Website Requirements
For workflows where a client e-signature is required, there is specific language that you must present on screen to the advisor and/or advisee before capturing and submitting that signature to our APIs.
Please see the website requirements for each workflow below.
Account Onboarding
Customer Agreement Language
Customer Agreement language must be presented to the user prior to submitting the customer agreement signature.
If the e-signature is being captured via a 3rd party (e.g. Docusign or AlphaTrust), please use the Account Certifications Form to capture e-signature and submit the signed PDF to the Submit Signature API.
Natural Person Accounts
Account Types: Individual, Trad IRA, Custodial, Joint - Tenants in Common, Joint - Rights of Survivorship, Joint - Tenants by entirety, Joint - Community Property, SIMPLE IRA
Natural Persons Accounts Certification:The following needs to be presented for all account types listed above when the user is signing the account agreement.
"I certify, under penalty of perjury that: All TINs on this application are the account owner's true TIN and the Primary Account Owner is a U.S. person. Visit the IRS site for the definition of a U.S. person. The Primary Account Owner listed for each account above is not subject to backup withholding as a result of failure to report all interest and dividends, or the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) has notified them they are no longer subject to backup withholding. I certify that the Primary Account Owner backup withholding status listed above is accurate. I agree that GSCS, does not recommend any securities, strategies, or investments. I, as the account owner, or as an authorized person signing on behalf of the account owner, am authorized to execute, and I acknowledge I have received, read, and agree to the terms and conditions set forth in the Customer Agreement, which can be found on the login page of our sites, and (ii) any other agreement, form, or certification provided and that is applicable to the account(s). I hereby certify, to the best of my knowledge, that the information provided on this form is complete and correct. I agree to notify GSCS promptly of any changes to this information.
By signing below, I agree to the terms of the Customer Agreement including the Exhibit 1 - Pre-dispute arbitration clause provided as Exhibit 1. The IRS does not require your consent to any provision of this document other than the certifications required to avoid backup withholding."
Revocable Trust Account
Account Type: Revocable Trust
Revocable Trust Certification"I certify, under penalty of perjury that: All TINs on this application are the account owner's true TIN and the Primary Account Owner is a U.S. person. Visit the IRS site for the definition of a U.S. person. The Primary Account Owner listed for each account above is not subject to backup withholding as a result of failure to report all interest and dividends, or the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) has notified them they are no longer subject to backup withholding. I certify that the Primary Account Owner backup withholding status listed above is accurate. I agree that GSCS, does not recommend any securities, strategies, or investments. I, as the account owner, or as an authorized person signing on behalf of the account owner, am authorized to execute, and I acknowledge I have received, read, and agree to the terms and conditions set forth in the Customer Agreement, which can be found on the login page of our sites, and (ii) any other agreement, form, or certification provided and that is applicable to the account(s). I hereby certify, to the best of my knowledge, that the information provided on this form is complete and correct. I agree to notify GSCS promptly of any changes to this information."
Trust Certifications"By signing, the trustee certifies that: The trust is valid and in full force and effect as of the date of this Certification under applicable state law for the state in which the trust was formed, and the state allows for such certification. GSCS can rely on the certifications made in this Certification without having to review the actual trust document The trust indemnifies GSCS and holds GSCS, its affiliates, and its agents harmless from any claim, loss, expense (including attorney’s fees) or other liability for (i) relying upon this Certification, (ii) effecting any transactions and acting upon any instructions given by any trustee to GSCS, and (iii) any transaction effected or instruction given on this account that was not in full compliance with the governing trust instruments and applicable law."
Trustee Indemnification Certifications"By signing, each trustee certifies that: The trust is valid and in full force and effect under applicable state law as of the date of this certification and on each date a trustee provides GSCS an instruction with respect to the account. This certification binds the trust, its beneficiaries, and all present and future trustees. There is (are) no other trustee(s) of the trust other than those disclosed herein. If more than one trustee is disclosed herein, GSCS is authorized to follow the instructions from any one trustee without requiring the unanimous consent of all trustees. Each trustee has the power under the trust and applicable law to open an account and/or enter into transactions and provide to GSCS instructions concerning the account including, without limitation, to buy, sell (including short sales and margin transactions), exchange, convert, tender, redeem, and to deliver funds, securities, or any other assets in the account to any party or trustee on any trustee’s instructions, including delivering assets to a trustee personally or to the trustee’s personal account with us or another firm. Transactions, orders, and instructions provided to GSCS will be governed by the terms and conditions of all other account agreements applicable to the account, including, but not limited to, the Customer Agreement, and whether such account has been approved by GSCS for such type of activity, including, without limitation, margin trading and short sales. The trustee agrees to indemnify GSCS and hold it harmless from all losses that may arise out of GSCS acting in reliance on the representations and statements contained in this certification, and GSCS effecting any transactions and acting upon any instructions given by any trustee, including any transaction effected or instruction given that was not in compliance with the governing trust instruments and applicable law. This indemnification shall survive any modification to or rescission of this certification, any superseding certification and any termination of the trust. You will inform us, in writing, of any change in trustees, or any event that could alter the certifications made herein. Any amendment to the original information or representations made when the account was established shall be of no effect until accepted by GSCS. GSCS can rely on the certifications made herein without reviewing the documents governing the trust.
