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from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from typing import Type, Union
import numpy as np
from lmfit import minimize, Parameters, report_fit
from scipy.integrate import odeint
Statistical models for the transmission of infectious diseases
class CompartmentalModel(ABC):
def calibrate(cls, xs, t, parameters) -> tuple:
""" Should be of form callable(y, t, ...)
See https://docs.scipy.org/doc/scipy/reference/generated/scipy.integrate.odeint.html """
raise NotImplementedError
def get_parameters(cls, *args, **kwargs) -> tuple:
raise NotImplementedError
[docs]class SIR(CompartmentalModel):
"""SIR Model"""
def calibrate(cls, xs: tuple, t: float, parameters: Union[Parameters, tuple]) -> tuple:
SIR model derivatives at t.
:param xs: variables that we are solving for, i.e. [S]usceptible, [I]nfected, [R]emoved
:param t: time parameter, inactive for this model
:param parameters: parameters of the model (not including initial conditions), i.e. beta, gamma, N
:return: tuple, the derivatives dSdt, dIdt, dRdt of each of the S, I, R variables
s, i, r = xs
if isinstance(parameters, Parameters):
beta = parameters['beta'].value
gamma = parameters['gamma'].value
N = parameters['N'].value
elif isinstance(parameters, tuple):
beta, gamma, N = parameters
raise ValueError("Cannot recognize parameter input")
dSdt = - beta * s * i / N
dIdt = beta * s * i / N - gamma * i
dRdt = gamma * i
return dSdt, dIdt, dRdt
def get_parameters(cls, S0: float, I0: float, R0: float, N: float, beta: float = 0.2, gamma: float = 0.1,
beta_max: float = 10, gamma_max: float = 1, S0_fixed: bool = True, S0_max: float = 1e6,
beta_fixed: bool = False, gamma_fixed: bool = False, R0_fixed: bool = True, R0_max: float = 1e6,
I0_fixed: bool = True, I0_max: float = 1e6) \
-> tuple:
Produce a set of parameters for the SIR model.
:param S0: initial number of susceptible in the population
:param I0: initial number of infected in the population, usually set to 1
:param R0: initial number of recovered/removed in the population, usually set to 0
:param N: size of the population
:param beta: transmission rate parameter
:param gamma: recovery rate parameter
:param beta_max: maximum value to consider for beta during parameter fitting
:param gamma_max: maximum value of gamma to consider during parameter fitting
:param S0_fixed: whether to keep S0 fixed during fitting
:param S0_max: maximum value of S0 to consider during parameter fitting
:param R0_fixed: whether to keep R0 fixed during fitting
:param R0_max: maximum value of R0 to consider during parameter fitting
:param I0_fixed: whether to keep I0 fixed during fitting
:param I0_max: maximum value of I0 to consider during parameter fitting
:return: tuple[Parameters, list]: (parameters, a list of the names of the variables for initial conditions)
parameters = Parameters()
parameters.add('N', value=N, min=0, max=N, vary=False)
parameters.add('S0', value=S0, min=0, max=S0_max, vary=not S0_fixed)
parameters.add('I0', value=I0, min=0, max=I0_max, vary=not I0_fixed)
parameters.add('R0', value=R0, min=0, max=R0_max, vary=not R0_fixed)
parameters.add('beta', value=beta, min=0, max=beta_max, vary=not beta_fixed)
parameters.add('gamma', value=gamma, min=0, max=gamma_max, vary=not gamma_fixed)
initial_conditions = ['S0', 'I0', 'R0']
return parameters, initial_conditions
[docs]class SEIR(CompartmentalModel):
"""SEIR Model"""
def calibrate(cls, xs: tuple, t: float, parameters: Union[Parameters, tuple]) -> tuple:
SEIR model derivatives at t.
