', 'assetId',
'assetName', 'depth'])
raise MqValueError('This method currently supports STS indices only')
[docs] def get_underlier_attribution(self) -> pd.DataFrame:
Get the attribution of the immediate (one-level-down) underliers of the Index.
Currently supports STS indices only.
:return: pandas DataFrame with the attribution of the immediate underliers.
>>> from gs_quant.markets.index import Index
>>> index = Index.get("GSMBXXXX")
>>> index.get_underlier_attribution()
if self.__is_sts_index():
if len(self.tree_df) == 0:
return self.tree_df.loc[self.tree_df.depth == 1].drop(columns=['weight', 'assetId', 'assetName', 'depth'])
raise MqValueError('This method currently supports STS indices only')
[docs] def visualise_tree(self,
visualise_by: Optional[str] = 'asset_name'):
Visualise the tree by printing the structure of the entire tree.
The visualise_by argument can be either 'asset_name' or 'bbid'. Currently supports STS indices only.
:param visualise_by: Parameter to visualise by. Default uses Asset Name to label the nodes
:return: treelib Tree object, which can be printed to see the tree structure.
>>> from gs_quant.markets.index import Index
>>> index = Index.get("GSMBXXXX")
>>> print(index.visualise_tree())
if self.__is_sts_index():
return self.tree_helper.get_visualisation(visualise_by)
raise MqValueError('This method currently supports STS indices only')
[docs] def get_latest_constituents(self) -> pd.DataFrame:
Fetch the latest constituents of the index in a pandas dataframe.
:return: pandas dataframe with the index constituents, weights and other details.
Get the latest constituents of the index
Get latest index constituents:
>>> from gs_quant.markets.index import Index
>>> index = Index.get("GSMBXXXX")
>>> index.get_latest_constituents()
return self.get_latest_position_set().get_positions()
[docs] def get_constituents_for_date(self,
date: dt.date = dt.date.today()) -> pd.DataFrame:
Fetch the constituents of the index in a pandas dataframe for a the given date.
:return: pandas dataframe with the index constituents, weights and other details.
Get the constituents of the index for the given date
Get index constituents:
>>> import datetime as dt
>>> from gs_quant.markets.index import Index
>>> index = Index.get("GSMBXXXX")
>>> index.get_constituents_for_date(dt.date(2021, 7, 1))
return self.get_position_set_for_date(date).get_positions()
[docs] def get_constituents(self,
start: dt.date = DateLimit.LOW_LIMIT.value,
end: dt.date = dt.date.today()) -> List[pd.DataFrame]:
Fetch the constituents of the index in a pandas dataframe for the given date range
:return: pandas dataframe with the index constituents, weights and other details.
Get the constituents of the index for the given date range
Get index constituents:
>>> import datetime as dt
>>> from gs_quant.markets.index import Index
>>> index = Index.get("GSMBXXXX")
>>> index.get_constituents(dt.date(2021, 6, 1), dt.date(2021, 6, 10))
return [position_set.get_positions() for position_set in self.get_position_sets(start, end)]
[docs] def get_latest_constituent_instruments(self) -> Tuple[Instrument]:
Fetch the latest constituents of the index as instrument objects.
:return: A Tuple of instrument objects
Get the latest constituents of the index
Get latest index constituent instruments:
>>> from gs_quant.markets.index import Index
>>> index = Index.get("GSMBXXXX")
>>> index.get_latest_constituent_instruments()
return GsAssetApi.get_instruments_for_positions(self.get_latest_position_set().to_target().positions)
[docs] def get_constituent_instruments_for_date(self,
date: dt.date = dt.date.today()) -> Tuple[Instrument]:
Fetch the constituents of the index for a given date as instrument objects.
:return: A Tuple of instrument objects
Get the constituents of the index for the given date as instrument objects
Get index constituent instruments:
>>> import datetime as dt
>>> from gs_quant.markets.index import Index
>>> index = Index.get("GSMBXXXX")
>>> index.get_constituent_instruments_for_date(dt.date(2021, 7, 1))
return GsAssetApi.get_instruments_for_positions(self.get_position_set_for_date(date).to_target().positions)
[docs] def get_constituent_instruments(self,
start: dt.date = DateLimit.LOW_LIMIT.value,
end: dt.date = dt.date.today()) -> Tuple[Tuple[Instrument]]:
Fetch the constituents of the index as instrument objects for the given date range
:return: Tuple of Tuples, containing all instrument objects for each date.
Get the constituents of the index for the given date range as instrument objects.
Get index constituent instruments:
>>> import datetime as dt
>>> from gs_quant.markets.index import Index
>>> index = Index.get("GSMBXXXX")
>>> index.get_constituent_instruments(dt.date(2021, 6, 1), dt.date(2021, 6, 10))
position_sets = self.get_position_sets(start, end)
return [GsAssetApi.get_instruments_for_positions(position_set.to_target().positions)
for position_set in position_sets]
def __is_sts_index(self) -> bool:
"""Checks if is an STS get_index"""
if self.get_type().value in STSIndexType.to_list():
return True
return False
def __query_indicative_levels_dataset(self, start=None, end=None) -> pd.DataFrame:
where = dict(assetId=self.id)
if start is None:
query = DataQuery(where=where)
query = DataQuery(where=where, start_date=start, end_date=end)
response = GsDataApi.query_data(query=query, dataset_id=IndicesDatasets.STS_INDICATIVE_LEVELS.value)
indicative_level = pd.DataFrame(response)
if (len(indicative_level) == 0):
indicative_level['date'] = ''
indicative_level['assetId'] = ''
indicative_level['updateTime'] = ''
indicative_level['indicativeClosePrice'] = ''
return indicative_level
def __get_gs_asset(identifier: str) -> GsAsset:
""" Resolves index identifier during initialization """
response = GsAssetApi.resolve_assets(identifier=[identifier], fields=['id'], limit=1)[identifier]
if len(response) == 0 or get(response, '0.id') is None:
raise MqValueError(f'Asset could not be found using identifier {identifier}')
return GsAssetApi.get_asset(get(response, '0.id'))