October 4, 2024

Synthetic Data Generator for Financial Contracts

Jaimita Bansal, Vice President; Stefano Stefani, Partner and Tech Fellow


Goldman Sachs runs on financial data and we, at Core Data Platform, provide services to manage data and optimize millions of data flows across all business segments.


One such important data flow is Over the Counter (OTC) derivative contracts resulting from trades booked internally. These contracts are long, semi-structured and highly polymorphic.

Semi-structured means a long JSON file, about 30-40 levels deep, filled with dictionaries and arrays (even arrays of dictionaries and dictionary of arrays). Polymorphic means, there exist keys like ‘rate’ of the contract which can hold different forms like list, dictionary, or string based on the type of financial contract.

Given the dynamic nature of these contracts, the queries needed on these contracts are fast-moving. Our key data challenge here is to query the data quickly for keys at level 30 or more on an ad-hoc basis, without having to flatten this complex json data by data transformation processes which take days to write, are prone to errors and hard to maintain because the transformations needed are too many and keep on growing. This data (its shape, volume, and structure) is unique to finance, and it has been difficult to describe our problem to external data vendors without giving them access to real production data. And of course, providing such access is not possible as this data is private to the entities involved in the contract and thus quite sensitive. 


Enter synthetic data generator!

We have created a synthetic data generator which produces anonymized data with the same statistical, polymorphic, and structural properties as production contractual data, while also preserving the primary key/foreign key relationships across datasets. While synthetic data generation tools are already prevalent in the industry, our data generator is specialized in capturing the unique data challenge that we have at Goldman Sachs in terms of the shape and volume of the data to be stored and the type of queries expected to run within X time based on the business expectation.

Deep dive

This blog post will deep dive into the novel statistical approach we took for implementation of synthetic data generator. Let us start with one production sample(left) and one synthetic sample (right) from synthetic data generator as shown below:

Understanding the complexity

Notice @type key of financialTerms(Adamview) in the left (right) sample? That’s the key representing the polymorphic part and deciding which other keys and data types will exist within financialTerms. financialTerms (Adamview) could be of multiple @types. In this case, it’s EquityOption (Jenniferville). As the type is EquityOption (Jenniferville), optionValuationMethod (Kyleborough) key exists and is of type String. If the type were ReturnSwap (Emilyfurt) instead, optionValuationMethod perhaps doesn’t exist (or Kyleborough could have been an array of dates). Basically, the jsons change structure and have many forms!  And the structure can change at any nested level too.

The fundamental reason for modelling these jsons this way is that these contracts are very complex. So, we try to reuse the common structures that are modeled and shared across different types of contracts, and as such we end up with nesting and polymorphism, which we believe is still better than modeling every possible contract, as the possibilities of shape and combination are basically unlimited.

Let’s look at the algorithm we built for synthetic data generator. We start by taking a snapshot of production data and scanning it to capture the different “paths” and the probability distributions of each path and their value distributions. 

Pseudo-algo for the synthetic data generator

  1. Create distribution files from reading production data.
    • Distribution of exploded JSON path built with novel path system.
    • Distribution of values of each path.
    • Join Key distributions across datasets.
  2. Anonymize the distribution file.
  3. Generate new samples based on the distribution files. 


Let’s understand each of the steps in detail.

1. Create distribution files from reading production data
1a. Keys of the distribution file:  Novel Path System

We scan through each sample and initialize a path from the root field of JSON. We keep on appending to that JSON path until fields with basic data types like String, Integer, Enum, Boolean, Date are encountered. Each field also has an optional [@type] and <Datatype> where @type is the key as shown in the sample above and Datatype is list, dict, String, Integer etc. One path will look like below:

[@typename1]FieldName1<DataType1>. [@typename2]FieldName2<DataType2>...

The intuition behind choosing the above path system is that every new [@typename] results in new sub paths due to polymorphic nature of the data. And that <datatype> dictates what kind of distribution to keep, for example if a list is seen, we capture the number of items in the list across data samples.

Example of a path is below (also shown in the diagram above) where we start from content and end at optionValuationMethod which is of String datatype storing relevant distributions on the way.

