The following instructions describe how to authenticate to the public facing APIs of the Goldman Sachs Advisor Solutions (GSAS) custody platform.
Connecting to GSAS APIs
Goldman Sachs Advisor Solutions (GSAS) supports API integration to our services with third-party applications via the OAuth 2.0 standard for authentication.
OAuth access must be approved by GSAS. Once an OAuth application is approved for use, GSAS issues a clientId
and clientSecret
through Lockbox or via secure email.
The clientId
is used in your application to authorize the user to access GSAS APIs.
For more information on how to request access to our APIs, contact the GSAS Integrations Team.
The clientSecret
isn’t retained by GSAS staff and must be safeguarded by the vendor
Step 1 - Configure GSAS Authorization URL
Once you've obtained your clientId
, you need to configure the GSAS User Authorization URL copied below in your application.
Users must click this link to authorize GSAS to share their data with your application. The user is redirected back to your site once they have completed the authorization.[Your Client Id]
This is a one time authorization to give the user access to the Oauth app. Access can be revoked by the user in the users setting page or by the
GSAS REST clients can take actions based on the endpoints permissioned for your specific integration and the entitlements of the user authorizing the data sharing in this step.
Refer to "What are the levels of account access?" to learn about our current access roles.
Step 2 - Get Client Credentials Token
Make a GET
call to the Ping Federate token endpoint to obtain the access_token
curl -u <clientId>:<clientSecret> --data "grant_type=client_credentials"
A response generates to indicate your call was successful:
{"access_token": "<redacted>",
"token_type": "Bearer",
"expires_in": 43199}
Step 3 - Generate User accessToken
Make a POST
call to the GSAS OAuth endpoint to obtain the user token for the Advisor. You must pass the access_token
you obtained in Step 2 in the Authorization header of this request.
curl --request POST "[clientId]/tokens" --header "Authorization: Bearer <access_token>" --header "Content-Type: application/json" -d "{ \"loginId\": \"testloginId\"}"
The GSAS user must have already granted access to share data with the 3rd party application (see step 1). If the user has not authorized access, the API returns an error.
"displayMessage":"Clientid 2a98a33fc85b4616974955321c30728b is not authorized to get tokens for loginid testloginid",
A successful call will return the accessToken
you need to make the API calls to GSAS for this user.
This access token is valid for 20 minutes before it expires. Once the access token expires, you’re required to generate a new one.
Step 4 - Use accessToken to call the GSAS APIs
Provide the accessToken
obtained in Step 3 in the Authorization header for any subsequent API calls until the token expires.
Sample request for GET
GET "" -H
"Authorization: Bearer [YOUR_BEARER_TOKEN_HERE]"
If successful, the API returns a 200 HTTP code with a response body similar to the following example:
"userId": "testadvisor",
"serviceTaskId": null,
"taskId": null,
"guid": null,
"folioLoginId": "testadvisor",
"idhubLoginId": null,
"memberOid": "5116089184397476264",
"firstName": "FN-testadvisor",
"middleName": "J",
"lastName": "LN-testadvisor",
"suffix": null,
"loginId": "testadvisor",
"email": "",
"recoveryEmail": null,
"dayPhoneNumber": 723637272,
"eveningPhoneNumber": 7466960799,
"deliveryMethod": "EMAIL",
"residentialAddress": null,
"mailingAddress": null,
"dateOfBirth": "1962-11-22",
"tid": "123456789",
"countryOfCitizenship1": "US",
"countryOfCitizenship2": null,
"permanentUsResident": null,
"residentStatus": null,
"dependentCount": 0,
"maritalStatus": null,
"topMarginalTaxBracket": null,
"employmentStatus": null,
"directorOrTenPercentShareholder": null,
"directorOrTenPercentShareholderCompany": null,
"finraAssociatedPerson": null,
"politicallyExposedPerson": null,
"sourcesOfWealth": null,
"employmentDetails": null,
"assetsDetails": null,
"personalInvestmentsDetails": null,
"entrepreneurDetails": null,
"expectedActivitiesInvestmentProducts": null,
"anticipateDomesticWireTransfers": null,
"estimatedNumberOfDomesticWireTransfersPerMonth": null,
"anticipateWritingChecksAgainstAccount": null,
"estimatedNumberOfChecksWrittenPerMonth": null,
"firmOid": 4395513243606464000,
"partnerCode": "TESTADVISOR",
"paymentOid": "0",
"folioEmployeeInd": "N",
"creationMode": "E",
"memberAgreement": "Y",
"folioStatus": null,
"transState": "REGISTERED_MEMBER",
"membershipType": "INVESTMENT_ADVISOR",
"folioExpirationDate": "3999-12-31 05:00:00",
"folioMemberChangeTs": "2021-10-07 04:00:00",
"driversLicense": null,
"creationDate": null,
"advisorLoginId": null,
"accreditedInvestorAnnualIncome": null,
"accreditedInvestorNetWorth": null,
"cipStatus": null,
"firmIds": [
"roles": null,
"newRoles": null,
"previousExperienceIndustrySector": null,
"previousPrivatePlacementExperience": null,
"status": "ACTIVE",
"tokens": [
"memberRelationships": [],
"entitlements": {
"view": [
"edit": [
"admin": [
"openAccounts": [
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