Copyright 2019 Goldman Sachs.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
software distributed under the License is distributed on an
KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
specific language governing permissions and limitations
under the License.
import datetime
import logging
from typing import Dict, List, Union, Optional
import pandas as pd
from pydash import get
from gs_quant.api.gs.assets import GsAssetApi
from gs_quant.api.gs.price import GsPriceApi
from gs_quant.errors import MqValueError
from gs_quant.target.common import Position as CommonPosition, PositionPriceInput, PositionSet as CommonPositionSet, \
PositionTag, Currency, PositionSetWeightingStrategy
from gs_quant.target.price import PriceParameters, PositionSetPriceInput
_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
[docs]class Position:
[docs] def __init__(self,
identifier: str,
weight: float = None,
quantity: float = None,
name: str = None,
asset_id: str = None,
tags: List[PositionTag] = None):
self.__identifier = identifier
self.__weight = weight
self.__quantity = quantity
self.__name = name
self.__asset_id = asset_id
self.__tags = tags
def __eq__(self, other) -> bool:
if not isinstance(other, Position):
return False
for prop in ['asset_id', 'weight', 'quantity', 'tags']:
slf = get(self, prop)
oth = get(other, prop)
if not (slf is None and oth is None) and not slf == oth:
return False
return True
def __hash__(self):
return hash(self.asset_id) ^ hash(self.identifier)
def identifier(self) -> str:
return self.__identifier
def identifier(self, value: str):
self.__identifier = value
def weight(self) -> float:
return self.__weight
def weight(self, value: float):
self.__weight = value
def quantity(self) -> float:
return self.__quantity
def quantity(self, value: float):
self.__quantity = value
def name(self) -> str:
return self.__name
def name(self, value: str):
self.__name = value
def asset_id(self) -> str:
return self.__asset_id
def asset_id(self, value: str):
self.__asset_id = value
def tags(self) -> List[PositionTag]:
return self.__tags
def tags(self, value: List[PositionTag]):
self.__tags = value
def as_dict(self) -> Dict:
position_dict = dict(identifier=self.identifier, weight=self.weight,
quantity=self.quantity, name=self.name, asset_id=self.asset_id, tags=self.tags)
return {k: v for k, v in position_dict.items() if v is not None}
def to_target(self, common: bool = True) -> Union[CommonPosition, PositionPriceInput]:
""" Returns Position type defined in target file for API payloads """
if common:
tags_as_target = self.tags if self.tags else None
return CommonPosition(self.asset_id, quantity=self.quantity, tags=tags_as_target)
return PositionPriceInput(self.asset_id, quantity=self.quantity, weight=self.weight)
[docs]class PositionSet:
Position Sets hold a collection of positions associated with a particular date
[docs] def __init__(self,
positions: List[Position],
date: datetime.date = datetime.date.today(),
divisor: float = None,
reference_notional: float = None,
unresolved_positions: List[Position] = None,
unpriced_positions: List[Position] = None):
if reference_notional is not None:
for p in positions:
if p.weight is None:
raise MqValueError('Position set with reference notionals must have weights for every position.')
if p.quantity is not None:
raise MqValueError('Position sets with reference notionals cannot have positions with quantities.')