Examples of original paths each followed by their equivalent anonymized path:







To give an idea of scale, there were ~25k paths for the financial data snapshot that we worked with.

1b. Values of the distribution file: 

(i) Distribution of basic datatypes:

For the fields with basic type, while reading the original data, we maintain following distributions:

  • Float/Integer/Decimal/Number: Precision, sum, count, min, max and if_negative is stored. if_negative is a boolean which is 0 if all the values encountered for that field are positive, else 1. After all the samples are read, they are later aggregated into avg and std deviation (using the range rule of thumb).
  • String: Max Length of the string is stored. Strings are considered Enums if number of unique values/total values seen < 0.2
  • Enums: Weights of each enum values are stored. Weighted distribution is sampled.
  • Boolean: Weights of each True, False is stored. Weighted distribution is sampled.
  • Date/StrictDate/DateTime: Days from Jan 1, 1970, are stored. For datetime, hour values are ignored.
(ii) Distribution of lists/dictionaries:

For lists, the weighted frequency of the list size and distribution of every element is also saved as in (i). For dictionaries, each key distribution is saved as in (i)

(iii) Distribution of types:

For each <@typename>, the weighted frequency of each value is maintained to know how many samples to create of that path. Example:

{Adamview<dict>: {“Karenbury”: 98, “Emilyfurt”: 2}}

{financialTerms<dict>:{“EquityOption”: 50, “ReturnSwap”: 40, ...}}

2. Anonymize the distribution file:

Now, after the distribution file is created for the original data, to preserve the privacy of the original data, we anonymize the original distribution file. For this, we use faker class of python for unique city names. For every term in the distribution file, we replace the original term with the fake term to generate the fake distribution file. An inverted index is also maintained.

3. Generate new samples based on the distribution files.

After creating the anonymized distribution file, we traverse through each path and using the distributions, we generate the samples. Let us see how we generated each value for the basic datatypes:

  • Strings: We already have the max length encountered. We randomly generate a string of that length.
  • For Integers/Numbers and Dates: Given the average and standard deviation, a number is returned according to the normal distribution. For dates, that number is converted to a date, and for datetime a random hour is generated
  • Others: For others, weighted frequency is used to generate the values.

PK/FK relationships across datasets:

Other than the complexity within one type of JSON, we have multiple datasets – each consisting of the JSON structure as discussed above and connected via (Primary Key, Foreign Key) relationships. Putting this in a business context - take the example of a contract leading to multiple deals. Contract Id will be shared across multiple deal ids. This is an example of 1:N relationship. We also have datasets with M:1 and M:N relationship similarly.

To solve this problem of generating multiple synthetic datasets with shared common keys, an important observation was that the business flow is directed - one contract results in multiple deals across regions and finally one aggregated payment across all of them – meaning there is no business loop (most of the times). 

For calculating ‘N’, we scan the data to calculate the weighted frequency of join key and save as foreign-key-distributions having choices and weights as keys. Here, the choices reflect the number of samples of dataset B which are linked with one key of dataset A and weights are their weighted frequency. For instance,

{B : “foreign_distributions”:{“choices”:[1,2],”weights”:[3,4]} will indicate that one sample of A has created 1 sample of B with weighted frequency 3 and one sample of A has created 2 samples of B with weighted frequency 4.

For calculating ‘M’, we calculate the weighted frequency and save them as back-foreign-key-distributions having choices and weights as keys. Here, the choices reflect the number of samples of A which are linked to one key of B and weights are their weighted frequency. For instance,

{A : “back_foreign_distributions”:{“choices”:[1,2],”weights”:[3,4]} will indicate that one sample of B has created 1 sample of A with weighted frequency 3 and one sample of B has created 2 samples of A with weighted frequency 4.

How do we sample from these distributions?

We maintain the directed graph of business flow in a json.

“Contract”: {​
“next”: "Deal",​
“foreign_distributions”: {"choices": [1,2], "weights":[3,4]​
"back_foreign_distributions: "",​
"back": ""​

The process starts with creating X samples of root table – in above example Contract table. For each sample of contract table created, we sample from foreign distributions to create N samples of next table, in this case deal table. If back foreign distributions exist, we create M-1 samples of previous table.

