Copyright 2020 Goldman Sachs.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
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Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
software distributed under the License is distributed on an
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under the License.
from functools import partial
from dateutil.relativedelta import relativedelta as rdelta
from pydash import chunk
from gs_quant.timeseries.econometrics import volatility, correlation
from gs_quant.timeseries.helper import _create_enum, _tenor_to_month, _month_to_tenor
from gs_quant.timeseries.measures_helper import VolReference, preprocess_implied_vol_strikes_eq
from gs_quant import timeseries as ts
from .statistics import *
from ..api.gs.assets import GsAssetApi
from ..api.gs.data import GsDataApi, MarketDataResponseFrame
from ..data.log import log_debug
_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
RebalFreq = _create_enum('RebalFreq', ['Daily', 'Weekly', 'Monthly'])
ReturnType = _create_enum('ReturnType', ['excess_return'])
def backtest_basket(
series: list,
weights: list,
costs: list = None,
rebal_freq: RebalFreq = RebalFreq.DAILY,
num_assets = len(series)
costs = costs or [0] * num_assets
weights = weights or [1 / num_assets] * num_assets
if not all(isinstance(x, pd.Series) for x in series):
raise MqTypeError("expected a list of series")
if len(weights) != num_assets or len(weights) != len(costs):
raise MqValueError("series, weights, and cost lists must have the same length")
# For all inputs which are Pandas series, get the intersection of their calendars
cal = pd.DatetimeIndex(
for curve in series + weights + costs
if isinstance(curve, pd.Series)
# Reindex inputs and convert to pandas dataframes
series = pd.concat([curve.reindex(cal) for curve in series], axis=1)
weights = pd.concat([pd.Series(w, index=cal) for w in weights], axis=1)
costs = pd.concat([pd.Series(c, index=cal) for c in costs], axis=1)
if rebal_freq == RebalFreq.DAILY:
rebal_dates = cal
if rebal_freq == RebalFreq.WEEKLY:
# Get hypothetical weekly rebalances
num_rebals = ((cal[-1] - cal[0]).days) // 7
rebal_dates = [cal[0] + i * rdelta(weeks=1) for i in range(num_rebals + 1)]
# Get hypothetical monthly rebalances
num_rebals = (cal[-1].year - cal[0].year) * 12 + cal[-1].month - cal[0].month
rebal_dates = [cal[0] + i * rdelta(months=1) for i in range(num_rebals + 1)]
# Convert the hypothetical weekly/monthly rebalance dates to actual calendar days
rebal_dates = [min(cal[cal >= date]) for date in rebal_dates if date < max(cal)]
# Create Units dataframe
units = pd.DataFrame(index=cal, columns=series.columns)
actual_weights = pd.DataFrame(index=cal, columns=series.columns)
output = pd.Series(dtype='float64', index=cal)
# Initialize backtest
output.values[0] = 100
units.values[0, ] = (
output.values[0] * weights.values[0, ] / series.values[0, ]
actual_weights.values[0, ] = weights.values[0, ]
# Run backtest
prev_rebal = 0
for i, date in enumerate(cal[1:], 1):
# Update performance
output.values[i] = output.values[i - 1] + np.dot(
units.values[i - 1, ], series.values[i, ] - series.values[i - 1, ]
actual_weights.values[i, ] = (
weights.values[prev_rebal, ] *
(series.values[i, ] / series.values[prev_rebal, ]) *
(output.values[prev_rebal] / output.values[i])
# Rebalance on rebal_dates
if date in rebal_dates:
# Compute costs
output.values[i] -= (
np.dot(costs.values[i, ], np.abs(weights.values[i, ] - actual_weights.values[i, ])) *
# Rebalance
units.values[i, ] = (
output.values[i] * weights.values[i, ] / series.values[i, ]
prev_rebal = i
actual_weights.values[i, ] = weights.values[i, ]
units.values[i, ] = units.values[
i - 1,
return output, actual_weights
def basket_series(
series: list,
weights: list = None,
costs: list = None,
rebal_freq: RebalFreq = RebalFreq.DAILY,
return_type: ReturnType = ReturnType.EXCESS_RETURN,
) -> pd.Series:
Calculates a basket return series.