:param xs: variables that we are solving for, i.e. [S]usceptible, [E]xposed, [I]nfected, [R]emoved
:param t: time parameter, inactive for this model
:param parameters: parameters of the model (not including initial conditions), i.e. beta, gamma, sigma, N
:return: tuple, the derivatives dSdt, dEdt, dIdt, dRdt of each of the S, E, I, R variables
s, e, i, r = xs
if isinstance(parameters, Parameters):
beta = parameters['beta'].value
gamma = parameters['gamma'].value
sigma = parameters['sigma'].value
N = parameters['N'].value
elif isinstance(parameters, tuple):
beta, gamma, sigma, N = parameters
raise ValueError("Cannot recognize parameter input")
dSdt = -beta * s * i / N
dEdt = beta * s * i / N - sigma * e
dIdt = sigma * e - gamma * i
dRdt = gamma * i
return dSdt, dEdt, dIdt, dRdt
def get_parameters(cls, S0: float, E0: float, I0: float, R0: float, N: float, beta: float = 0.2, gamma: float = 0.1,
sigma: float = 0.2, beta_max: float = 10, gamma_max: float = 1, sigma_max: float = 1,
beta_fixed: bool = False, gamma_fixed: bool = False, sigma_fixed: bool = False,
S0_fixed: bool = True, S0_max: float = 1e6, R0_fixed: bool = True, R0_max: float = 1e6,
I0_fixed: bool = True, I0_max: float = 1e6, E0_fixed: bool = True, E0_max: float = 1e6) -> tuple:
Produce a set of parameters for the SIR model.
:param S0: initial number of susceptible in the population
:param E0: initial number of exposed in the population
:param I0: initial number of infected in the population, usually set to 1
:param R0: initial number of recovered/removed in the population, usually set to 0
:param N: size of the population
:param beta: transmission rate parameter
:param gamma: recovery rate parameter
:param sigma: parameter controlling transition from exposed to infectious
:param beta_max: maximum value to consider for beta during parameter fitting
:param gamma_max: maximum value of gamma to consider during parameter fitting
:param sigma_max: maximum value of gamma to consider during parameter fitting
:param S0_fixed: whether to keep S0 fixed during fitting
:param S0_max: maximum value of S0 to consider during parameter fitting
:param E0_fixed: whether to keep E0 fixed during fitting
:param E0_max: maximum value of E0 to consider during parameter fitting
:param R0_fixed: whether to keep R0 fixed during fitting
:param R0_max: maximum value of R0 to consider during parameter fitting
:param I0_fixed: whether to keep I0 fixed during fitting
:param I0_max: maximum value of I0 to consider during parameter fitting
:return: tuple[Parameters, list]: (parameters, a list of the names of the variables for initial conditions)
parameters = Parameters()
parameters.add('N', value=N, min=0, max=N, vary=False)
parameters.add('S0', value=S0, min=0, max=S0_max, vary=not S0_fixed)
parameters.add('E0', value=E0, min=0, max=E0_max, vary=not E0_fixed)
parameters.add('I0', value=I0, min=0, max=I0_max, vary=not I0_fixed)
parameters.add('R0', value=R0, min=0, max=R0_max, vary=not R0_fixed)
parameters.add('beta', value=beta, min=0, max=beta_max, vary=not beta_fixed)
parameters.add('gamma', value=gamma, min=0, max=gamma_max, vary=not gamma_fixed)
parameters.add('sigma', value=sigma, min=0, max=sigma_max, vary=not sigma_fixed)
initial_conditions = ['S0', 'E0', 'I0', 'R0']
return parameters, initial_conditions
def switch(t: float, T: float, eta: float = 0, xi: float = 0.1, nu: float = 0) -> float:
Return a time-dependent factor that decreases exponentially, to scale parameters that are affected at some
time point T.
Ex. quarantine control measures were instated at some point T > t0, where t0 is the first day in available data.
After this point, transmission rate was effectively reduced. This is modeled as a time-varying exponential decrease
from 1 (no effect) to some fixed coefficient eta (the full effect) (ie. at time t0 it is 1 * beta, and by
time T + nu, it is around eta * beta). If quarantine reduces transmission rate by 60%, eta would be 0.4. The
paramater xi controls the steepness of this decrease, the nu controls the shift relative to time T at which the
decrease peaks (ie. effects from quarantine measures at time T are visible at T+5 so nu=5). If nu=0, steepest
point is at time T.
To disable the 'switch', set eta = 1.0
:param t: current time step
:param T: some fixed time step at which the regime 'switches' - T is relative to t0, which is positioned at 0
NOTE: this is not necessarily the steepest point of decrease. That is controlled by nu.
