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import datetime as dt
import logging
import re
from dataclasses import dataclass
from itertools import chain
from typing import Iterable, Optional, Tuple, Union
from urllib.parse import quote

import deprecation
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from import GsAssetApi
from import GsPortfolioApi
from gs_quant.base import InstrumentBase
from gs_quant.common import RiskMeasure
from gs_quant.instrument import Instrument, AssetType
from import HistoricalPricingContext, OverlayMarket, PricingContext, PositionContext
from gs_quant.priceable import PriceableImpl
from gs_quant.risk import ResolvedInstrumentValues
from gs_quant.risk.results import CompositeResultFuture, PortfolioRiskResult, PortfolioPath, PricingFuture
from import RiskPosition
from import Portfolio as MarqueePortfolio
from import Position, PositionSet, RiskRequest, PricingDateAndMarketDataAsOf
from more_itertools import unique_everseen

_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]@dataclass class Portfolio(PriceableImpl): """A collection of instruments Portfolio holds a collection of instruments in order to run pricing and risk scenarios """
[docs] def __init__(self, priceables: Optional[Union[PriceableImpl, Iterable[PriceableImpl], dict]] = (), name: Optional[str] = None): """ Creates a portfolio object which can be used to hold instruments :param priceables: constructed with an instrument, portfolio, iterable of either, or a dictionary where key is name and value is a priceable """ super().__init__() if isinstance(priceables, dict): priceables_list = [] for name, priceable in priceables.items(): = name priceables_list.append(priceable) self.priceables = priceables_list else: self.priceables = priceables = name self.__id = None self.__quote_id = None
def _to_records(self): def get_name(obj, idx): if isinstance(obj, InstrumentBase) and hasattr(obj, 'type_'): type_name = if isinstance(obj.type_, AssetType) else obj.type_ else: type_name = 'Portfolio' return f'{type_name}_{idx}' if is None else stack = [(None, self)] records = [] while stack: temp_records = [] parent, portfolio = stack.pop() current_record = {} if len(records) == 0 else records.pop(0) for idx, priceable in enumerate(portfolio.__priceables): path = parent + PortfolioPath(idx) if parent is not None else PortfolioPath(idx) priceable_name = get_name(priceable, idx) if isinstance(priceable, Portfolio): stack.insert(0, (path, priceable)) temp_records.append({**current_record, f'portfolio_name_{len(path) - 1}': priceable_name}) else: temp_records.append({**current_record, 'instrument_name': priceable_name}) records.extend(temp_records) return records def __getitem__(self, item): if isinstance(item, (int, slice)): return self.__priceables[item] elif isinstance(item, PortfolioPath): return item(self, rename_to_parent=True) else: values = tuple(self[p] for it in item for p in self.paths(it)) if isinstance(item, list) else tuple( self[p] for p in self.paths(item)) return values[0] if len(values) == 1 else values def __contains__(self, item): if isinstance(item, PriceableImpl): return any(item in p.__priceables for p in self.all_portfolios + (self,)) elif isinstance(item, str): return any(item in p.__priceables_by_name for p in self.all_portfolios + (self,)) else: return False def __len__(self): return len(self.__priceables) def __iter__(self): return iter(self.__priceables) def __hash__(self): hash_code = hash( ^ hash(self.__id) for priceable in self.__priceables: hash_code ^= hash(priceable) return hash_code def __eq__(self, other): if not isinstance(other, Portfolio): return False for path in self.all_paths: try: if path(self) != path(other): return False except (IndexError, TypeError): # indexerror occurs when two portfolios are of different lengths # typeerror: instrument is not subscriptable occurs when two portfolios are of different depths return False return True def __add__(self, other): if not isinstance(other, Portfolio): raise ValueError('Can only add instances of Portfolio') return Portfolio(self.__priceables + other.__priceables) @property def __position_context(self) -> PositionContext: return PositionContext.current if PositionContext.current.is_entered else PositionContext.default_value() @property def id(self) -> str: return self.__id @property def quote_id(self) -> str: return self.__quote_id @property def priceables(self) -> Tuple[PriceableImpl, ...]: return self.__priceables @priceables.setter def priceables(self, priceables: Union[PriceableImpl, Iterable[PriceableImpl]]): self.__priceables = (priceables,) if isinstance(priceables, PriceableImpl) else tuple(priceables) self.__priceables_by_name = {} for idx, i in enumerate(self.__priceables): if i and self.