
Charting Data

A simple way to chart data in GS Quant is by installing matplotlib. This plotting library can be used to easily generate plots, histograms, power spectra, bar charts, error charts, scatter plots, etc.

Let's use this library to chart calculated implied volatility from GS Quant.



Examples require an initialized GsSession and data subscription. Please refer to Sessions for details.

Querying Data

First, let's retrieve S&P 500 end of day implied volatility for 1 month tenor with forward strike:

from import Dataset
from import PricingContext

market_date =  # Determine current market date

vol_dataset = Dataset(Dataset.GS.EDRVOL_PERCENT_STANDARD)  # Initialize the equity implied volatility dataset
vol_data = vol_dataset.get_data(market_date, market_date, ticker='SPX', tenor='1m', strikeReference='forward')



    absoluteStrike              assetId  ... ticker            updateTime
21     4049.365704  MA4B66MW5E27U8P32SB  ...    SPX  2019-06-17T22:18:01Z
22     4193.985908  MA4B66MW5E27U8P32SB  ...    SPX  2019-06-17T22:18:01Z
23     4338.606111  MA4B66MW5E27U8P32SB  ...    SPX  2019-06-17T22:18:01Z
24     5061.707130  MA4B66MW5E27U8P32SB  ...    SPX  2019-06-17T22:18:01Z
25     5784.808149  MA4B66MW5E27U8P32SB  ...    SPX  2019-06-17T22:18:01Z

[5 rows x 9 columns]

Charting Data

Implied Volatility By Strike

Now, let's use vol_data to chart the implied volatility by relative strike:



Remember to install matplotlib.

add the following import statement to have matplot available:

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

then plot your data like so:

strikes = vol_data['relativeStrike']
vols = vol_data['impliedVolatility'] * 100

plt.plot(strikes, vols, label='Implied Volatility by Strike')
plt.xlabel('Relative Strike')
plt.ylabel('Implied Volatility')
plt.title('Implied Volatility by Strike')

Which will create a plot like this:

Implied Volatility By Tenor

Likewise we can use the same technique to chart the implied volatility by tenor:

from gs_quant.timeseries.measures import _to_offset

vol_data = vol_dataset.get_data(market_date, market_date, ticker='SPX', relativeStrike=1.0, strikeReference='forward')
# Create a new column converting relative dates to actual date times
vol_data.loc[:, 'tenorDate'] = vol_data.index + vol_data['tenor'].map(_to_offset)
# Sort the data frame by the newly created column
vol_data = vol_data.sort_values(by=['tenorDate'])
tenors = vol_data['tenor']
vols = vol_data['impliedVolatility'] * 100
plt.plot(tenors, vols, label='Implied Volatility by Tenor')
plt.ylabel('Implied Volatility')
plt.title('Implied Volatility by Tenor')


Implied Volatility Area By Tenor And Strike

Now, let's combine the two and plot a vol surface to chart the implied volatility by tenor and strike:

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from matplotlib import cm

from import Dataset
from gs_quant.datetime import point_sort_order
from import PricingContext

# Initialize the dataset for equity implied volatility
vol_dataset = Dataset(Dataset.GS.EDRVOL_PERCENT_STANDARD)

market_date =
tenors_to_plot = ["2w", "1m", "2m", "3m", "4m", "5m", "6m", "9m", "1y"]
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(16, 9))
ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d')

# Implied vol data for the current market data date
vol_data = vol_dataset.get_data(market_date, market_date, ticker='SPX', strikeReference='forward')
vol_data = vol_data[vol_data.tenor.isin(tenors_to_plot)]
vol_data['tenorDays'] = t: point_sort_order(t))

# Reformat the data
X = vol_data.relativeStrike.unique()
Y = vol_data.tenorDays.unique()
Z = np.array([vol_data[vol_data.tenorDays == y].impliedVolatility.values.tolist() for y in Y]) * 100
X, Y = np.meshgrid(X, Y)

# Plot the surface
ax.zaxis.set_label_text("Implied Vol")
ax.set_zlim(0, 75)
surface = ax.plot_surface(X, Y, Z, cmap=cm.coolwarm, linewidth=0, antialiased=False)

The previous example should produce a 3D graph similar to this:

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