:param eta: optional - the proportional reduction in transmission rate after control measures (ie. quarantine)
:param xi: optional - the slope of the exponential decrease
:param nu: optional - the shift of the exponential decrease
return eta + (1 - eta) / (1 + np.exp(xi * (t - T - nu)))
class SEIRCM(CompartmentalModel):
""" SEIR Model from https://www.medrxiv.org/content/10.1101/2020.03.04.20031104v1.full.pdf
with cumulative cases (C) and cumulative fatalities (M) """
def calibrate(cls, xs: tuple, t: float, parameters: Union[Parameters, tuple]) -> tuple:
SEIRCM model derivatives at t.
:param xs: variables that we are solving for
i.e. [S]usceptible, [E]xposed, [I]nfected, [R]emoved, [C]ases, [M]ortality
:param t: time parameter
:param parameters: parameters of the model (not including initial conditions)
i.e. beta, gamma, sigma, eta, epsilon
:return: the derivatives of each of the S, E, I, R, C, M variables
s, e, i, r, c, m = xs
if isinstance(parameters, Parameters):
beta = parameters['beta'].value # transmission rate
gamma = parameters['gamma'].value # removal rate
sigma = parameters['sigma'].value # infection rate
eta = parameters['eta'].value # control measure redux
epsilon = parameters['sigma'].value # case fatality rate
T_quarantine = parameters['T'].value # time of quarantine policy, relative to t=0 (first reported case)
elif isinstance(parameters, tuple):
beta, gamma, sigma, eta, epsilon, T_quarantine = parameters
raise ValueError("Cannot recognize parameter input")
# total population
N = s + e + i + r
# if T_quarantine is 0, we are not considering effect of quarantine policy so scale factor is fixed at 1
quarantine_factor = switch(t, T_quarantine, eta=eta) if T_quarantine else 1
dSdt = -(quarantine_factor * beta) * s * i / N # susceptible -> exposed
dEdt = (quarantine_factor * beta) * s * i / N - sigma * e # exposed -> infected AND recorded cases
dIdt = sigma * e - gamma * i # infected -> removed (recovered AND dead)
dRdt = (1 - epsilon) * gamma * i # recovered (from removed)
dCdt = sigma * e # recorded cases (from infected)
dMdt = epsilon * gamma * i # dead (from removed)
return dSdt, dEdt, dIdt, dRdt, dCdt, dMdt
def get_parameters(cls,
S0: float, E0: float, I0: float, R0: float, C0: float, M0: float,
T_quarantine: float = 0,
beta: float = 0.2, gamma: float = 0.1, sigma: float = 0.2,
eta: float = 0.6, epsilon: float = 0.02,
beta_max: float = 10, gamma_max: float = 1, sigma_max: float = 1,
eta_max: float = 1, epsilon_max: float = 1,
beta_fixed: bool = False, gamma_fixed: bool = False, sigma_fixed: bool = False,
eta_fixed: bool = False, epsilon_fixed: bool = False,
S0_fixed: bool = True, S0_max: float = 1e6,
R0_fixed: bool = True, R0_max: float = 1e6,
I0_fixed: bool = True, I0_max: float = 1e6,
E0_fixed: bool = True, E0_max: float = 1e6,
C0_fixed: bool = True, C0_max: float = 1e6,
M0_fixed: bool = True, M0_max: float = 1e6) -> tuple:
Produce a set of parameters for the SIERCM model.
:param S0: initial number of susceptible in the population
:param E0: initial number of exposed in the population
:param I0: initial number of infected in the population, usually set to 1
:param R0: initial number of recovered/removed in the population, usually set to 0
:param C0: initial number of cumulative infected cases
:param M0: initial number of cumulative fatalities
:param T_quarantine: relative time at which quarantine policy goes in effect. If 0, not used.
