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import datetime as dt
import logging
from time import sleep
from typing import List, Union, Dict

import deprecation
import pandas as pd

from import GsPortfolioApi
from import GsReportApi
from gs_quant.entities.entitlements import Entitlements
from gs_quant.entities.entity import PositionedEntity, EntityType
from gs_quant.errors import MqError
from gs_quant.errors import MqValueError
from import Factor
from import build_exposure_df, build_portfolio_constituents_df, \
from import PerformanceReport, ReportJobFuture
from gs_quant.models.risk_model import MacroRiskModel, ReturnFormat, FactorType
from import Currency
from import RiskAumSource

_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

                        details='portfolio_manager.CustomAUMDataPoint is now deprecated, please use '
                                'report.CustomAUMDataPoint instead.')
class CustomAUMDataPoint:

    Custom AUM Data Point represents a portfolio's AUM value for a specific date


    def __init__(self,
                 aum: float):
        self.__date = date
        self.__aum = aum

    def date(self) ->
        return self.__date

    def date(self, value:
        self.__date = value

    def aum(self) -> float:
        return self.__aum

    def aum(self, value: float):
        self.__aum = value

[docs]class PortfolioManager(PositionedEntity): """ Portfolio Manager is used to manage Marquee portfolios (setting entitlements, running and retrieving reports, etc) """
[docs] def __init__(self, portfolio_id: str): """ Initialize a Portfolio Manager :param portfolio_id: Portfolio ID """ self.__portfolio_id = portfolio_id PositionedEntity.__init__(self, portfolio_id, EntityType.PORTFOLIO)
@property def portfolio_id(self) -> str: return self.__portfolio_id @portfolio_id.setter def portfolio_id(self, value: str): self.__portfolio_id = value
[docs] def get_performance_report(self, tags: Dict = None) -> PerformanceReport: """ Get performance report associated with a portfolio :param tags: If the portfolio is a fund of funds, pass in a dictionary corresponding to the tag values to retrieve results for a sub-portfolio :return: returns the PerformanceReport associated with portfolio if one exists """ reports = GsReportApi.get_reports(limit=100, position_source_type='Portfolio',, report_type='Portfolio Performance Analytics', tags=tags) if len(reports) == 0: raise MqError('No performance report found.') return PerformanceReport.from_target(reports[0])
[docs] def schedule_reports(self, start_date: = None, end_date: = None, backcast: bool = False, months_per_batch: int = None): """ Schedule all reports associated with a portfolio. If months_per_batch is passed and reports are historical, then schedule them in batches of bathc_period months. Backcasted reported can't be batched. :param start_date: start date of report job (optional) :param end_date: end date of report job (optional) :param backcast: true if reports should be backcasted; defaults to false :param months_per_batch: batch size of historical report job schedules in number of months; defaults to false if set, historical reports are scheduled in batches of size less than or equal to the given number of months **Examples** >>> pm = PortfolioManager("PORTFOLIO ID") >>> pm.schedule_reports(backcast=False) for a portfolio having hisotry greater than 1 yr, use months_per_batch to schedule reports in batches of 6 months >>> pm = PortfolioManager("PORTFOLIO ID") >>> pm.schedule_reports(backcast=False, months_per_batch=6) """ if months_per_batch is None or backcast: if backcast: print('Batching of schedule reports is only supported for historical reports. ' 'Backcasted reports will be scheduled for the full date range') GsPortfolioApi.schedule_reports(self.