
Onboarding Validation Errors

Service Task Validations

The service center APIs used for digital onboarding will return a list of validation errors in the errors object in the API response when you POST or PATCH a service center task, if there is incomplete or missing data in the request. See below the list of validation errors that you can receive.

Please note that idx in the field name represents the index of the sub task's list. For example, the second account opening task is represented as accountOpeningTasks[1]. Any validations not done here are done further upstream. All validation errors are stored in the errors field using ApiErrorResponse structure.



Please note that idx in the field name represents the index of the CreateUserTask in the createUserTasks list.

Create User Task

Field NameDescription
createUserTasks[idx].firstNameFirst name is required
createUserTasks[idx].lastNameLast name is required
createUserTasks[idx].emailEmail is required
createUserTasks[idx].dayPhoneNumberDaytime phone number is required, Daytime phone number is invalid
createUserTasks[idx].eveningPhoneNumberEvening phone number is required, Evening phone number is invalid
createUserTasks[idx].primaryAddress.line1Address line 1 is required
createUserTasks[idx].primaryAddress.cityAddress city is required
createUserTasks[idx].primaryAddress.stateAddress state is required
createUserTasks[idx].primaryAddress.zipcodeAddress zipcode is required, Address zipcode should have only 5 digits
createUserTasks[idx].mailingAddress.line1Address line 1 is required
createUserTasks[idx].mailingAddress.cityAddress city is required
createUserTasks[idx].mailingAddress.stateAddress state is required
createUserTasks[idx].mailingAddress.zipcodeAddress zipcode is required, Address zipcode should have only 5 digits
createUserTasks[idx].dateOfBirthDate of birth is required, Date of birth cannot be in the future, Date of birth cannot be before 1900, Client should be older than 18
createUserTasks[idx].tidTax ID is required
createUserTasks[idx].countryOfCitizenship1Country of citizenship is required
createUserTasks[idx].permanentUsResidentYou can only create accounts for US citizens or US permanent residents.
createUserTasks[idx].dependentCountInvalid number of dependents
createUserTasks[idx].directorOrTenPercentShareholderPlease answer if client is a director or 10% shareholder of a public company
createUserTasks[idx].directorOrTenPercentShareholderCompanyPlease select the companies the client is affiliated with
createUserTasks[idx].finraAffiliatedPlease answer if client is FINRA or securities industry affiliated
createUserTasks[idx].politicallyExposedPlease answer if client is politically exposed
createUserTasks[idx].anticipateDomesticWireTransfersPlease answer if client expects to use domestic wires
createUserTasks[idx].domesticWireTransferPerMonthNumber of estimated wires required
createUserTasks[idx].anticipateWritingChecksAgainstAccountPlease answer if client expects to use checks
createUserTasks[idx].chequeTransferPerMonthNumber of estimated checks required
createUserTasks[idx].sourceOfWealthSource of wealth is missing, Client is %s but employment details under source of wealth is missing
createUserTasks[idx].employments.annualIncomeEmployer annual income is required
createUserTasks[idx].employments.employerLineOfBusinessEmployer line of business is required
createUserTasks[idx].loginIdLogin ID is missing, Login ID must be > 8 characters long, Login ID must be < 32 characters long, Login ID must be in lowercase
createUserTasks[idx].employmentStatusEmployment status is missing

Account Opening Tasks

The more common and more generic validation categories are evaluated first. The more niche rules are evaluated later, this is so the more esoteric account types can override specific fields for the more general account types.