:param beta: transmission rate parameter
:param gamma: recovery rate parameter
:param sigma: parameter controlling transition from exposed to infectious
:param eta: parameter controlling proportion by which quarantine measure reduces rate of transmission
:param epsilon: parameter controlling rate of death
:param beta_max: maximum value to consider for beta during parameter fitting
:param gamma_max: maximum value of gamma to consider during parameter fitting
:param sigma_max: maximum value to consider for sigma during parameter fitting
:param eta_max: maximum value to consider for eta during parameter fitting
:param epsilon_max: maximum value to consider for epsilon during parameter fitting
:param beta_fixed: whether to keep beta fixed during fitting
:param gamma_fixed: whether to keep gamma fixed during fitting
:param sigma_fixed: whether to keep sigma fixed during fitting
:param eta_fixed: whether to keep eta fixed during fitting
:param epsilon_fixed: whether to keep epsilon fixed during fitting
:param S0_fixed: whether to keep S0 fixed during fitting
:param S0_max: maximum value of S0 to consider during parameter fitting
:param E0_fixed: whether to keep E0 fixed during fitting
:param E0_max: maximum value of E0 to consider during parameter fitting
:param R0_fixed: whether to keep R0 fixed during fitting
:param R0_max: maximum value of R0 to consider during parameter fitting
:param I0_fixed: whether to keep I0 fixed during fitting
:param I0_max: maximum value of I0 to consider during parameter fitting
:param C0_fixed: whether to keep C0 fixed during fitting
:param C0_max: maximum value of C0 to consider during parameter fitting
:param M0_fixed: whether to keep M0 fixed during fitting
:param M0_max: maximum value of M0 to consider during parameter fitting
:return: tuple[Parameters, list]: (parameters, a list of the names of the variables for initial conditions)
parameters = Parameters()
parameters.add('T', value=T_quarantine, min=0, max=T_quarantine, vary=False)
parameters.add('S0', value=S0, min=0, max=S0_max, vary=not S0_fixed)
parameters.add('E0', value=E0, min=0, max=E0_max, vary=not E0_fixed)
parameters.add('I0', value=I0, min=0, max=I0_max, vary=not I0_fixed)
parameters.add('R0', value=R0, min=0, max=R0_max, vary=not R0_fixed)
parameters.add('C0', value=C0, min=0, max=C0_max, vary=not C0_fixed)
parameters.add('M0', value=M0, min=0, max=M0_max, vary=not M0_fixed)
parameters.add('beta', value=beta, min=0, max=beta_max, vary=not beta_fixed)
parameters.add('gamma', value=gamma, min=0, max=gamma_max, vary=not gamma_fixed)
parameters.add('sigma', value=sigma, min=0, max=sigma_max, vary=not sigma_fixed)
parameters.add('eta', value=eta, min=0, max=eta_max, vary=not eta_fixed)
parameters.add('epsilon', value=epsilon, min=0, max=epsilon_max, vary=not epsilon_fixed)
initial_conditions = ['S0', 'E0', 'I0', 'R0', 'C0', 'M0']
return parameters, initial_conditions
class SEIRCMAgeStratified(CompartmentalModel):
""" Age-structured SEIRCM Model from https://www.medrxiv.org/content/10.1101/2020.03.04.20031104v1.full.pdf """
def calibrate(cls, y: list, t: float, parameters: Parameters) -> list:
SEIR model derivatives at t.
:param y: variables that we are solving for
i.e. [S]usceptible, [E]xposed, [I]nfected, [R]emoved, [C]ases, [M]ortality
:param t: time parameter
:param parameters: parameters of the model (not including initial conditions)
i.e. beta, gamma, sigma, eta, epsilon
:return: the derivatives dydt of each of the variable in y
beta = parameters['beta'].value # transmission rate
gamma = parameters['gamma'].value # removal rate
sigma = parameters['sigma'].value # infection rate
eta = parameters['eta'].value # control measure redux
T_quarantine = parameters['T'].value # time of quarantine policy, relative to t=0 (first reported case)
K = parameters['K'].value # number of age groups
# y is of dimension (6 * K) x 1, where the first K are 'S', next K are 'E', and so on for each age group...
assert len(y) == 6 * K, f'Error: SEIRCM states not organized into {K} age groups!'