__portfolio_id, start_date, end_date, backcast=backcast) else: # Process input if months_per_batch <= 0: raise MqValueError(f'Invalid input, months_per_batch {months_per_batch} should be greater than 0') if end_date is None or start_date is None: hints = self.get_schedule_dates(backcast=backcast) start_date = hints[0] if start_date is None else start_date end_date = hints[1] if end_date is None else end_date if start_date >= end_date: raise MqValueError(f'Invalid input, start date {start_date} should be before end date {end_date}') # Validate input date range against position dates position_dates = self.get_position_dates() position_dates = [p for p in position_dates if end_date >= p >= start_date] if len(position_dates) == 0: raise MqValueError('Portfolio does not have any positions in the given date range') if start_date not in position_dates: # There should be positions on the start date for historical reports raise MqError('Cannot schedule historical report because the first set of positions within the ' f'scheduling date range need to be on this date {start_date}') else: # preparation for the first batch position_dates.remove(start_date) if end_date not in position_dates: # make sure to process the last batch position_dates.append(end_date) # Create batches using sliding window batch_boundaries = [start_date] prev_date = start_date for i, d in enumerate(position_dates): current_batch = d - prev_date if current_batch.days > months_per_batch * 30 and i > 0: # split the current window at the previous date prev_date = position_dates[i - 1] batch_boundaries.append(prev_date) batch_boundaries.append(end_date) # Schedule reports in batches print(f'Scheduling reports from {start_date} to {end_date} in {len(batch_boundaries) - 1} batches') for i in range(len(batch_boundaries) - 1): print(f'Scheduling for {batch_boundaries[i]} to {batch_boundaries[i+1]}') GsPortfolioApi.schedule_reports(self.__portfolio_id, batch_boundaries[i], batch_boundaries[i + 1], backcast=backcast) if i > 0 and i % 10 == 0: sleep(6)
[docs] def run_reports(self, start_date: = None, end_date: = None, backcast: bool = False, is_async: bool = True, months_per_batch: int = None) -> List[Union[pd.DataFrame, ReportJobFuture]]: """ Run all reports associated with a portfolio :param start_date: start date of report job :param end_date: end date of report job :param backcast: true if reports should be backcasted; defaults to false :param is_async: true if reports should run asynchronously; defaults to true :param months_per_batch: batch size of historical report job schedules in number of months; defaults to false if set, historical reports are scheduled in batches of size less than or equal to the given number of months :return: if is_async is true, returns a list of ReportJobFuture objects; if is_async is false, returns a list of dataframe objects containing report results for all portfolio results **Examples** >>> pm = PortfolioManager("PORTFOLIO ID") >>> report_results = pm.run_reports(backcast=True) for longer hisotry, use months_per_batch to schedule reports in batches of 6 months >>> pm = PortfolioManager("PORTFOLIO ID") >>> pm.schedule_reports(backcast=False, months_per_batch=6) """ self.schedule_reports(start_date, end_date, backcast, months_per_batch) reports = self.get_reports() report_futures = [report.get_most_recent_job() for report in reports] if is_async: return report_futures counter = 100 while counter > 0: is_done = [future.done() for future in report_futures] if False not in is_done: return [job_future.result() for job_future in report_futures] sleep(6) raise MqValueError(f'Your reports for Portfolio {self.__portfolio_id} are taking longer than expected ' f'to finish. Please contact the Marquee Analytics team at ' f'')
[docs] def set_entitlements(self, entitlements: Entitlements): """ Set the entitlements of a portfolio :param entitlements: Entitlements object **Examples** >>> portfolio_admin_emails = ['LIST OF ADMIN EMAILS'] >>> portfolio_viewer_emails = ['LIST OF VIEWER EMAILS'] >>> admin_entitlements = EntitlementBlock(users=User.get_many(emails=portfolio_admin_emails)) >>> view_entitlements = EntitlementBlock(users=User.get_many(emails=portfolio_viewer_emails)) >>> >>> entitlements = Entitlements( >>> view=view_entitlements, >>> admin=admin_entitlements >>> ) >>> >>> pm = PortfolioManager("PORTFOLIO ID") >>> pm.set_entitlements(entitlements) """ entitlements_as_target = entitlements.to_target() portfolio_as_target = GsPortfolioApi.get_portfolio(self.__portfolio_id) portfolio_as_target.entitlements = entitlements_as_target GsPortfolioApi.update_portfolio(portfolio_as_target)
[docs] def set_currency(self, currency: Currency): """ Set the currency of a portfolio :param currency: Currency """ portfolio_as_target = GsPortfolioApi.get_portfolio(self.__portfolio_id) portfolio_as_target.currency = currency GsPortfolioApi.update_portfolio(portfolio_as_target)