By signing below, I agree to the terms of the Customer Agreement including the Exhibit 1 - Pre-dispute arbitration clause provided as Exhibit 1. The IRS does not require your consent to any provision of this document other than the certifications required to avoid backup withholding."
Present the user with the following text with a link to the appropriate form before completing the onboarding process.
"You must complete the following steps to open your SIMPLE IRA:
Have your employer complete and send us the SIMPLE IRA Employer Certification Form"
SIMPLE IRA CertificationIn addition to the certifications for individual accounts, the following also needs to be presented for all SIMPLE IRA accounts when the user is signing the account agreement.
"I hereby certify, represent and warrant to Goldman Sachs Custody Solutions (“GSCS”) as follows: 1. I am an employee of an employer that offers a Savings Incentive Match Plan for Employees (“SIMPLE” or “Plan”) (“Employer”) and I am eligible to participate in the Plan adopted by Employer. 2. I understand that Employer is solely and exclusively responsible for the operation and monitoring of the Plan and for ensuring that Employees participating in the Plan, including myself, comply with the terms and conditions of the Plan, including, but not limited to, applicable restrictions and limitations on the nature and amount of contributions that can be made to my SIMPLE IRA. To assist Employer with fulfilling these responsibilities, GSCS will provide, upon Employer’s request, Employer with electronic access to my SIMPLE IRA maintained by GSCS. By opening a SIMPLE IRA with GSCS and signing below, I hereby consent to GSCS providing Employer with such access to my SIMPLE IRA. 3. I agree to indemnify and hold GSCS harmless, including GSCS’s directors, officers, employees and agents from and against any and all losses, costs, damages and expenses (including reasonable attorney’s fees) arising out of or related to my failure to comply with the Employee Certifications here. 4. I understand that only my Employer may make contributions to my SIMPLE IRA in the form of Employee Salary Reduction Contributions, Employer Matching Contributions, or Non-Elective Contributions, as outlined in the terms and conditions of the Plan, and that I am not permitted to make direct contributions to my SIMPLE IRA. I represent and warrant to GSCS that I will not make or attempt to make any direct contributions to my SIMPLE IRA."
Entity Accounts
Account Types: Corporation, General Partnership, Sole Proprietorship
Supplemental Entity Questionnaire
If the advisor is uploading the suplemental entity questionnaire as part of the onboarding workflow, present the following language on screen.
"Once opened, this account will require additional information and manual review, so that it can be unrestricted and available for use.
After your client(s) review and sign for this account, it will be opened and you will be able to complete the online Supplemental Entity Questionnaire and provide any required additional documentation, using a link provided for the restricted entity account. The online entity data entry and file upload process is comprehensive and enables the fastest review with the fewest follow-up questions. You may preview these questions in the Supplemental Entity Questionnaire PDF and use the form to gather the required information and documentation from clients, before entering the data online.
Only upload the file here if it is completed and includes all supplemental documentation in a single PDF that is smaller than 10 MB. "
Entity Account CertificationThe following needs to be presented for all entity accounts when the user is signing the account agreement.
"I certify, under penalty of perjury that: All TINs on this application are the account owner's true TIN and the Primary Account Owner is a U.S. person. Visit the IRS site for the definition of a U.S. person. All Entity listed for each account above is not subject to backup withholding as a result of failure to report all interest and dividends, or the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) has notified them they are no longer subject to backup withholding. I certify that the backup withholding status for all Entities listed above is accurate. On behalf of all Entities listed above, I am authorized to execute , and acknowledge I have received, read, understand and agree to the terms and conditions set forth in, the Customer Agreement, which can be found on the login page of our sites, and any other agreement, form, or certification provided and that is applicable to the account(s). I agree that GSCS, does not recommend any securities, strategies, or investments. I am authorized to: (i) act on behalf of all Entities listed above; (ii) open an account at GSCS for any Entities listed above; and (iii) designate the additional authorized representatives listed above as authorized to act on any account listed above. I hereby certify, to the best of my knowledge, that the information provided on this form is complete and correct. I agree to notify GSCS promptly of any changes to this information.
By signing below, I agree to the terms of the Customer Agreement including the Exhibit 1 - Pre-dispute arbitration clause provided as Exhibit 1. The IRS does not require your consent to any provision of this document other than the certifications required to avoid backup withholding."
Estate Accounts
Upload Evidence of Estate
If the advisor is uploading evidence of estate documentation as part of the onboarding workflow, present the following language on screen.
"Please upload a document to evidence the legal existence of this estate. You can always come back and upload this after account opens. If you do not provide evidence the legal existence of this estate the account will still open, but will be restricted until you or your client provide evidence of legal existence
Estate CertificationThe following needs to be presented for all estate accounts when the user is signing the account agreement.