All Account Types

Field NameDescription
accountOpeningTasks[idx].accountNameAccount Nickname is required, Account Nickname cannot be more than 16 characters
accountOpeningTasks[idx].repCodeRep Code is required
accountOpeningTasks[idx].branchCodeBranch Code is required
accountOpeningTasks[idx].accountTypeDescriptionAccount type is required
accountOpeningTasks[idx].countryOfOrganizationCountry of organization is required
accountOpeningTasks[idx].relatedEntities.decedentsDecedent required
accountOpeningTasks[idx].primaryAccountOwnerMissing legal entity owner for account
accountOpeningTasks[idx].accountRegistrationInfoAccount registration info is required
accountOpeningTasks[idx].placeOfBusiness.line1Place of business address line 1 is required
accountOpeningTasks[idx].placeOfBusiness.cityPlace of business address city is required
accountOpeningTasks[idx].placeOfBusiness.statePlace of business address state is required
accountOpeningTasks[idx].placeOfBusiness.zipcodePlace of business address zipcode is required
accountOpeningTasks[idx].placeOfBusiness.countryPlace of business address country is required
accountOpeningTasks[idx].taxClassificationTax classification is required
accountOpeningTasks[idx].expectedActivity.domesticWireTransferPerMonthPlease provide a wire transfer estimate
accountOpeningTasks[idx].expectedActivity.chequeTransferPerMonthPlease provide a check writing estimate
accountOpeningTasks[idx].expectedActivity.internationalWireTransfersPerMonthPlease provide an international wire transfer estimate
accountOpeningTasks[idx].jointOwnersPlease choose a joint owner
accountOpeningTasks[idx].minor.firstNameMinor first name required
accountOpeningTasks[idx].minor.lastNameMinor last name required
accountOpeningTasks[idx].minor.dateOfBirthMinor date of birth required
accountOpeningTasks[idx].minor.ssnMinor social security number required
accountOpeningTasks[idx].minor.stateMinor state required
accountOpeningTasks[idx].minor.citizenshipCitizenship status is required for the Minor, Minor on the account needs to be a US Citizen or US Permanent Resident
accountOpeningTasks[idx].relatedEntities.primaryExecutorsPrimary executor required
accountOpeningTasks[idx].relatedEntities.secondaryExecutorsSecondary executor required
accountOpeningTasks[idx].primaryBeneficiariesA primary beneficiary is required
accountOpeningTasks[idx].primaryBeneficiaries[idx].firstNameBeneficiary first name required
accountOpeningTasks[idx].primaryBeneficiaries[idx].lastNameBeneficiary last name required
accountOpeningTasks[idx].primaryBeneficiaries[idx].ssnBeneficiary social security number require 9 digits
accountOpeningTasks[idx].primaryBeneficiaries[idx].relationshipBeneficiary relationship required
accountOpeningTasks[idx].primaryBeneficiaries[idx].relationshipCannot specify multiple spouses as primary beneficiary
accountOpeningTasks[idx].contingentBeneficiaries[idx].relationshipCannot specify multiple spouses as contingent beneficiary
accountOpeningTasks[idx].primaryBeneficiaries[idx].sharePctPrimary beneficiary percent share must sum to 100
accountOpeningTasks[idx].contingentBeneficiaries[idx].sharePctContingent beneficiary percent share must sum to 100
accountOpeningTasks[idx].trustedContactsTrusted contact required

Natural Person Accounts

Field NameDescription
accountOpeningTasks[idx].primaryAccountOwnerPlease choose a primary owner
accountOpeningTasks[idx].primaryBeneficiariesPlease choose a primary beneficiary
accountOpeningTasks[idx].contingentBeneficiariesA primary beneficiary is required
accountOpeningTasks[idx].trustedContactsPlease provide a valid email for the trusted contact

Entity Accounts

Field NameDescription
accountOpeningTasks[idx].primaryAccountOwnerMissing legal entity owner for account. Provide the sub task id from opening account task or the firm id of the firm that owns the new account (same value as firmId)
createFirmTasks[idx].firmNameFirm name is required
createFirmTasks[idx].firmRepFirm representative is required
createFirmTasks[idx].firmEmail1Firm email is required
createFirmTasks[idx].firmTelephone1Primary phone is required
createFirmTasks[idx].firmTelephone1Primary phone is invalid
createFirmTasks[idx].firmTelephone2Secondary phone is required
createFirmTasks[idx].firmTelephone2Secondary phone is invalid
createFirmTasks[idx].firmTaxIdTypeTax ID type is required
createFirmTasks[idx].firmTaxIdTax ID is required
createFirmTasks[idx].primaryAddress.line1Address line 1 is required
createFirmTasks[idx].primaryAddress.cityCity is required
createFirmTasks[idx].primaryAddress.stateState is required
createFirmTasks[idx].primaryAddress.zipcodeZipcode is required
accountOpeningTasks[idx].accountRegistrationInfoFull legal entity name is required
accountOpeningTasks[idx].placeOfBusiness.line1Place of business line1 required
accountOpeningTasks[idx].placeOfBusiness.cityPlace of business city required
accountOpeningTasks[idx].placeOfBusiness.statePlace of business state required
accountOpeningTasks[idx].placeOfBusiness.zipcodePlace of business zipcode required
accountOpeningTasks[idx].placeOfBusiness.countryPlace of business country required
accountOpeningTasks[idx].taxClassificationTax classification is required
accountOpeningTasks[idx].expectedActivity.domesticWireTransferPerMonthPlease provide a wire transfer estimate
accountOpeningTasks[idx].expectedActivity.chequeTransferPerMonthPlease provide a check writing estimate
accountOpeningTasks[idx].expectedActivity.internationalWireTransfersPerMonthPlease provide an international wire transfer estimate