:param series: list of time series of instrument prices
:param weights: list of weights (defaults to evenly weight series)
:param costs: list of execution costs in decimal (defaults to costs of 0)
:param rebal_freq: rebalancing frequency - Daily, Weekly or Monthly (defaults to Daily)
:param return_type: return type of underlying instruments - only excess return is supported
:return: time series of the resulting basket
Calculates a basket return series.
Generate price series and combine them in a basket (weights 70%/30%) which rebalances monthly and assumes
execution costs 5bps and 10bps each time the constituents are traded.
>>> prices1 = generate_series(100)
>>> prices2 = generate_series(100)
>>> mybasket = basket_series([prices1, prices2], [0.7, 0.3], [0.0005, 0.001], monthly)
**See also**
return backtest_basket(series, weights, costs, rebal_freq)[0]
[docs]class Basket:
Construct a basket of stocks
:param stocks: list of stock bloomberg ids
:param weights: list of weights (defaults to evenly weight stocks)
:param rebal_freq: rebalancing frequency - Daily or Monthly (defaults to daily)
def __init__(self, stocks: list, weights: list = None, rebal_freq: RebalFreq = RebalFreq.DAILY):
if weights and len(weights) and len(stocks) != len(weights): # make sure that they passed in an array for weig
raise MqValueError("Stocks and weights must have the same length if both specified.")
self.bbids = stocks
self.rebal_freq = rebal_freq
self.weights = weights
self._marquee_ids = None
self.start = DataContext.current.start_date
self.end = DataContext.current.end_date
self._spot_data = None
self._returns = None
self._actual_weights = None
def _reset(self):
self.start = DataContext.current.start_date
self.end = DataContext.current.end_date
self._spot_data = None
self._returns = None
self._actual_weights = None
def get_marquee_ids(self):
if self._marquee_ids is None:
# Assets sorted by increasing rank
assets = reversed(GsAssetApi.get_many_assets_data(bbid=self.bbids, fields=('id', 'bbid', 'rank'),
limit=2 * len(self.bbids), order_by=['>rank']))
# If duplicate assets exist, asset_dict will contain a entry for the one with the higher rank (relevant)
assets_dict = {entry['bbid']: entry['id'] for entry in assets}
if len(assets_dict) != len(set(self.bbids)):
not_found = set(assets_dict).symmetric_difference(self.bbids)
raise MqValueError(f'Unable to find stocks: {", ".join(not_found)}')
self._marquee_ids = [assets_dict[bbid] for bbid in self.bbids]
return self._marquee_ids
def _ensure_spot_data(self, request_id: Optional[str] = None):
if self.start != DataContext.current.start_date or self.end != DataContext.current.end_date:
if self._spot_data is None:
q = GsDataApi.build_market_data_query(self.get_marquee_ids(), QueryType.SPOT)
log_debug(request_id, _logger, 'q %s', q)
spot_data = ts.get_historical_and_last_for_measure(self.get_marquee_ids(), QueryType.SPOT, {},
dataset_ids = getattr(spot_data, 'dataset_ids', ())
df = spot_data.set_index([spot_data.index, 'assetId'])
df = df[~df.index.duplicated(keep='last')].spot.unstack()
df = df[self._marquee_ids]
self._spot_data = MarketDataResponseFrame(df)
self._spot_data.dataset_ids = dataset_ids
def _ensure_backtest(self, request_id: Optional[str] = None):
if self.start != DataContext.current.start_date or self.end != DataContext.current.end_date:
if self._returns is None or self._actual_weights is None:
spot_df = self.get_spot_data(request_id=request_id)
spot_series = [spot_df[asset_id] for asset_id in spot_df]
results = backtest_basket(spot_series, self.weights, rebal_freq=self.rebal_freq)
self._returns = results[0]
actual_weights = results[1]
actual_weights.columns = self.get_marquee_ids()
self._actual_weights = actual_weights
def get_returns(self, request_id: Optional[str] = None):
return self._returns
def get_actual_weights(self, request_id: Optional[str] = None):
return self._actual_weights
def get_spot_data(self, request_id: Optional[str] = None):
return self._spot_data