dydt = [0] * len(y)
def epsilon(k): # case fatality rate per age group
return parameters[f'epsilon_{k}'].value
N = sum(y[:4 * K]) # sum(S) + sum(E) + sum(I) + sum(R) where sum is over age groups
I_total = sum(y[2 * K:3 * K]) # total number of infectious people across age groups
s, e, i = lambda k: y[k], lambda k: y[K + k], lambda k: y[2 * K + k]
# if T_quarantine is 0, we are not considering effect of quarantine policy so scale factor is fixed at 1
quarantine_factor = switch(t, T_quarantine, eta=eta) if T_quarantine else 1
for k in range(K):
dydt[k] = -(quarantine_factor * beta) * s(k) * I_total / N # susceptible -> exposed
dydt[K + k] = (quarantine_factor * beta) * s(k) * I_total / N - sigma * e(k) # exposed -> infected
dydt[2 * K + k] = sigma * e(k) - gamma * i(k) # infected -> removed
dydt[3 * K + k] = (1 - epsilon(k)) * gamma * i(k) # -> cumulative recovered (from removed)
dydt[4 * K + k] = sigma * e(k) # -> cumulative recorded cases (from infected)
dydt[5 * K + k] = epsilon(k) * gamma * i(k) # -> cumulative fatalities (from removed)
return dydt
def get_parameters(cls,
S0: np.ndarray, E0: np.ndarray, I0: np.ndarray, R0: np.ndarray, C0: np.ndarray, M0: np.ndarray,
K: int, T_quarantine: float = 0,
beta: float = 0.2, gamma: float = 0.1, sigma: float = 0.2,
eta: float = 0.6, epsilon: np.ndarray = None,
beta_max: float = 10, gamma_max: float = 1, sigma_max: float = 1,
eta_max: float = 1, epsilon_max: float = 1,
beta_fixed: bool = False, gamma_fixed: bool = False, sigma_fixed: bool = False,
eta_fixed: bool = False, epsilon_fixed: bool = False,
S0_fixed: bool = True, S0_max: float = 1e6,
R0_fixed: bool = True, R0_max: float = 1e6,
I0_fixed: bool = True, I0_max: float = 1e6,
E0_fixed: bool = True, E0_max: float = 1e6,
C0_fixed: bool = True, C0_max: float = 1e6,
M0_fixed: bool = True, M0_max: float = 1e6) -> tuple:
Produce a set of parameters for the age-stratified SIERCM model.
:param S0: initial number of susceptible in the population per age group
:param E0: initial number of exposed in the population per age group
:param I0: initial number of infected in the population per age group
:param R0: initial number of recovered/removed in the population per age group
:param C0: initial number of cumulative infected cases per age group
:param M0: initial number of cumulative fatalities per age group
:param K: number of age groups
:param T_quarantine: relative time at which quarantine policy goes in effect. If 0, not used.
:param beta: transmission rate parameter
:param gamma: removal rate parameter
:param sigma: parameter controlling transition from exposed to infectious
:param eta: parameter controlling proportion by which quarantine measure reduces rate of transmission
:param epsilon: parameter controlling rate of death per age group. Recovery rate == 1 - epsilon
:param beta_max: maximum value to consider for beta during parameter fitting
:param gamma_max: maximum value of gamma to consider during parameter fitting
:param sigma_max: maximum value to consider for sigma during parameter fitting
:param eta_max: maximum value to consider for eta during parameter fitting
:param epsilon_max: maximum value to consider for epsilon during parameter fitting
:param beta_fixed: whether to keep beta fixed during fitting
:param gamma_fixed: whether to keep gamma fixed during fitting
:param sigma_fixed: whether to keep sigma fixed during fitting
:param eta_fixed: whether to keep eta fixed during fitting
:param epsilon_fixed: whether to keep epsilon fixed during fitting
:param S0_fixed: whether to keep S0 fixed during fitting
:param S0_max: maximum value of S0 to consider during parameter fitting
:param E0_fixed: whether to keep E0 fixed during fitting
:param E0_max: maximum value of E0 to consider during parameter fitting
:param R0_fixed: whether to keep R0 fixed during fitting
:param R0_max: maximum value of R0 to consider during parameter fitting
:param I0_fixed: whether to keep I0 fixed during fitting
:param I0_max: maximum value of I0 to consider during parameter fitting
:param C0_fixed: whether to keep C0 fixed during fitting
:param C0_max: maximum value of C0 to consider during parameter fitting
:param M0_fixed: whether to keep M0 fixed during fitting
:param M0_max: maximum value of M0 to consider during parameter fitting
:return: tuple[Parameters, list]: (parameters, a list of the names of the variables for initial conditions)
parameters = Parameters()
parameters.add('K', value=K, min=0, max=K, vary=False)
