Items for Attention
An Item for Attention (IFA) may be triggered on an account for various reason. These IFAS restrict users from performing certain actions until they are reolved.
This guide details each IFA and how to resolve it using the GSAS APIs.
Items for Attention (IFA) - Workflow
Step 1. Get all Items for Attention
Use this Endpoint to get a list of all Items for Attention for accounts managed by an advisor.
Endpoint: GET /api/v2/ifas
Results can be filtered by a specific Item for Attention Status
Step 2. Get Item for Attention Details
Use this Endpoint to get details about a specific Item for Attention
Endpoint: GET /api/v2/ifas/{ifaId}
Step 3. Action the Item for Attention
Use the information below on the IFA types to determine what action to take
IFA Descriptions
Each Item for Attention can be identified by the itemForAttentionType
returned in the GET IFA end point. Below are the different IFAs that can be triggered on an account.
Account & Withholding Agreement
To acknowledge you are the owner of a new Individual account OR To acknowledge you are a co-owner of a new Joint account
itemForAttentionType: AA
Action Needed: Acknowledgement
End Point:
PUT /api/v2/ifas/{ifaId}
Example Request:
"action": "A"
Transfer Account Agreement
This IFA will trigger when the advisor initiates an account transfer with the sign later option, then this IFA is triggered
The Advisee will receive the IFA and must submit their e-signature.
itemForAttentionType: TA
Action Needed: e-signature
End Point:
PUT /api/v2/ifas/{ifaId}
Margin Feature Agreement/ Margin Borrowing Authorization
Advisee must approve an IFA with an e-signature for Margin to enabled on their account
itemForAttentionType: MA
Action Needed: e-signature
End Point: PUT /api/v2/ifas/{ifaId}
Confirm Address
To confirm we have the correct address on record.
This will automatically trigger every 6 months.
Fields in the parameterMap part of the request body are optional
itemForAttentionType: CA
Action Needed: Validate address
End Point:
PUT api/v2/ifas/{ifaId}
Example Request: End Point:
PUT api/v2/ifas/4395513238358029097
"action": "A",
"parameterMap": {
"emailAddress1": "",
"workPhoneNumber": "1615606051",
"homePhoneNumber": "3833848033",
"homeAddress": {
"line1": "50 Smith Store Ave",
"line2": "Apt. 6",
"country": "US",
"state": "MA",
"zipcode": "21250",
"city": "Boston"
"emailAddress2": ""
Banklink Owner Verification
Verify bank link owner by submitting the owners e-signature.
itemForAttentionType: BV
End Point:
PUT /api/v2/ifas/bank-link-owner-verifications/{accountNumber}/{bankLinkId}
Example Request:
PUT api/v2/ifas/bank-link-owner-verifications/RM9769200R/288230378190795265
"loginId": "sallysmith123",
"clientAgreement": "true"
Bank link Micro Deposit Entry
Verify microdeposit amounts for bank link verification.
itemForAttentionType: MD
End Point:
PUT /api/v2/ifas/microdeposit-verifications/{accountNumber}/{bankLinkId}
Third Party ACH Withdrawal Verification
For some 3rd Party Withdrawals (3A, 3W, 3I), the IFA is created after a banklink has been created AND a transaction has been submitted using this new banklink. The IFA will approve both the banklink and the transaction, but any future transactions using this banklink (assuming it’s not a one-time use banklink) will not create an IFA since the banklink has already been approved.
itemForAttentionType: 3A
End Point: PUT /api/v2/ifas/{ifaId}
Example Request:
"action": "A"
Third Party Wire Withdrawal Verification
For some 3rd Party Withdrawals (3A, 3W, 3I), the IFA is created after a banklink has been created AND a transaction has been submitted using this new banklink. The IFA will approve both the banklink and the transaction, but any future transactions using this banklink (assuming it’s not a one-time use banklink) will not create an IFA since the banklink has already been approved.
itemForAttentionType: 3W
End Point: PUT /api/v2/ifas/{ifaId}
Example Request:
"action": "A"
Third Party International Wire Withdrawal Verification
For some 3rd Party Withdrawals (3A, 3W, 3I), the IFA is created after a banklink has been created AND a transaction has been submitted using this new banklink. The IFA will approve both the banklink and the transaction, but any future transactions using this banklink (assuming it’s not a one-time use banklink) will not create an IFA since the banklink has already been approved.
itemForAttentionType: 3I
End Point: PUT /api/v2/ifas/{ifaId}
Example Request:
"action": "A"
Third Party Check Withdrawal Verification.
To approve and proceed with a 3rd party check withdrawal
itemForAttentionType: 3C
End Point: PUT /api/v2/ifas/{ifaId}
Example Request:
"action": "A"
Third Party Internal Transfer Verification
To approve and proceed with a 3rd party internal transfer.
itemForAttentionType: 3T
End Point: PUT /api/v2/ifas/{ifaId}
Example Request:
"action": "A"
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