self.__positions = positions
self.__date = date
self.__divisor = divisor
self.__reference_notional = reference_notional
self.__unresolved_positions = unresolved_positions if unresolved_positions is not None else []
self.__unpriced_positions = unpriced_positions if unpriced_positions is not None else []
def __eq__(self, other) -> bool:
if len(self.positions) != len(other.positions):
return False
if self.date != other.date:
return False
if self.reference_notional != other.reference_notional:
return False
positions = self.positions
positions.sort(key=lambda position: position.asset_id)
other_positions = other.positions
other_positions.sort(key=lambda position: position.asset_id)
for i in range(0, len(positions)):
if positions[i] != other_positions[i]:
return False
return True
def positions(self) -> List[Position]:
return self.__positions
def positions(self, value: List[Position]):
self.__positions = value
def date(self) -> datetime.date:
return self.__date
def date(self, value: datetime.date):
self.__date = value
def divisor(self) -> float:
return self.__divisor
def reference_notional(self) -> float:
return self.__reference_notional
def reference_notional(self, value: float):
self.__reference_notional = value
def unresolved_positions(self) -> List[Position]:
return self.__unresolved_positions
def unpriced_positions(self) -> List[Position]:
return self.__unpriced_positions
[docs] def get_positions(self) -> pd.DataFrame:
Retrieve formatted positions
:return: DataFrame of positions for position set
View position set position info
Get position set positions:
>>> from gs_quant.markets.position_set import Position, PositionSet
>>> my_positions = [Position(identifier='AAPL UW'), Position(identifier='MSFT UW')]
>>> position_set = PositionSet(positions=my_positions)
>>> position_set.get_positions()
**See also**
:func:`get_unresolved_positions` :func:`get_unpriced_positions` :func:`resolve` :func:`price`
positions = [p.as_dict() for p in self.positions]
return pd.DataFrame(positions)
[docs] def get_unresolved_positions(self) -> pd.DataFrame:
Retrieve formatted unresolved positions
:return: DataFrame of unresolved positions for position set
View position set unresolved position info
Get position set unresolved positions:
>>> from gs_quant.markets.position_set import Position, PositionSet
>>> my_positions = [Position(identifier='AAPL UW'), Position(identifier='MSFT UW')]
>>> position_set = PositionSet(positions=my_positions)
>>> position_set.resolve()
>>> position_set.get_unresolved_positions()
**See also**
:func:`get_positions` :func:`get_unpriced_positions` :func:`resolve` :func:`price`
positions = [p.as_dict() for p in self.unresolved_positions]
return pd.DataFrame(positions)
[docs] def remove_unresolved_positions(self):
Remove unresolved positions from your position set
Remove unresolved positions from your position set
Remove unresolved positions from your position set:
>>> from gs_quant.markets.position_set import Position, PositionSet
>>> my_positions = [Position(identifier='AAPL UW'), Position(identifier='MSFT UW')]
>>> position_set = PositionSet(positions=my_positions)
>>> position_set.resolve()
>>> position_set.remove_unresolved_positions()
**See also**
:func:`get_positions` :func:`get_unpriced_positions` :func:`resolve` :func:`price`
:func:`remove_unpriced_positions` :func:`get_unresolved_positions`
self.positions = [p for p in self.positions if p.asset_id is not None]
self.__unresolved_positions = None
[docs] def get_unpriced_positions(self) -> pd.DataFrame:
Retrieve formatted unpriced positions
:return: DataFrame of unpriced positions for position set
View position set unpriced position info
Get position set unpriced positions:
>>> import datetime as dt
>>> from gs_quant.markets.position_set import Position, PositionSet
>>> my_positions = [Position(identifier='AAPL UW', quantity=100), Position(identifier='MSFT UW', quantity=100)]
>>> position_set = PositionSet(positions=my_positions)
>>> position_set.resolve()
>>> position_set.price()
>>> position_set.get_unpriced_positions()
**See also**
:func:`get_positions` :func:`get_unresolved_positions` :func:`resolve` :func:`price`
positions = [p.as_dict() for p in self.unpriced_positions]
return pd.DataFrame(positions)
[docs] def remove_unpriced_positions(self):
Remove unpriced positions from your position set
Remove unpriced positions from your position set
Remove unpriced positions from your position set:
>>> from gs_quant.markets.position_set import Position, PositionSet