[docs] def get_tag_name_hierarchy(self) -> List: """ Get the list of tags by name by which a portfolio's fund of funds are structured in that order :return: a list of tag names """ portfolio = GsPortfolioApi.get_portfolio(self.portfolio_id) return list(portfolio.tag_name_hierarchy) if portfolio.tag_name_hierarchy else None
[docs] def set_tag_name_hierarchy(self, tag_names: List): """ Set the list of tags by name by which a portfolio's fund of funds are structured in that order :param tag_names: a list of tag names in order of the new fund of funds structure """ portfolio = GsPortfolioApi.get_portfolio(self.portfolio_id) portfolio.tag_name_hierarchy = tag_names GsPortfolioApi.update_portfolio(portfolio)
[docs] def update_portfolio_tree(self): """ After a modification is made on your portfolio (reports are added/modified, the tag name hierarchy is changed, etc), run this function so those changes reflect across all the portfolio's sub-portfolios """ GsPortfolioApi.update_portfolio_tree(self.portfolio_id)
[docs] def get_all_fund_of_fund_tags(self) -> List: """ If the portfolio is a fund of funds, this function will retrieve a list of dictionaries of all the tag sets associated with the sub-portfolios in the portfolio. :return: a list of tags as dictionaries """ tag_dicts = [] for r in self.get_reports(): if r.parameters.tags is not None: tags_as_dict = { tag.value for tag in r.parameters.tags} if tags_as_dict not in tag_dicts: tag_dicts.append(tags_as_dict) tag_dicts.sort(key=lambda dictionary: len(dictionary.keys())) return tag_dicts
[docs] def get_schedule_dates(self, backcast: bool = False) -> List[]: """ Get recommended start and end dates for a portfolio report scheduling job :param backcast: true if reports should be backcasted :return: a list of two dates, the first is the suggested start date and the second is the suggested end date """ return GsPortfolioApi.get_schedule_dates(, backcast)
[docs] @deprecation.deprecated(deprecated_in='1.0.10', details='PortfolioManager.get_aum_source is now deprecated, please use ' 'PerformanceReport.get_aum_source instead.') def get_aum_source(self) -> RiskAumSource: """ Get portfolio AUM Source :return: aum source """ portfolio = GsPortfolioApi.get_portfolio(self.portfolio_id) return portfolio.aum_source if portfolio.aum_source is not None else RiskAumSource.Long
[docs] @deprecation.deprecated(deprecated_in='1.0.10', details='PortfolioManager.set_aum_source is now deprecated, please use ' 'PerformanceReport.set_aum_source instead.') def set_aum_source(self, aum_source: RiskAumSource): """ Set portfolio AUM Source :param aum_source: aum source for portfolio :return: aum source """ portfolio = GsPortfolioApi.get_portfolio(self.portfolio_id) portfolio.aum_source = aum_source GsPortfolioApi.update_portfolio(portfolio)
[docs] @deprecation.deprecated(deprecated_in='1.0.10', details='PortfolioManager.get_custom_aum is now deprecated, please use ' 'PerformanceReport.get_custom_aum instead.') def get_custom_aum(self, start_date: = None, end_date: = None) -> List[CustomAUMDataPoint]: """ Get AUM data for portfolio :param start_date: start date :param end_date: end date :return: list of AUM data between the specified range """ aum_data = GsPortfolioApi.get_custom_aum(self.portfolio_id, start_date, end_date) return [CustomAUMDataPoint(date=dt.datetime.strptime(data['date'], '%Y-%m-%d'), aum=data['aum']) for data in aum_data]
[docs] @deprecation.deprecated(deprecated_in='1.0.10', details='PortfolioManager.get_aum is now deprecated, please use ' 'PerformanceReport.get_aum instead.') def get_aum(self, start_date:, end_date: """ Get AUM data for portfolio :param start_date: start date :param end_date: end date :return: dictionary of dates with corresponding AUM values """ aum_source = self.get_aum_source() if aum_source == RiskAumSource.Custom_AUM: aum = self.get_custom_aum(start_date=start_date, end_date=end_date) return {'%Y-%m-%d'): aum_point.aum for aum_point in aum} if aum_source == RiskAumSource.Long: aum = self.get_performance_report().get_long_exposure(start_date=start_date, end_date=end_date) return {row['date']: row['longExposure'] for index, row in aum.iterrows()} if aum_source == RiskAumSource.Short: aum = self.get_performance_report().get_short_exposure(start_date=start_date, end_date=end_date) return {row['date']: row['shortExposure'] for index, row in aum.iterrows()} if aum_source == RiskAumSource.Gross: aum = self.get_performance_report().get_gross_exposure(start_date=start_date, end_date=end_date) return {row['date']: row['grossExposure'] for index, row in aum.iterrows()} if aum_source == RiskAumSource.Net: aum = self.get_performance_report().get_net_exposure(start_date=start_date, end_date=end_date) return {row['date']: row['netExposure'] for index, row in aum.iterrows()}