def price(self, *, real_time: bool = False, request_id: Optional[str] = None) -> pd.Series:
Weighted average price
:param real_time: whether to retrieve intraday data instead of EOD
:param request_id: service request id, if any
:return: time series of the average price
if real_time:
raise NotImplementedError('real-time basket price not implemented')
return self.get_returns(request_id=request_id)
def average_implied_volatility(self, tenor: str, strike_reference: VolReference, relative_strike: Real, *,
real_time: bool = False, request_id: Optional[str] = None,
source: Optional[str] = None) -> pd.Series:
Weighted average implied volatility
:param tenor: relative date representation of expiration date e.g. 1m
:param strike_reference: reference for strike level
:param relative_strike: strike relative to reference
:param real_time: whether to retrieve intraday data instead of EOD
:param request_id: service request id, if any
:param source: name of function caller
:return: time series of the average implied volatility
if real_time:
raise NotImplementedError('real-time basket implied vol not implemented')
ref_string, relative_strike = preprocess_implied_vol_strikes_eq(strike_reference, relative_strike)
log_debug(request_id, _logger, 'where tenor=%s, strikeReference=%s, relativeStrike=%s', tenor, ref_string,
where = dict(tenor=tenor, strikeReference=ref_string, relativeStrike=relative_strike)
tasks = []
for i, chunked_assets in enumerate(chunk(self.get_marquee_ids(), 3)):
query = GsDataApi.build_market_data_query(
tasks.append(partial(GsDataApi.get_market_data, query, request_id))
results = ThreadPoolManager.run_async(tasks)
vol_data = pd.concat(results)
actual_weights = self.get_actual_weights(request_id)
# Add in today's data
today = datetime.date.today()
if not real_time and DataContext.current.end_date >= today and \
(vol_data.empty or today not in vol_data.index.date):
vol_data = ts.append_last_for_measure(vol_data, self.get_marquee_ids(), QueryType.IMPLIED_VOLATILITY, where,
source=source, request_id=request_id)
vol_data.index.rename('date', inplace=True)
# Below transformations will throw errors if vol_data is empty
if vol_data.empty:
return pd.Series(dtype=float)
vols = vol_data.pivot_table('impliedVolatility', ['date'], 'assetId')
vols.reindex(self.get_marquee_ids(), axis=1)
vols.index.name = None
# Necessary when current values appended - set weights index to match vols index
actual_weights = actual_weights.reindex(vols.index).fillna(method='pad')
return actual_weights.mul(vols).sum(axis=1, skipna=False)
def average_realized_volatility(self, tenor: str, returns_type: Returns = Returns.LOGARITHMIC, *,
real_time: bool = False, request_id: Optional[str] = None) -> pd.Series:
Weighted average realized volatility
:param tenor: relative date representation of expiration date e.g. 1m
:param returns_type: returns type
:param real_time: whether to retrieve intraday data instead of EOD
:param request_id: service request id, if any
:return: time series of the average realized volatility
if real_time:
raise NotImplementedError('real-time basket realized vol not implemented')
spot_df = self.get_spot_data(request_id=request_id)
actual_weights = self.get_actual_weights(request_id=request_id)
vols = [volatility(spot_df[asset_id], Window(tenor, tenor), returns_type) for asset_id in spot_df]
vols = pd.concat(vols, axis=1)
vols.columns = list(spot_df)
# Necessary when current values appended - set weights index to match vols index
actual_weights = actual_weights.reindex(vols.index).fillna(method='pad')
return actual_weights.mul(vols, axis=1).sum(axis=1, skipna=False)
def average_realized_correlation(self, w: Union[Window, int, str] = Window(None, 0),
*, real_time: bool = False, request_id: Optional[str] = None) -> pd.Series:
Weighted average realized correlation. Computes the correlation between each of the basket's constituents and
returns their average, weighted by their representation in the basket.