__priceables_by_name.setdefault(, []).append(idx) @priceables.deleter def priceables(self): self.__priceables = None self.__priceables_by_name = None @property def instruments(self) -> Tuple[Instrument, ...]: return tuple(unique_everseen(i for i in self.__priceables if isinstance(i, Instrument))) @property def all_instruments(self) -> Tuple[Instrument, ...]: instr = chain(self.instruments, chain.from_iterable(p.all_instruments for p in self.all_portfolios)) return tuple(unique_everseen(instr)) @property def portfolios(self) -> Tuple[PriceableImpl, ...]: return tuple(i for i in self.__priceables if isinstance(i, Portfolio)) @property def all_portfolios(self) -> Tuple[PriceableImpl, ...]: stack = list(self.portfolios) portfolios = list(unique_everseen(stack)) while stack: portfolio = stack.pop() if portfolio in portfolios: continue sub_portfolios = portfolio.portfolios portfolios.extend(sub_portfolios) stack.extend(sub_portfolios) return tuple(unique_everseen(portfolios)) def subset(self, paths: Iterable[PortfolioPath], name=None): # Do our paths represent a single portfolio? paths_tuple = tuple(paths) if len(paths_tuple) == 1 and isinstance(self[paths_tuple[0]], Portfolio): return self[paths_tuple[0]] else: return Portfolio(tuple(self[p] for p in paths_tuple), name=name) @staticmethod def __from_internal_positions(id_type: str, positions_id, activity_type: str): instruments = GsPortfolioApi.get_instruments_by_position_type(id_type, positions_id, activity_type) return Portfolio(instruments, name=positions_id) @staticmethod def from_eti(eti: str): return Portfolio.__from_internal_positions('ETI', quote(eti, safe=''), 'trade') @staticmethod def from_book(book: str, book_type: str = 'risk', activity_type: str = 'position'): return Portfolio.__from_internal_positions(book_type, book, activity_type) @staticmethod def from_asset_id(asset_id: str, date=None): asset = GsAssetApi.get_asset(asset_id) response = GsAssetApi.get_asset_positions_for_date(asset_id, date) if date else \ GsAssetApi.get_latest_positions(asset_id) response = response[0] if isinstance(response, tuple) else response positions = response.positions if isinstance(response, PositionSet) else response['positions'] instruments = GsAssetApi.get_instruments_for_positions(positions) ret = Portfolio(instruments, ret.__id = asset_id return ret @staticmethod def from_asset_name(name: str): asset = GsAssetApi.get_asset_by_name(name) return Portfolio.load_from_portfolio_id( @classmethod def get(cls, portfolio_id: str = None, portfolio_name: str = None): if portfolio_name: portfolio = GsPortfolioApi.get_portfolio_by_name(portfolio_name) portfolio_id = position_date = PositionContext.current.position_date if PositionContext.is_entered else portfolio = GsPortfolioApi.get_portfolio(portfolio_id) ret = Portfolio( ret.__id = portfolio_id ret._get_instruments(position_date, True) return ret @classmethod @deprecation.deprecated(deprecated_in='0.8.293', details='from_portfolio_id is now deprecated, please use ' 'Portfolio.get(portfolio_id=portfolio_id) instead.') def from_portfolio_id(cls, portfolio_id: str): return cls.get(portfolio_id=portfolio_id) @classmethod @deprecation.deprecated(deprecated_in='0.8.293', details='from_portfolio_name is now deprecated, please use ' 'Portfolio.get(portfolio_name=portfolio_name) instead.') def from_portfolio_name(cls, name: str): return cls.get(portfolio_name=name) @staticmethod def from_quote(quote_id: str): instruments = GsPortfolioApi.get_instruments_by_workflow_id(quote_id) ret = Portfolio(instruments, name=quote_id) ret.__quote_id = quote_id return ret def save(self, overwrite: Optional[bool] = False): if self.portfolios: raise ValueError('Cannot save portfolios with nested portfolios') if self.__id: if not overwrite: raise ValueError(f'Portfolio with id {id} already exists. Use overwrite=True to overwrite') else: if not raise ValueError('name not set') self.__id = GsPortfolioApi.create_portfolio(MarqueePortfolio('USD','Created Marquee portfolio {} with id {self.__id}') position_set = PositionSet( position_date=self.__position_context.position_date, positions=tuple(Position(asset_id=GsAssetApi.get_or_create_asset_from_instrument(i)) for i in self.instruments)) if len(position_set.positions) > 0: GsPortfolioApi.update_positions(self.__id, [position_set]) def save_as_quote(self, overwrite: Optional[bool] = False) -> str: if self.portfolios: raise ValueError('Cannot save portfolios with nested portfolios') pricing_context = self._pricing_context with pricing_context: pricing_date = PricingContext.current.pricing_date market = request = RiskRequest( tuple(RiskPosition(instrument=i, quantity=i.instrument_quantity) for i in self.instruments), (ResolvedInstrumentValues,), pricing_and_market_data_as_of=(PricingDateAndMarketDataAsOf(pricing_date=pricing_date, market=market),) ) if self.