Client & Account Onboarding
GS Advisor Solutions APIs enable advisors to digitally onboard new members and accounts, setup bank links and initiate transfers using our Service Center.
The Service Center APIs, allows advisors to integrate the onboarding workflow to setup new users and accounts, create bank links and money transfers, and transfer in assets from external accounts through a single API end point.
This feature allows advisors to manage various onboarding workflows as service tasks giving them the flexibility to ‘save and continue’ any task. Advisors can use the service tasks as a central place to gather information as they work through the onboarding process with their advisees.
This guide will instruct you on how to use the Service Center APIs to onboard a new client and account.
Service Center Worfklow
The following instructions describe the series of API calls you'll need for using Service Center for various onboarding tasks.
Step 1 - Create Service Task
Create the service task that will be used to gather information based on the onboarding tasks the user wants to complete.
End Point: POST /api/v2/service-center/tasks
There are eight different task that can be sent in the service task creation request:
- Household Creation
- User Creation
- Entity/Firm Creation
- Account Creation
- Bank Link Setup
- Asset Transfer
New service tasks are created in a DRAFT
Creation of service task may trigger validation/completion errors. Errors are returned in the API response under the errors
You can create multiple task objects for the same task when needed.
If multiple advisees are being onboarded in a single Service Task as part of a household, and/or if you’re creating multiple accounts that need to be onboarded, you can submit the requests within a single API request by sending multiple task objects.
Step 2 - Get a Service Task
Use this request to get information about the service task including status and any existing validation errors
End Point: GET /api/v2/service-center/tasks/{serviceTaskId}
Once you’ve created a Service Task, we will return the serviceTaskId
in the response. Use that service task Id to get information about that specific service task.
Step 3 - Get Invitations
This request will be used to get the invitation ID(s) associated with the service task Id.
End Point: GET /api/v2/service-tasks/{serviceTaskId}/invitations
The client invitation will allow you to submit a single signature for all workflows within the associated service task that require a signature.
- Account Creation Task
- Bank Link Creation Task
- Asset Transfer Task
There could be multiple invitation IDs returned in a response if there is more than one account owner/user being setup in the service task.
Step 4 - Replace Service Task
This request is used to update the service task and also validates the request body.
End Point: PUT /api/v2/service-center/tasks/{serviceTaskId}
Validation/completion errors are returned in the API response under the ‘errors’ object.
Step 5 - Sign Invitation
This submits all service tasks related to that invitation ID along with any required e-signatures.
There are two options to submit a signature for account opening:
- Submit a Digital Signature
- Upload a wet signed Account Certification PDF
End Points: POST /api/v2/invitations/{invitationId}/sign-now
GET invitations/{invitationId}/download-invitation-packet
POST invitations/{invitationId}/wet-sign
There could be multiple invitationId
's if there is more than one account owner.
- Joint accounts
- Trust accounts
This API should be called ONLY after the errors object does not return any validation errors when you ‘Get Service Task’ or ‘Replace Service Task’.
Outside of User creation, all relevant signatures for the accounts, transfers and/or bank links that are being created must be submitted before the system processes the associated tasks.
If there are multiple ‘accountOpeningTasks’ objects under a single service center task, you will only need to sign and submit the Advisee signature once, which will be applied to all accounts being created for that Advisee.
Please see the New Account Onboarding page for a detailed guide on onboarding a new member and account.
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