parameters.add('T', value=T_quarantine, min=-1, max=T_quarantine, vary=False)
parameters.add('beta', value=beta, min=0, max=beta_max, vary=not beta_fixed)
parameters.add('gamma', value=gamma, min=0, max=gamma_max, vary=not gamma_fixed)
parameters.add('sigma', value=sigma, min=0, max=sigma_max, vary=not sigma_fixed)
parameters.add('eta', value=eta, min=0, max=eta_max, vary=not eta_fixed)
# add parameters that vary by age group
for k in range(K):
parameters.add(f'epsilon_{k}', value=epsilon[k], min=0, max=epsilon_max, vary=not epsilon_fixed)
# add initial state conditions that vary by age group
initial_conditions = []
for param in ['S0', 'E0', 'I0', 'R0', 'C0', 'M0']:
for k in range(K):
parameters.add(f'{param}_{k}', value=eval(param)[k], min=0, max=eval(f'{param}_max'),
vary=not eval(f'{param}_fixed'))
return parameters, initial_conditions
[docs]class EpidemicModel:
"""Class to perform solutions and parameter-fitting of epidemic models"""
[docs] def __init__(self, model: Type[CompartmentalModel], parameters: tuple = None, data: np.array = None,
initial_conditions: list = None, fit_method: str = 'leastsq', error: callable = None,
fit_period: float = None):
A class to standardize fitting and solving epidemiological models.
:param model: the model to use, currently a class in the form of SIR, SEIR above
:param parameters: tuple, parameters to use for the model, defaults to the output of [model].get_parameters
:param data: np.array, data that can be used to calibrate the model
:param initial_conditions: list, initial conditions for the model
:param fit_method: str, the method to use to minimize the (given) error. Available methods are those in the
lmfit.minimizer.minimize function. Default is Levenberg-Marquardt least squares minimization.
:param error: callable, control which residuals (and in what form) to minimize for fitting.
:param fit_period: float, how far back to fit the data, defaults to fitting all data
self.model = model
self.parameters = parameters
self.data = data
self.initial_conditions = initial_conditions
self.fit_method = fit_method
self.error = error
self.fit_period = fit_period
self.result = None
self.fitted_parameters = None
def solve(self, time_range: np.ndarray, initial_conditions: Union[list, tuple], parameters) -> np.ndarray:
Integrate the model ODEs to get a solution.
:param time_range: the time range to solve for
:param initial_conditions: the initial conditions for the solution
:param parameters: the parameters for the solution
x = odeint(self.model.calibrate, initial_conditions, time_range, args=(parameters,))
x = np.array(x)
return x
def residual(self, parameters: Parameters, time_range: np.arange, data: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray:
Obtain fit error (to minimize).
:param parameters: parameters to use (which we are usually minimizing the residual for)
:param time_range: time range for solution (over which we obtain the residual)
:param data: data to fit the models too (i.e. compute residuals in terms of)
initial_conditions = []
for variable in self.initial_conditions:
# obtain solution given current initial conditions and parameters
solution = self.solve(time_range, initial_conditions, parameters)
# compute residual, using custom error function if it has been passed in
residual = solution - data if self.error is None else self.error(solution, data, parameters)
if self.fit_period is not None:
residual = residual[-self.fit_period:]
return residual.ravel()
def fit(self, time_range: np.arange = None, parameters: Union[Parameters, tuple] = None,
initial_conditions: list = None,
residual=None, verbose: bool = False, data: np.array = None, fit_period: float = None):
Fit the model based on data in the form np.array([X1,...,Xn])
if data is None:
if self.data is None:
raise ValueError("No data to fit the model on!")
data = self.data
if initial_conditions is not None:
self.initial_conditions = initial_conditions
if self.initial_conditions is None:
raise ValueError("No initial conditions to fit the model with!")
if parameters is None:
if self.parameters is None:
raise ValueError("No parameters to fit the model with!")
parameters = self.parameters
if time_range is None:
time_range = np.arange(data.shape[0])
if fit_period is not None:
self.fit_period = fit_period
if residual is None:
residual = self.residual
result = minimize(residual, parameters, args=(time_range, data), method=self.fit_method)
self.result = result
self.fitted_parameters = result.params.valuesdict()
if verbose:
return result