
Pain.013.001.05 Details

This page contains file details for Pain.013.001.05

Tag DepthXML TagTag NameMultiplicityFormat/LengthUsage
CstmrCdtTrfInitnCustomerCreditTransfer Initiation[1..1]
++MsgIdMessageIdentification[1..1]Text/35Verified by Goldman Sachs Bank for uniqueness. It will be provided in the pain.002.
++CreDtTmCreationDateTime[1..1]ISODateTimeDate & time when message was created
++NbOfTxsNumberOfTransactions[1..1]Text/ 0-9/1,15Total number of transactions in the entire message. If the total number of transactions does not match within the message, Goldman Sachs will reject the file and generate a pain.002 rejection message with a valid ISO rejection reason code.
++CtrlSumControlSum[0..1]DecimalNumber/ totalDigits: 18 fractionDigits: 17Sum of instructed amount for transactions within the entire message. If populated and not matched, Goldman Sachs will reject the file and generate a pain.002 rejection message with a valid ISO rejection reason code.
+++NmName[0..1]Text/140Legal name of initiating party
+PmtInfPaymentInformation[1..1]It should appear once
++PmtInfIdPaymentInformationIdentification[1..1]Text/35Reference number for the payment batch. This number will be provided in the pain.002.
++PmtTpInfPaymentTypeInformation[0..1]Required at either Payment or Transaction Level, but should not be present at both levels. Recommended usage is at Payment level.
+++InstrPrtyInstructionPriority[0..1]Not Used
+++SvcLvlServiceLevel[0..1]Not Used
+++LclInstrmLocalInstrument[0..1]Not Used
+++CtgyPurpCategoryPurpose[0..1]Conditional based on country payment instrument. If CtgyPurp is used, one of Cd or Prtry must be used.
++++CdCode[0..1]Code/ExternalCategoryPurpose1CodeIf Cd is populated, Prtry should not be populated. A code from the external code list should be used.
++++PrtryProprietary[0..1]Text/35If Prtry is populated, Cd should not be populated. The condition is based on the need to use a proprietary code not on the external code list per bilateral agreement.
++ReqdExctnDtRequestedExecutionDate[1..1]Date/YYYY-MM-DDPopulate the date that you wish the transaction to be executed on.
++++CtryCountry[0..1]ISO 3166,Alpha-2 code/A-Z 2,2
+++CtryOfResCountryOfResidence[0..1]ISO 3166, Alpha-2 code/A-Z 2,2
++++NmPrfxNamePrefix[0..1]CodeSet/Possible values “DOCT”, “MISS”, “MIST”, “MADM”, “MIKS”
++++EmailAdrEmailAddress[0..1]Text/2048If the @ symbol is populated, GS will replace such with (AT) so that it is SWIFT compliant.
++DbtrAcctDebtorAccount[1..1]This is the account that the funds should be debited from
+++IdIdentification[1..1]IBAN or domestic account number must be provided
++++IBANIBAN[0..1]International Bank Account Number (ISO 13616)/ [A-Z]2[0-9]2[a-zA-Z0-9]30Enter IBAN of funding account to be used to process these transactions.
+++++IdIdentification[0..1]Text/34If IBAN is not available; enter account number of the funding account to be used.
+++CcyCurrency[1..1]Text/A-Z 3,3Account currency. Use currency code as per ISO 4217
++DbtrAgtDebtorAgent[1..1]Financial institution servicing the debtor account.
+++FinInstnIdFinancialInstitutionIdentification[1..1]BICFI or ClearingSystemMemberIdentification must be provided if this tag is present.
++++BICFIBICFI[1..1]SWIFT BIC / A-Z0-9 4,4 A-Z 2,2 A-Z0-9 2,2 A-Z0-9 3,3 0,1BIC should be as per SWIFT BIC identifier set
++++++CdCode[0..1]ExternalClearingSystemIdentification1CodeRefer to External Clearing System Identification Code for possible values of clearing system ID code
++++++PrtryProprietary[0..1]Text/35Not used
++++MmbIdMemberIdentification[0..1]Text/35Identification of a member of a clearing system.
++UltmtDbtrUltimateDebtor[0..1]Not used
++++CtryCountry[1..1]ISO 3166, Alpha-2 code/A-Z 2,2
+++IdIdentification[0..1]Conditional on country payment instrument.
+++CtryOfResCountryOfResidence[0..1]ISO 3166, Alpha-2 code/ A-Z 2,2Conditional upon country rules
++ChrgBrChargeBearer[0..1]Code/CRED, DEBT, SHAR, SLEV
++++InstrIdInstructionIdentification[0..1]Text/35If provided; needs to be unique to a payment information level. This number will be provided in the pain.002.
++++EndToEndIdEndToEndIdentification[1..1]Text/35This should be unique across files and should be used for reconciliation. This number will be provided in the pain.002.
+++PmtTpInfPaymentTypeInformation[1..1]Text/35Required at either Payment or Transaction Level, but should not be present at both levels. Recommended usage is at Payment level.
++++InstrPrtyInstructionPriority[0..1]Code/HIGH/NORMNot used