>>> my_positions = [Position(identifier='AAPL UW'), Position(identifier='MSFT UW')]
>>> position_set = PositionSet(positions=my_positions)
>>> position_set.resolve()
>>> position_set.remove_unpriced_positions()
**See also**
:func:`get_positions` :func:`get_unpriced_positions` :func:`resolve` :func:`price`
:func:`get_unresolved_positions` :func:`remove_unresolved_positions`
self.__unpriced_positions = None
[docs] def equalize_position_weights(self):
Assigns equal weight to each position in position set
Assigns equal weight to each position in position set
Assign equal weight to each position in position set:
>>> from gs_quant.markets.position_set import Position, PositionSet
>>> my_positions = [Position(identifier='AAPL UW'), Position(identifier='MSFT UW')]
>>> position_set = PositionSet(positions=my_positions)
>>> position_set.equalize_position_weights()
**See also**
:func:`get_positions` :func:`redistribute_weights`
weight = 1 / len(self.positions)
equally_weighted_positions = []
for p in self.positions:
p.weight = weight
p.quantity = None
self.positions = equally_weighted_positions
[docs] def to_frame(self) -> pd.DataFrame:
Retrieve formatted position set
:return: DataFrame of position set info
View position set info
Retrieve formatted position set:
>>> from gs_quant.markets.position_set import Position, PositionSet
>>> my_positions = [Position(identifier='AAPL UW', quantity=100), Position(identifier='MSFT UW', quantity=100)]
>>> position_set = PositionSet(positions=my_positions)
>>> position_set.get_unpriced_positions()
**See also**
:func:`from_frame` :func:`from_dicts` :func:`from_list`
positions = []
for p in self.positions:
position = dict(date=self.date.isoformat())
if self.divisor is not None:
return pd.DataFrame(positions)
[docs] def resolve(self, **kwargs):
Resolve any unmapped positions
Resolve any unmapped positions
Resolve any unmapped positions:
>>> from gs_quant.markets.position_set import Position, PositionSet
>>> my_positions = [Position(identifier='AAPL UW'), Position(identifier='MSFT UW')]
>>> position_set = PositionSet(positions=my_positions)
>>> position_set.resolve()
**See also**
:func:`get_positions` :func:`get_unresolved_positions` :func:`get_unpriced_positions` :func:`price`
unresolved_positions = [p.identifier for p in self.positions if p.asset_id is None]
if len(unresolved_positions):
[id_map, unresolved_positions] = self.__resolve_identifiers(unresolved_positions, self.date, **kwargs)
self.__unresolved_positions = [p for p in self.positions if p.identifier in unresolved_positions]
resolved_positions = []
for p in self.positions:
if p.identifier in id_map:
asset = get(id_map, p.identifier.replace('.', '\.'))
p.asset_id = get(asset, 'id')
p.name = get(asset, 'name')
if p.asset_id is not None:
self.positions = resolved_positions
def redistribute_weights(self):
Redistribute position weights proportionally for a one-sided position set
Redistribute position weights proportionally for a one-sided position set
Redistribute position weights proportionally for a one-sided position set:
>>> from gs_quant.markets.position_set import Position, PositionSet
>>> my_positions = [Position(identifier='AAPL UW', weight=0.3), Position(identifier='MSFT UW', weight=0.3)]
>>> position_set = PositionSet(positions=my_positions)
>>> position_set.redistribute_weights()
**See also**
:func:`get_positions` :func:`equalize_position_weights` :func:`get_unpriced_positions` :func:`price`
total_weight = 0
new_weights, unweighted = [], []
for p in self.positions:
if p.weight is None:
total_weight += p.weight
if len(unweighted):
raise MqValueError(f'Cannot reweight as some positions are missing weights: {unweighted}')
weight_to_distribute = 1 - total_weight if total_weight < 0 else total_weight - 1
for p in self.positions:
p.weight = p.weight - (p.weight / total_weight) * weight_to_distribute
p.quantity = None
self.positions = new_weights
[docs] def price(self, currency: Optional[Currency] = Currency.USD,
weighting_strategy: Optional[PositionSetWeightingStrategy] = None, **kwargs):
Fetch positions weights from quantities, or vice versa
:param currency: Reference notional currency (defaults to USD if not passed in)
:param weighting_strategy: Quantity or Weighted weighting strategy (defaults based on positions info)
:param use_tags: Determines if tags are used to index the position response for non-netted positions
Fetch positions weights from quantities, or vice versa