Inherited Accounts

Field NameDescription
accountOpeningTasks[idx].relatedEntities.decedentsDecedent required
accountOpeningTasks[idx].relatedEntities.decedents[idx].firstNameDecedent first name required
accountOpeningTasks[idx].relatedEntities.decedents[idx].lastNameDecedent last name required
accountOpeningTasks[idx].relatedEntities.decedents[idx].dateOfBirthDecedent date of birth required
accountOpeningTasks[idx].relatedEntities.decedents[idx].dateOfBirthDecedent date of birth must be before today
accountOpeningTasks[idx].relatedEntities.decedents[idx].relationshipDecedent relationship required
accountOpeningTasks[idx].relatedEntities.decedents[idx].ssnDecedent SSN required
accountOpeningTasks[idx].relatedEntities.decedents[idx].dateOfDeathDecedent date of death required
accountOpeningTasks[idx].relatedEntities.decedents[idx].dateOfDeathDecedent date of death must be before today
accountOpeningTasks[idx].inheritedAcctDetail.inheritanceTypeDescriptionInheritance type required
accountOpeningTasks[idx].inheritedAcctDetail.payoutElectionDescriptionPay out election required
accountOpeningTasks[idx].minor.firstNameMinor first name required (if a beneficiary with type MINOR_AS_BENE is provided)
accountOpeningTasks[idx].minor.lastNameMinor last name required
accountOpeningTasks[idx].minor.dateOfBirthMinor date of birth required
accountOpeningTasks[idx].minor.ssnMinor SSN required
accountOpeningTasks[idx].minor.stateMinor state required
accountOpeningTasks[idx].minor.citizenshipCitizenship status is required for the Minor
accountOpeningTasks[idx].minor.citizenshipMinor on the account needs to be a US Citizen or US Permanent Resident
accountOpeningTasks[idx].minor.dateOfBirth[State] does not allow Custodial accounts for individuals over the age of [maxAge]

Estate Accounts

role is either primaryExecutors or secondaryExecutors

Field NameDescription
accountOpeningTasks[idx].countryOfOrganizationCountry of organization is required
accountOpeningTasks[idx].relatedEntities.primaryExecutorsMissing primary executors on trust account
accountOpeningTasks[idx].relatedEntities.[role][idx].firstNameExecutor first name required
accountOpeningTasks[idx].relatedEntities.[role][idx].lastNameExecutor last name required
accountOpeningTasks[idx].relatedEntities.[role][idx].executorCapacityExecutor capacity required
accountOpeningTasks[idx].relatedEntities.[role][idx].primaryAddress.line1Executor address line1 required
accountOpeningTasks[idx].relatedEntities.[role][idx].primaryAddress.cityExecutor address city required
accountOpeningTasks[idx].relatedEntities.[role][idx].primaryAddress.stateExecutor address state required
accountOpeningTasks[idx].relatedEntities.[role][idx].primaryAddress.zipcodeExecutor address zipcode required