I certify, under penalty of perjury that: All TINs on this application are the account owner's true TIN and the Primary Account Owner is a U.S. person. Visit the IRS site for the definition of a U.S. person. All Entity listed for each account above is not subject to backup withholding as a result of failure to report all interest and dividends, or the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) has notified them they are no longer subject to backup withholding. I certify that the backup withholding status for all Entities listed above is accurate. On behalf of all Entities listed above, I am authorized to execute , and acknowledge I have received, read, understand and agree to the terms and conditions set forth in, the Customer Agreement, which can be found on the login page of our sites, and any other agreement, form, or certification provided and that is applicable to the account(s). I agree that GSCS, does not recommend any securities, strategies, or investments. I am authorized to: (i) act on behalf of all Entities listed above; (ii) open an account at GSCS for any Entities listed above; and (iii) designate the additional authorized representatives listed above as authorized to act on any account listed above. I hereby certify, to the best of my knowledge, that the information provided on this form is complete and correct. I agree to notify GSCS promptly of any changes to this information.
By signing below, I agree to the terms of the Customer Agreement including the Exhibit 1 - Pre-dispute arbitration clause provided as Exhibit 1. The IRS does not require your consent to any provision of this document other than the certifications required to avoid backup withholding.Account Transfers (ACATS)
ACATS SubmissionPresent the following language before submitting the ACATS request.
“Please ensure that all applicable Authorized Signatories and Trustees are added to this account before submitting this account transfer request, so that we may gather their approvals and submit them to the financial institution for this account transfer.”
Sending Financial InstitutionWhen selecting the contra firm for the transfer, you must present a checkbox and include the following language to the user.
“Check this box to confirm that you have entered the full name of the firm that will be sending the client account assets and to confirm that you understand this firm does not participate in the DTCC Automated Customer Account Transfer Service (ACATS). An account transfer with this firm will generally require 6 to 8 weeks and you must provide a copy of the most recent monthly account statement for the account that is being transferred from the firm that is sending the assets. Note that taxable accounts that only hold cash can generally be transferred by ACH or Wire Transfer more quickly and easily than by non-ACATS transfer.”
When selecting Account Number and Account Type“Note: If the name(s) and Tax ID number(s)/SSN(s) on the account being transferred do not match your client's account with us, please provide us documentation to explain the difference, such as a marriage license or divorce decree. The sending financial institution will generally reject a transfer where names and tax IDs do not match.”
Account Transfer Certifications
Owner Authorization & AgreementTo the financial institution I have listed as the current holder of my account; I instruct you to transfer assets to Folio Investments, Inc. in accordance with my transfer instructions. I authorize you to deduct any outstanding fees due you from the credit balance in my account. If my account does not contain a credit balance, or if the credit balance in the account is insufficient to satisfy any outstanding fees due you, I authorize you to liquidate the assets in my account to the extent necessary to satisfy that obligation.
Additional Internal GSCS Full Transfer AgreementBy selecting the internal GSCS transfer option you are instructing GSCS to move your assets from an existing GSCS account to another like-titled GSCS account. You consent that GSCS will transfer the entire account to your like-titled GSCS account; partial transfers are not permissible through this process. Should you want to transfer a partial amount from your existing GSCS account and /or transfer to another account type / non-like registration, you may choose to do so by completing the GSCS Internal Account Transfer form available through your financial advisor and not through this process.
Additional External Full Account Transfer AgreementI authorize you to liquidate assets such as proprietary money market funds and fractional shares that cannot be transferred between financial institutions that are part of my account in accordance with my transfer instructions and transfer the resulting credit balance. I understand that upon receiving a copy of these transfer instructions, you will cancel all open orders for my account on your books. I affirm that I have destroyed or returned to you credit/debit cards and/or unused checks issued to me in connection with my securities account. I am aware that if I sell any investments in the account after submitting this request that the cash proceeds may not accrue interest while the sale is being processed. If certificates or other instruments in my account are in your physical possession, for registered, US exchanged traded equity securities, I instruct you to immobilize the certificates and put them into book entry form, and then transfer them. If they cannot be put into book entry form then they will be considered non-transferable assets and I instruct you to liquidate them. If they cannot be liquidated then you should send the certificates to me at my address of record. For domestic US equity securities that are not registered securities, such as interests in limited partnerships or shares of securities that have not yet been registered for sale, I instruct you to mail the evidence of ownership you hold on my behalf to me at my address of record.
Letter of Authorization (LOA) for Joint Account TransfersIf this is a joint account transfer, we acknowledge, agree and authorize that the Other Brokerage account described here will be transferred to the Goldman Sachs Custody Solutions account described here, as specified in this document.
Age 73 RestrictionsIf this is a retirement account transfer and I am over 73 years old, I attest that I have met or will meet the required minimum distribution for the current year.
Bank Link Creation
The language below must be presented to the user prior to capturing the Owner Verification e-signature.
If the e-signature is being capture via a 3rd party application (i.e Docusign, AlphaTrust) please reach out to GSAS API Support to obtain the PDF form that will be used to capture the e-signature. The PDF will need to be converted to one of the accepted formats prior to submitting.
By signing, I instruct Goldman Sachs Custody Solutions to establish the bank links identified above, and I authorized such persons identified by me, including my advisor, to make transfers between the linked account(s) specified above.
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