__quote_id: if not overwrite: raise ValueError(f'Quote with id {self.__quote_id} already exists. Use overwrite=True to overwrite') else: GsPortfolioApi.update_quote(self.__quote_id, request)'Updated quote with id {self.__quote_id}') else: self.__quote_id = GsPortfolioApi.save_quote(request)'Created quote with id {self.__quote_id}') return self.__quote_id def save_to_shadowbook(self, name: str): if self.portfolios: raise ValueError('Cannot save portfolios with nested portfolios') pricing_context = self._pricing_context with pricing_context: pricing_date = PricingContext.current.pricing_date market = request = RiskRequest( tuple(RiskPosition(instrument=i, quantity=i.instrument_quantity) for i in self.instruments), (ResolvedInstrumentValues,), pricing_and_market_data_as_of=(PricingDateAndMarketDataAsOf(pricing_date=pricing_date, market=market),) ) status = GsPortfolioApi.save_to_shadowbook(request, name) print(f'Save to shadowbook status - {status}') @classmethod def from_frame(cls, data: pd.DataFrame, mappings: dict = None): def get_value(this_row: pd.Series, attribute: str): value = mappings.get(attribute, attribute) return value(this_row) if callable(value) else this_row.get(value) instruments = [] mappings = mappings or {} data = data.replace({np.nan: None}) for row in (r for _, r in data.iterrows() if any(v for v in r.values if v is not None)): instrument = None for init_keys in (('asset_class', 'type'), ('$type',)): init_values = tuple(filter(None, (get_value(row, k) for k in init_keys))) if len(init_keys) == len(init_values): instrument = Instrument.from_dict(dict(zip(init_keys, init_values))) instrument = instrument.from_dict({p: get_value(row, p) for p in}) break if instrument: instruments.append(instrument) else: raise ValueError('Neither asset_class/type nor $type specified') return cls(instruments) @classmethod def from_csv( cls, csv_file: str, mappings: Optional[dict] = None ): data = pd.read_csv(csv_file, skip_blank_lines=True).replace({np.nan: None}) reg = re.compile(r'\.[0-9]') dupelist = [re.sub(reg, '', word) for word in data.columns if] if len(dupelist): raise ValueError(f'Duplicate column values {dupelist}') return cls.from_frame(data, mappings) def scale(self, scaling: int, in_place: bool = True): instruments = self._get_instruments(self.__position_context.position_date, in_place, False) if in_place: for inst in self.all_instruments: inst.scale(scaling, in_place) else: return Portfolio([inst.scale(scaling, in_place) for inst in instruments]) def append(self, priceables: Union[PriceableImpl, Iterable[PriceableImpl]]): self.priceables += ((priceables,) if isinstance(priceables, PriceableImpl) else tuple(priceables)) def pop(self, item) -> PriceableImpl: priceable = self[item] self.priceables = [inst for inst in self.instruments if inst != priceable] return priceable def extend(self, portfolio: Iterable): self.priceables += tuple([p for p in portfolio]) def to_frame(self, mappings: Optional[dict] = None) -> pd.DataFrame: def to_records(portfolio: Portfolio) -> list: records = [] for priceable in portfolio.priceables: if isinstance(priceable, Portfolio): records.extend(to_records(priceable)) else: as_dict = priceable.as_dict() if not hasattr(priceable, 'asset_class'): as_dict['$type'] = priceable.type_ records.append(dict(chain(as_dict.items(), (('instrument', priceable), ('portfolio', return records df = pd.DataFrame.from_records(to_records(self)).set_index(['portfolio', 'instrument']) all_columns = df.columns.to_list() columns = sorted(c for c in all_columns if c not in ('asset_class', 'type', '$type')) for asset_column in ('$type', 'type', 'asset_class'): if asset_column in all_columns: columns = [asset_column] + columns df = df[columns] mappings = mappings or {} for key, value in mappings.items(): if isinstance(value, str): df[key] = df[value] elif callable(value): df[key] = len(df) * [None] df[key] = df.apply(value, axis=1) return df def to_csv(self, csv_file: str, mappings: Optional[dict] = None, ignored_cols: Optional[list] = None): port_df = self.to_frame(mappings or {}) port_df = port_df[np.setdiff1d(port_df.columns, ignored_cols or [])] port_df.reset_index(drop=True, inplace=True) port_df.to_csv(csv_file) @property def all_paths(self) -> Tuple[PortfolioPath, ...]: paths = () stack = [(None, self)] while stack: parent, portfolio = stack.pop() for idx, priceable in enumerate(portfolio.__priceables): path = parent + PortfolioPath(idx) if parent is not None else PortfolioPath(idx) if isinstance(priceable, Portfolio): stack.insert(0, (path, priceable)) else: paths += (path,) return paths def paths(self, key: Union[str, PriceableImpl]) -> Tuple[PortfolioPath, ...]: if not isinstance(key, (str, Instrument, Portfolio)): raise ValueError('key must be a name or Instrument or Portfolio') if isinstance(key, str): idx = self.