[docs] @deprecation.deprecated(deprecated_in='1.0.10', details='PortfolioManager.upload_custom_aum is now deprecated, please use ' 'PerformanceReport.upload_custom_aum instead.') def upload_custom_aum(self, aum_data: List[CustomAUMDataPoint], clear_existing_data: bool = None): """ Add AUM data for portfolio :param aum_data: list of AUM data to upload :param clear_existing_data: delete all previously uploaded AUM data for the portfolio (defaults to false) """ formatted_aum_data = [{'date':'%Y-%m-%d'), 'aum': data.aum} for data in aum_data] GsPortfolioApi.upload_custom_aum(self.portfolio_id, formatted_aum_data, clear_existing_data)
[docs] @deprecation.deprecated(deprecated_in="0.9.110", details="Please use the get_pnl_contribution on your portfolio's performance report using" "the PerformanceReport class") def get_pnl_contribution(self, start_date: = None, end_date: = None, currency: Currency = None, tags: Dict = None) -> pd.DataFrame: """ Get PnL Contribution of your portfolio broken down by constituents :param start_date: optional start date :param end_date: optional end date :param currency: optional currency; defaults to your portfolio's currency :param tags: If the portfolio is a fund of funds, pass in a dictionary corresponding to the tag values to retrieve results for a sub-portfolio :return: a Pandas DataFrame of results """ performance_report_id = None if tags is None else self.get_performance_report(tags).id return pd.DataFrame(GsPortfolioApi.get_attribution(self.portfolio_id, start_date, end_date, currency, performance_report_id))
[docs] def get_macro_exposure(self, model: MacroRiskModel, date:, factor_type: FactorType, factor_categories: List[Factor] = [], get_factors_by_name: bool = True, tags: Dict = None, return_format: ReturnFormat = ReturnFormat.DATA_FRAME ) -> Union[Dict, pd.DataFrame]: """ Get portfolio and asset exposure to macro factors or macro factor categories :param model: the macro risk model :param date: date for which to get exposure :param factor_type: whether to get exposure to factor categories or factors. :param factor_categories: Get portfolio exposure to these factor categories. Must be valid Factor Categories. If factor_type is Factor, get exposure to factors that are grouped in these factor categories. If empty, return exposure to all factor categories/factors. :param get_factors_by_name: whether to identify factors by their name or identifier :param tags: If the portfolio is a fund of funds, pass in a dictionary corresponding to the tag values to retrieve results for a sub-portfolio :param return_format: whether to return a dict or a pandas dataframe :return: a Pandas Dataframe or a Dict of portfolio exposure to macro factors **Examples** >>> model = MacroRiskModel.get(\"MODEL\") >>> pm = PortfolioManager("PORTFOLIO ID") >>> exposure_dataframe = pm.get_macro_exposure( >>> model=model, >>>, 1, 1), >>> factor_type=FactorType.Factor >>> ).sort_values( >>> by=[\"Total Factor Exposure\"], >>> axis=1, >>> ascending=False >>> ) """ performance_report = self.get_performance_report(tags) # Get portfolio constituents constituents_and_notional_df = build_portfolio_constituents_df(performance_report, date). \ rename(columns={"name": "Asset Name", "netExposure": "Notional"}) # Query universe sensitivity universe = constituents_and_notional_df.index.dropna().tolist() universe_sensitivities_df = build_sensitivity_df(universe, model, date, factor_type, get_factors_by_name) # Remove assets without exposure assets_with_exposure = list(universe_sensitivities_df.index.values) if not assets_with_exposure: logging.warning("The Portfolio is not exposed to any of the requested macro factors") return pd.DataFrame() constituents_and_notional_df = constituents_and_notional_df.loc[assets_with_exposure] factor_data = model.get_factor_data(date, date, factor_type=FactorType.Factor) \ if factor_type == FactorType.Factor else pd.DataFrame() exposure_df = build_exposure_df(constituents_and_notional_df, universe_sensitivities_df, factor_categories, factor_data, get_factors_by_name) if return_format == ReturnFormat.JSON: return exposure_df.to_dict() return exposure_df