++++SvcLvlServiceLevel[0..1]Not used
++++LclInstrmLocalInstrument[0..1]Not used
++++CtgyPurpCategoryPurpose[0..1]Conditional based on country payment instrument. If CtgyPurp is used, one of Cd or Prtry must be used.
+++++CdCode[1..1]Code/ExternalCategoryPurpose1CodeIf Cd is populated, Prtry should not be populated. A code from the external code list should be used.
+++++PrtryProprietary[1..1]Text/35If Prtry is populated, Cd should not be populated
+++AmtAmount[1..1]Text/35Either instructed or equivalent amount should be provided
++++EqvtAmtEquivalentAmount[0..1]Amount requested in the debtor currency
+++++Amt Ccy=”AAA”Amount[0..1]ISO 4217 for currency/minInclusive: 0totalDigits: 18fractionDigits: 5
+++++CcyOfTrfCurrencyOfTransfer[0..1]ISO 4217 for currency
+++ChrgBrChargeBearer[0..1]Code/CRED, DEBT, SHAR, SLEVMandatory, but should only be present either at Payment Information level, or Credit Transaction Information level.
+++UltmtDbtrUltimateDebtor[0..1]Should be provided only if debtor & ultimate debtor is different. Should be provided at payment information level or credit transfer information level; not both.
++++NmName[0..1]Text/140Mandatory if ultimate debtor information is provided.
+++++CtryCountry[1..1]ISO 3166, Alpha-2 code/A-Z 2,2Mandatory if ultimate debtor information is provided
++++IdIdentification[0..1]Conditional on country payment instrument. Organization ID or Private ID should be provided
+++++OrgIdOrganisationIdentification[0..1]Mandatory if ultimate debtor information is provided
+++++++IdIdentification[0..1]Text/35Mandatory if ultimate debtor information is provided
++++CtryOfResCountryOfResidence[0..1]ISO 3166, Alpha-2 code/ A-Z 2,2
+++IntrmyAgt1IntermediaryAgent1[0..1]Not required, populated by Goldman Sachs Bank
++++FinInstnIdFinancialInstitutionIdentification[0..1]BIC or ClearingSystemMemberIdentification must be provided if this tag is present.
+++++BICBIC[0..1]SWIFT BIC/[A-Z0-9]4[A-Z]2[A-Z0-9]2([A-Z0-9]3)1
+++++++CdCode[1..1]Code/ExternalClearingSystemIdentification1CodeRefer to External Clearing System Identification Code for possible values of clearing system ID code.
++++++MmbIdMemberIdentification[1..1]Text/35Identification of a member of a clearing system
+++CdtrAgtCreditorAgent[1..1]This should be the Goldman Sachs Bank branch where the creditor account is held.
++++FinInstnIdFinancialInstitutionIdentification[1..1]More than one ID can be provided based on currency/ country rules.
+++++BICFIBIC[1..1]SWIFT BIC/[A-Z0-9]4[A-Z]2[A-Z0-9]2([A-Z0-9]3)1BIC should be as per SWIFT BIC identifier set.
+++++++CdCode[0..1]ExternalClearingSystemIdentification1CodeRefer to External Clearing System Identification Code for possible values of clearing system ID code.
+++++++PrtryProprietary[0..1]Text/35Not used
++++++MmbIdMemberIdentification[0..1]Text/35Identification of a member of a clearing system
++++++++CtryCountry[1..1]ISO 3166, Alpha-2 code/A-Z 2,2
++++BrnchIdBranchIdentification[0..1]Instrument and Bank Dependent. The individual branch code should be included separately in this field when it is required for specific country.
+++++CtryCountry[1..1]ISO 3166,Alpha-2 code/A-Z 2,2
+++++++CtryOfBirthCountryOfBirth[0..1]ISO 3166,Alpha-2 code/[A-Z]2
++++CtryOfResCountryOfResidence[0..1]ISO 3166,Alpha-2 code/[A-Z]2
+++++EmailAdrEmailAddress[0..1]Text/2048If the @ symbol is populated, GS will replace such with (AT) so that it is SWIFT compliant.
+++CdtrAcctCreditorAccount[1..1]The account number held with Goldman Sachs Bank
+++++IBANIBAN[0..1]International Bank Account Number (ISO 13616)/[A-Z]2[0-9]2[a-zA-Z0-9]30
++++TpType[0..1]Country dependent
+++++CdCode[0..1]Code/CashAccountType4CodeIf Cd is populated, Prtry should not be populated. A code from the list in the schema should be used
+++++PrtryProprietary[0..1]Text/35If Prtry is populated, Cd should not be populated. The condition is based on the need to use a proprietary code not on the schema code list per bilateral agreement.
++++CcyCurrency[1..1]ISO Currency/[A-Z]3
++++NmName[1..1]Text/70Dependent upon Credit Agent validation
+++UltmtCdtrUltimateCreditor[0..1]Not Used
+++TaxTax[0..1]Not Used
+++RmtInfRemittanceInformation[0..1]Amount of remittance information delivered through the clearing system will be limited by specific clearing system capabilities
++++UstrdUnstructured[0..1]Text/140Free format remittance information to be used for reference for payment.

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