Easy to use Python toolkit

Our synthetic data generator is a python toolkit available for quick installation via pip. It takes in the number of samples as a parameter. Here number of samples means the number of root samples (read number of json objects) in the directed graph (ref section: PK/FK Relationships across datasets). For each root sample, the rest of the connected datasets with their weighed PK/FK distributions get automatically created in different folders. The python application uses multiprocessing and spawns as many processes as number of cores available. Each process generates an independent sample (and N or M samples of other related datasets based on relationships). So, the application can scale very easily with the number of cores provided. We can provide either one big box or multiple small boxes. 

Anonymized queries

While getting the shape and structure of synthetic data was important, equally important and challenging was to get a set of representative queries which we could share with vendors and set the right performance expectations on.

Our approach was to connect with engineers who create the complex data transformation processes today on the contractual data, understand their business use case and work with them to come up with a set of representative queries of different complexity. Example of queries: Simple at query, Unpacking JSON based on attribute value, Complex joins across multiple datasets including self joins

A simple unpacking of json example would look like below where there are multiple case statements for fetching unadjusted date across different contract types like Return Swap or Equity Forward or Equity Option:

case when v:CONTENT:contract:contractualTerms:financialTerms[0]:"@type"::String = 'ReturnSwap'
        then v:CONTENT:contract:contractualTerms:financialTerms[0]:returnSwapLeg[0]:valuation:finalValuationDate:unadjustedDate
    when v:CONTENT:contract:contractualTerms:financialTerms[0]:"@type"::String = 'EquityForward'
        then v:CONTENT:contract:contractualTerms:financialTerms[0]:equityExercise:equityEuropeanExercise:expirationDate:adjustableDate:unadjustedDate
      when v:CONTENT:contract:contractualTerms:financialTerms[0]:"@type"::String = 'EquityOption' and v:CONTENT:contract.contractualTerms.financialTerms[0].productTaxonomy.secdbTradableClassification::String in ('Eq B','Eq O')
        then v:CONTENT:contract:contractualTerms:financialTerms[0]:equityExercise.equityEuropeanExercise.expirationDate.adjustableDate.unadjustedDate

To share with vendors outside, we anonymized the queries with the anonymized index we created while scanning the data and shared with users.  The anonymized query for above snippet looks like:

case when v:Guerrerofurt:LakeMichaelburgh:NewRonald:Adamview[0]:"@type"::String = 'Emilyfurt'
        then v:Guerrerofurt:LakeMichaelburgh:NewRonald:Adamview[0]:NorthGregoryside[0]:PortDavidburgh:SouthAlexander:EastMegan
    when v:Guerrerofurt:LakeMichaelburgh:NewRonald:Adamview[0]:"@type"::String = 'EastAllison'
        then v:Guerrerofurt:LakeMichaelburgh:NewRonald:Adamview[0]:LakeMichaeltown:SouthVincentland:Lindaview:SouthKimberlyview:EastMegan
    when v:Guerrerofurt:LakeMichaelburgh:NewRonald:Adamview[0]:"@type"::String = 'Jenniferville' and v:Guerrerofurt:LakeMichaelburgh.NewRonald.Adamview[0].Monicamouth.EastBryanberg::String in ('00787CookMewsApt910','8236AlvarezLanding','7387ArthurFieldsSuite294')
        then v:Guerrerofurt:LakeMichaelburgh:NewRonald:Adamview[0]:LakeMichaeltown.SouthTimothyside.Lindaview.SouthKimberlyview.EastMegan

Our initial expectation from vendors is to run the tool for a few million samples, run anonymized queries on them and share their performance. We ask vendors to scale further based on initial evaluation.


The synthetic data approach has been valuable for us to benchmark vendors and in bringing clarity, transparency and visibility to finance data challenges both inside and outside the firm. We are looking forward to sharing more data engineering problems with the whole industry. Cheers!


This model was built and refined through the contributions of several team members including Pragya Srivastava, Abner Espinoza and Rahul Thakur. Thank you also to Dimitris Tsementzis, Toh Ne Win, Ajeya Kumar, Gisha Babby, Ramanathan Narayanan, Regina Chan, Pierre De Belen, Neema Raphael and Stefano Stefani for their constant support and guidance.

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