:param w: Window, int, or str: size of window and ramp up to use. e.g. Window(22, 10) where 22 is the window
size and 10 the ramp up value. If w is a string, it should be a relative date like '1m', '1d', etc.
Window size defaults to length of series.
:param real_time: whether to retrieve intraday data instead of EOD
:param request_id: service request ID, if any
:return: time series of the average realized correlation
# Calculated using method (a) from here: http://www.nematrian.com/MeasuringAverageStockCorrelation
# Could be sped-up by using another estimate method, such as (b)
if real_time:
raise NotImplementedError('real-time basket realized corr not implemented')
spot_df = self.get_spot_data(request_id=request_id)
actual_weights = self.get_actual_weights(request_id=request_id)
tot = pd.Series(np.zeros_like(spot_df.iloc[:, 0]), index=spot_df.index)
tot_wt = pd.Series(np.zeros_like(spot_df.iloc[:, 0]), index=spot_df.index)
# Iterate through and compute pairwise correlation between spot price series,
# averaging at the end.
for i in range(len(spot_df.columns)):
for j in range(i + 1, len(spot_df.columns)):
corr = correlation(spot_df.iloc[:, i], spot_df.iloc[:, j], w)
wt = actual_weights.iloc[:, i] * actual_weights.iloc[:, j]
tot += corr * wt
tot_wt += wt
return pd.to_numeric(tot / tot_wt, errors='coerce')
def average_forward_vol(self, tenor: str, forward_start_date: str, strike_reference: VolReference,
relative_strike: Real, *, real_time: bool = False, request_id: Optional[str] = None,
source: Optional[str] = None) -> pd.Series:
Weighted average forward volatility.
:param tenor: relative date representation of expiration date e.g. 1m
:param forward_start_date: forward start date e.g. 2m, 1y
:param strike_reference: reference for strike level
:param relative_strike: strike relative to reference
:param real_time: whether to retrieve intraday data instead of EOD
:param request_id: service request id, if any
:param source: name of function caller
:return: average forward volatility
if real_time:
raise NotImplementedError('real-time basket forward vol not implemented')
ref_string, relative_strike = preprocess_implied_vol_strikes_eq(strike_reference, relative_strike)
t1_month = _tenor_to_month(forward_start_date)
t2_month = _tenor_to_month(tenor) + t1_month
t1 = _month_to_tenor(t1_month)
t2 = _month_to_tenor(t2_month)
log_debug(request_id, _logger, 'where tenor=%s, strikeReference=%s, relativeStrike=%s', f'{t1},{t2}',
ref_string, relative_strike)
where = dict(tenor=[t1, t2], strikeReference=[ref_string], relativeStrike=[relative_strike])
asset_ids = self.get_marquee_ids()
vol_data = ts.get_historical_and_last_for_measure(asset_ids, QueryType.IMPLIED_VOLATILITY, where, source=source,
# Below transformations will throw errors if vol_data is empty
if vol_data.empty:
return pd.Series(dtype=float)
grouped_by_asset_ids = vol_data.groupby('assetId')
s = {}
for asset_id, df in grouped_by_asset_ids:
grouped_by_tenor = df.groupby('tenor')
sg = grouped_by_tenor.get_group(t1)['impliedVolatility']
lg = grouped_by_tenor.get_group(t2)['impliedVolatility']
except KeyError:
log_debug(request_id, _logger, 'no data for one or more tenors')
series = pd.Series(dtype=float, name='forwardVol')
series = pd.Series(sqrt((t2_month * lg ** 2 - t1_month * sg ** 2) / _tenor_to_month(tenor)),
s[asset_id] = series
vols = pd.DataFrame(s)
actual_weights = self.get_actual_weights(request_id)
# Necessary when current values appended - set weights index to match vols index
actual_weights = actual_weights.reindex(pd.DatetimeIndex(vols.index)).fillna(method='pad')
return actual_weights.mul(vols).sum(axis=1, skipna=False)