__priceables_by_name.get(key) else: idx = [] for p_idx, p in enumerate(self.__priceables): if p == key or getattr(p, "unresolved", None) == key: idx.append(p_idx) paths = tuple(PortfolioPath(i) for i in idx) if idx else () for path, porfolio in ((PortfolioPath(i), p) for i, p in enumerate(self.__priceables) if isinstance(p, Portfolio)): paths += tuple(path + sub_path for sub_path in porfolio.paths(key)) return paths def resolve(self, in_place: bool = True) -> Optional[Union[PricingFuture, PriceableImpl, dict]]: priceables = self._get_instruments(self.__position_context.position_date, in_place, True) pricing_context = self._pricing_context with pricing_context: futures = [p.resolve(in_place) for p in priceables] if not in_place: ret = {} if isinstance(PricingContext.current, HistoricalPricingContext) else Portfolio( result_future = PricingFuture() if self._return_future else None def cb(future: CompositeResultFuture): if isinstance(ret, Portfolio): ret.priceables = [f.result() for f in future.futures] else: priceables_by_date = {} for future in futures: for date, priceable in future.result().items(): priceables_by_date.setdefault(date, []).append(priceable) for date, priceables in priceables_by_date.items(): if any(p for p in priceables if not isinstance(p, PriceableImpl)): _logger.error(f'Error resolving on {date}, skipping that date') else: ret[date] = Portfolio(priceables, if result_future: result_future.set_result(ret) CompositeResultFuture(futures).add_done_callback(cb) return result_future or ret def market(self) -> Union[OverlayMarket, PricingFuture, dict]: """ Market Data map of coordinates and values. Note that this is not yet supported on all instruments ***Examples** >>> from import Portfolio >>> >>> portfolio = Portfolio(...) >>> market = """ pricing_context = self._pricing_context instruments = self._get_instruments(self.__position_context.position_date, False, False) with pricing_context: futures = [ for i in instruments] result_future = PricingFuture() def cb(future: CompositeResultFuture): def update_market_data(all_market_data, this_market_data): for coordinate, value in this_market_data.items(): existing_value = all_market_data.setdefault(coordinate, value) if abs(existing_value - value) > 1e-6: raise ValueError(f'Conflicting values for {coordinate}: {existing_value} vs {value}') results = [f.result() for f in future.futures] is_historical = isinstance(results[0], dict) market_data = None if is_historical else {} overlay_markets = {} if is_historical else None for result in results: if market_data is not None: update_market_data(market_data, result.market_data_dict) else: for market in result.values(): update_market_data(overlay_markets.setdefault(market, {}), market.market_data) if market_data: ret = OverlayMarket(base_market=results[0], market_data=market_data) else: ret = { OverlayMarket(base_market=base_market, market_data=market_data) for base_market, market_data in overlay_markets.items()} if result_future: result_future.set_result(ret) CompositeResultFuture(futures).add_done_callback(cb) return result_future if self._return_future else result_future.result() def calc(self, risk_measure: Union[RiskMeasure, Iterable[RiskMeasure]], fn=None) -> PortfolioRiskResult: priceables = self._get_instruments(self.__position_context.position_date, False, True) with self._pricing_context: # PortfolioRiskResult should hold a copy of the portfolio instead of a reference to the portfolio # this is to prevent the portfolio object within portfolioriskresult to hold a reference to the portfolio # object should it later be modified in place (eg: resolution) return PortfolioRiskResult(self.clone(), (risk_measure,) if isinstance(risk_measure, RiskMeasure) else risk_measure, [p.calc(risk_measure, fn=fn) for p in priceables]) def _get_instruments(self, position_date:, in_place: bool, return_priceables: bool = True): if dates_prior = list(filter(lambda date: date < position_date, GsPortfolioApi.get_position_dates( if len(dates_prior) == 0: raise ValueError('Your portfolio has no positions on the PositionContext date') date = max(dates_prior) response = GsPortfolioApi.get_positions_for_date(, date) positions = response.positions if response else [] instruments = GsAssetApi.get_instruments_for_positions(positions) if in_place: self.__priceables = instruments return instruments return self.__priceables if return_priceables else self.all_instruments def clone(self, clone_instruments: bool = False): portfolio_clone = Portfolio( [p.clone(clone_instruments) if isinstance(p, Portfolio) else p.clone() if clone_instruments else p for p in self.__priceables], portfolio_clone.__id = self.__id portfolio_clone.__quote_id = self.__quote_id return portfolio_clone