Trust Accounts - Business Trust or Revocable Trust

Field NameDescription
accountOpeningTasks[idx].trustIndividualsPlease choose if all trust parties are individuals
accountOpeningTasks[idx].accountRegistrationInfoTrust full legal name is required
accountOpeningTasks[idx].statutoryTrustPlease choose if this is a statutory trust
accountOpeningTasks[idx].countryOfOrganizationCountry of organization is required
accountOpeningTasks[idx].stateOfOrganizationState of organization is required
accountOpeningTasks[idx].dateOfFormationDate of formation is required
accountOpeningTasks[idx].placeOfBusiness.line1Place of business line1 required
accountOpeningTasks[idx].placeOfBusiness.cityPlace of business city required
accountOpeningTasks[idx].placeOfBusiness.statePlace of business state required
accountOpeningTasks[idx].placeOfBusiness.zipcodePlace of business zipcode required
accountOpeningTasks[idx].placeOfBusiness.countryPlace of business country required
accountOpeningTasks[idx].expectedActivity.domesticWireTransferPerMonthPlease provide a wire transfer estimate
accountOpeningTasks[idx].expectedActivity.chequeTransferPerMonthPlease provide a check writing estimate
accountOpeningTasks[idx].relatedEntities.grantorsMissing grantors on trust account
accountOpeningTasks[idx].relatedEntities.beneficiariesMissing beneficiaries on trust account
accountOpeningTasks[idx].relatedEntities.trusteeMembersMissing trustees on trust account

Custodial Accounts

Field NameDescription
accountOpeningTasks[idx].minor.firstNameMinor first name required
accountOpeningTasks[idx].minor.lastNameMinor last name required
accountOpeningTasks[idx].minor.dateOfBirthMinor date of birth required
accountOpeningTasks[idx].minor.ssnMinor SSN required
accountOpeningTasks[idx].minor.stateMinor state required
accountOpeningTasks[idx].minor.citizenshipCitizenship status is required for the Minor
accountOpeningTasks[idx].minor.citizenshipMinor on the account needs to be a US Citizen or US Permanent Resident
accountOpeningTasks[idx].minor.dateOfBirth[State] does not allow Custodial accounts for individuals over the age of [maxAge]

Asset Transfer Task

Field NameDescription
assetTransferTasks[idx].accountNumberAccount number is required
assetTransferTasks[idx].contraAccountNumberContra account number is required
assetTransferTasks[idx].contraFirmNameContra firm name is required
assetTransferTasks[idx].contraAccountTypeContra account type is required
assetTransferTasks[idx].transferTypeTransfer type is required
assetTransferTasks[idx].cashAmountCash amount is required (if transfer type is partial and not all cash)
assetTransferTasks[idx].stocksStocks is required (if transfer type is partial)
assetTransferTasks[idx].doNotSubmitUntilSubmission date should be in the future
assetTransferTasks[idx].doNotSubmitUntilSubmission date should not be more than 60 days in the future

Any validations not done here are done further upstream.

Field NameDescription
createBankLinkTasks[idx].bankLinkTypeBank link type is required
createBankLinkTasks[idx].bankAccountTypeBank account type is required
createBankLinkTasks[idx].aliasBank link alias must not exceed 16 characters
createBankLinkTasks[idx].routingNumberRouting number is required
createBankLinkTasks[idx].routingNumberFor international wires, routing number must be 8-11 digits, otherwise 9 digiits.
createBankLinkTasks[idx].bankAccountNumberBank account number is required
createBankLinkTasks[idx].bankAccountNumberBank account number must not exceed 35 characters
Field NameDescription
createBankLinkTasks[idx].thirdPartyBeneficiaryNameBeneficiary name is required
createBankLinkTasks[idx].thirdPartyBeneficiaryAddress1Beneficiary street address is required
createBankLinkTasks[idx].thirdPartyBeneficiaryCityBeneficiary city is required
createBankLinkTasks[idx].thirdPartyBeneficiaryStateBeneficiary state is required
createBankLinkTasks[idx].thirdPartyBeneficiaryZipCodeBeneficiary zipcode is required
createBankLinkTasks[idx].thirdPartyBeneficiaryZipCodeBeneficiary zipcode must be 5 digits
createBankLinkTasks[idx].intermediaryRoutingNumberIntermediary routing number must be 9 digits
createBankLinkTasks[idx].intermediaryRoutingNumberIntermediary bank account number must not exceed 35 characters

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