Fetch position weights from quantities:
>>> from gs_quant.markets.position_set import Position, PositionSet, PositionSetWeightingStrategy
>>> my_positions = [Position(identifier='AAPL UW', quantity=100), Position(identifier='MSFT UW', quantity=100)]
>>> position_set = PositionSet(positions=my_positions)
>>> position_set.resolve()
>>> position_set.price(weighting_strategy=PositionSetWeightingStrategy.Quantity)
Fetch position quantities from weights:
>>> import datetime as dt
>>> from gs_quant.markets.position_set import Position, PositionSet
>>> my_positions = [Position(identifier='AAPL UW', weight=0.5), Position(identifier='MSFT UW', weight=0.5)]
>>> position_set = PositionSet(positions=my_positions, date= dt.date(2023, 3, 16), reference_notional=10000000)
>>> position_set.resolve()
>>> position_set.price(weighting_strategy=PositionSetWeightingStrategy.Weight)
**See also**
:func:`get_unpriced_positions` :func:`get_unresolved_positions` :func:`resolve`
weighting_strategy = self.__get_default_weighting_strategy(self.positions,
positions = self.__convert_positions_for_pricing(self.positions, weighting_strategy)
price_parameters = PriceParameters(currency=currency,
for k, v in kwargs.items():
price_parameters[k] = v
results = GsPriceApi.price_positions(PositionSetPriceInput(positions=positions, parameters=price_parameters))
position_result_map = {f'{p.asset_id}{self.__hash_position_tag_list(p.tags)}': p for p in results.positions}
priced_positions, unpriced_positions = [], []
for p in self.positions:
asset_key = f'{p.asset_id}{self.__hash_position_tag_list(p.tags)}'
if asset_key in position_result_map:
p.weight = position_result_map.get(asset_key).weight
p.quantity = position_result_map.get(asset_key).quantity
self.positions = priced_positions
self.__unpriced_positions = unpriced_positions
def to_target(self, common: bool = True) -> Union[CommonPositionSet, List[PositionPriceInput]]:
""" Returns PostionSet type defined in target file for API payloads """
positions = tuple(p.to_target(common) for p in self.positions)
return CommonPositionSet(positions, self.date) if common else list(positions)
def from_target(cls, position_set: CommonPositionSet):
""" Create PostionSet instance from PostionSet type defined in target file """
positions = position_set.positions
mqids = [position.asset_id for position in positions]
position_data = cls.__get_positions_data(mqids)
converted_positions = []
for p in positions:
asset = get(position_data, p.asset_id)
tags = p.tags if p.tags else None
position = Position(identifier=get(asset, 'bbid'), name=get(asset, 'name'),
asset_id=p.asset_id, quantity=p.quantity, tags=tags)
return cls(converted_positions, position_set.position_date, position_set.divisor)
[docs] @classmethod
def from_list(cls, positions: List[str], date: datetime.date = datetime.date.today()):
Create equally-weighted PostionSet instance from a list of identifiers
Create equally-weighted PostionSet instance from a list of identifiers
Create equally-weighted PostionSet instance from a list of identifiers:
>>> from gs_quant.markets.position_set import PositionSet
>>> identifiers = ['AAPL UW', 'MSFT UW']
>>> position_set = PositionSet.from_list(positions=identifiers)
**See also**
:func:`get_positions` :func:`resolve` :func:`from_dicts` :func:`from_frame` :func:`to_frame`
weight = 1 / len(positions)
converted_positions = [Position(identifier=p, weight=weight) for p in positions]
return cls(converted_positions, date)
[docs] @classmethod
def from_dicts(cls, positions: List[Dict],
date: datetime.date = datetime.date.today(),
reference_notional: float = None,
add_tags: bool = False):
Create PostionSet instance from a list of position-object-like dictionaries
Create PostionSet instance from a list of position-object-like dictionaries
Create PostionSet instance from a list of position-object-like dictionaries:
>>> from gs_quant.markets.position_set import PositionSet
>>> my_positions = [{'identifier': 'AAPL UW', 'weight': 0.5}, {'identifier': 'AAPL UW', 'weight': 0.5}]
>>> position_set = PositionSet.from_dicts(positions=my_positions)
**See also**
:func:`get_positions` :func:`resolve` :func:`from_list` :func:`from_frame` :func:`to_frame`
positions_df = pd.DataFrame(positions)
return cls.from_frame(positions_df, date, reference_notional, add_tags)
[docs] @classmethod
def from_frame(cls,
positions: pd.DataFrame,
date: datetime.date = datetime.date.today(),
reference_notional: float = None,
add_tags: bool = False):
Create PostionSet instance from a dataframe of positions
Create PostionSet instance from a dataframe of positions
Create PostionSet instance from a dataframe of positions:
>>> import pandas as pd
>>> from gs_quant.markets.position_set import PositionSet
>>> my_positions = [{'identifier': 'AAPL UW', 'weight': 0.5}, {'identifier': 'AAPL UW', 'weight': 0.5}]
>>> positions_df = pd.DataFrame(my_positions)
>>> position_set = PositionSet.from_frame(positions=positions_df)
**See also**
:func:`get_positions` :func:`resolve` :func:`from_list` :func:`from_dicts` :func:`to_frame`
positions.columns = cls.__normalize_position_columns(positions)
tag_columns = cls.__get_tag_columns(positions) if add_tags else []
positions = positions[~positions['identifier'].isnull()]
equalize = not ('quantity' in positions.columns.str.lower() or 'weight' in positions.columns.str.lower())
equal_weight = 1 / len(positions)
positions_list = []
for row in positions.to_dict(orient='records'):
weight=equal_weight if equalize else row.get('weight'),
quantity=None if equalize else row.get('quantity'),
tags=list(PositionTag(tag, get(row, tag)) for tag in tag_columns) if len(tag_columns) else None
return cls(positions_list, date, reference_notional=reference_notional)
def __get_tag_columns(positions: pd.DataFrame) -> List[str]:
return [c for c in positions.columns if c.lower() not in ['identifier', 'quantity', 'weight', 'date']]
def __normalize_position_columns(positions: pd.DataFrame) -> List[str]:
columns = []
for c in positions.columns:
columns.append(c.lower() if c.lower() in ['identifier', 'quantity', 'weight', 'date'] else c)
return columns
def __resolve_identifiers(identifiers: List[str], date: datetime.date, **kwargs) -> List:
response = GsAssetApi.resolve_assets(
fields=['name', 'id'],
unmapped_assets = []
id_map = {}
for identifier in response:
if len(response[identifier]) > 0:
id_map[identifier] = {'id': response[identifier][0]['id'], 'name': response[identifier][0]['name']}
if len(unmapped_assets) > 0:
logging.info(f'Error in resolving the following identifiers: {unmapped_assets}. Sifting them out and '
f'resolving the rest...')
return [id_map, unmapped_assets]
def __get_positions_data(mqids: List[str]) -> Dict:
response = GsAssetApi.get_many_assets_data(id=mqids, fields=['id', 'name', 'bbid'])
data = {}
for asset in response:
data[get(asset, 'id')] = dict(name=get(asset, 'name'), bbid=get(asset, 'bbid'))
return data
def __get_default_weighting_strategy(positions: List[Position],
reference_notional: float = None,
weighting_strategy: Optional[PositionSetWeightingStrategy] = None
) -> PositionSetWeightingStrategy:
missing_weights = [p.identifier for p in positions if p.weight is None]
missing_quantities = [p.identifier for p in positions if p.quantity is None]
if weighting_strategy is None:
if len(missing_weights) and len(missing_quantities):
raise MqValueError(f'Unable to determine weighting strategy due to missing weights for \
{missing_weights} and missing quantities for {missing_quantities}')
if not len(missing_weights) and (reference_notional is not None or len(missing_quantities)):
weighting_strategy = PositionSetWeightingStrategy.Weight
weighting_strategy = PositionSetWeightingStrategy.Quantity
use_weight = weighting_strategy == PositionSetWeightingStrategy.Weight
if (use_weight and len(missing_weights)) or (not use_weight and len(missing_quantities)):
raise MqValueError(f'You must input a {weighting_strategy.value} for the following positions: \
{missing_weights if use_weight else missing_quantities}')
if use_weight and reference_notional is None:
raise MqValueError('You must specify a reference notional in order to price by weight.')
return weighting_strategy
def __convert_positions_for_pricing(positions: List[Position],
weighting_strategy: PositionSetWeightingStrategy) -> List[PositionPriceInput]:
position_inputs, missing_ids = [], []
use_weight = weighting_strategy == PositionSetWeightingStrategy.Weight
for p in positions:
if p.asset_id is None:
weight=p.weight if use_weight else None,
quantity=None if use_weight else p.quantity,
if len(missing_ids):
raise MqValueError(f'Positions: {missing_ids} are missing asset ids. Resolve your position \
set or remove unmapped identifiers.')
return position_inputs
def __hash_position_tag_list(position_tags: List[PositionTag]) -> str:
hashed_results = ''
if position_tags is not None:
for tag in position_tags:
hashed_results = hashed_results + tag.name + '-' + tag.value
return hashed_results