
ACH Returns & NOCs File (GS-adapted NACHA format)

The ACH Inbound Returns & NOCs File contains information of inbound and outbound Return items and Notification of Change (NOC) entries for ACH transactions originated by clients through GS Bank USA.

File Format Overview

The ACH Inbound Returns & NOC File follows a similar NACHA format (GS-adapted) as the ACH Transactions Origination File through which the transactions were originated. The file will contain Blocking File Control records as necessary, in order to ensure that total record count in the file is a multiple of 10. For example, if the file contains 26 records, there will be 4 Blocking File Control records to make the total count 30. Blocking Control records are filled with all 9’s.

Record Structure

File Header Record – type 1

The File Header Record follows the standard File Header Record format.

FieldField NameRequirementContents / TypeLengthStart PositionEnd Position
1RECORD TYPE CODEMandatoryAlways ‘1’111
2PRIORITY CODEMandatoryAlways ‘01’223
3IMMEDIATE DESTINATIONMandatoryGS Bank routing number
Always ‘b026015079’ (‘b’= space)
4IMMEDIATE ORIGINMandatoryFile ID for this Return/NOC file, provided by GS Bank101423
5FILE CREATION DATEMandatoryDate in ‘YYMMDD’62429
6FILE CREATION TIMEMandatoryTime in ‘HHMM’43033
7FILE ID MODIFIERMandatoryUpper case A-Z Numeric 0-9
Will always be “0” representing the single Returns/NOC file sent at the end of each day.
8RECORD SIZEMandatoryAlways ‘094’33537
9BLOCKING FACTORMandatoryAlways ‘10’23839
10FORMAT CODEMandatoryAlways ‘1’14040
11IMMEDIATE DESTINATION NAMEMandatoryAlphanumeric. Receiving client organization name.234163
13REFERENCE CODEOptionalFilled with blank or spaces88794

Company / Batch Header Record – type 5

The Company / Batch Header record for a Return or NOC entry largely retains field values corresponding to the original ACH transaction. These are shaded in grey below. The remaining fields are populated with codes or values pertinent to Return or NOC entries.

FieldField NameRequirementContents / TypeLengthStart PositionEnd Position
1RECORD TYPE CODEMandatoryAlways ‘5’111
2SERVICE CLASS CODEMandatoryThese fields are populated with the corresponding values from the original ACH entry to which the return / NOC relates.324
3COMPANY NAMEMandatoryThese fields are populated with the corresponding values from the original ACH entry to which the return / NOC relates16520
4COMPANY DISCRETIONARY DATAOptionalThese fields are populated with the corresponding values from the original ACH entry to which the return / NOC relates202140
5COMPANY IDENTIFICATIONMandatoryThese fields are populated with the corresponding values from the original ACH entry to which the return / NOC relates104150
6STANDARD ENTRY CLASS CODE3MandatoryFor NOCs, will contain the value “COR”. For Returns, will contain the SEC code of the original entry.35153
7COMPANY ENTRY DESCRIPTIONMandatoryThese fields are populated with the corresponding values from the original ACH entry to which the return / NOC relates.105463
8COMPANY DESCRIPTIVE DATEOptionalThese fields are populated with the corresponding values from the original ACH entry to which the return / NOC relates.66469
9EFFECTIVE ENTRY DATEMandatoryThese fields are populated with the corresponding values from the original ACH entry to which the return / NOC relates.67075
10SETTLEMENT DATE (JULIAN)MandatoryFor Returns, date the return was posted to client’s account. For NOCs, will be “000”37678
11ORIGINATOR STATUS CODEMandatoryAlways ‘1’17979
(first 8 digits of GS Bank’s routing number)
13BATCH NUMBERMandatoryNumeric
Start with ‘0000001’ and increment by 1 for each subsequent batch in the file.
3 See section on Standard Entry Class codes and their descriptions for a further description of supported codes

Entry Detail Record – type 6 – for CCD, PPD, IAT, WEB and TEL entries

The Entry Detail record for a Return or NOC entry largely retains field values corresponding to the original ACH transaction. These are shaded in grey below. The remaining fields are populated with codes or values pertinent to Return or NOC entries. Record structure for CTX entries is outlined in the next section

FieldField NameRequirementContents / TypeLengthStart PositionEnd Position
1RECORD TYPE CODEMandatoryAlways ‘6’111
2TRANSACTION CODEMandatoryNumeric. Contains one of the following values, that indicates a Return or NOC
* 21 – for original transaction codes 22, 23
* 26 – for original transaction codes 27, 28
* 31 – for original transaction codes 32, 33
* 36 – for original transaction codes 37, 38
3RECEIVING DFI IDENTIFICATIONMandatoryThese fields are populated with the corresponding values from the original ACH entry to which the return / NOC relates.8411
4CHECK DIGITMandatoryThese fields are populated with the corresponding values from the original ACH entry to which the return / NOC relates11212
5RECEIVER’S ACCOUNT NUMBER AT RDFIMandatoryThese fields are populated with the corresponding values from the original ACH entry to which the return / NOC relates.171329
6AMOUNTMandatoryThese fields are populated with the corresponding values from the original ACH entry to which the return / NOC relates.103039
7(INDIVIDUAL) IDENTIFICATION NUMBEROptionalThese fields are populated with the corresponding values from the original ACH entry to which the return / NOC relates.154054
8INDIVIDUAL / RECEIVING COMPANY NAMEMandatoryThese fields are populated with the corresponding values from the original ACH entry to which the return / NOC relates.225576
9DISCRETIONARY DATA / PAYMENT TYPE CODEConditionalThese fields are populated with the corresponding values from the original ACH entry to which the return / NOC relates.27778
10ADDENDA RECORD INDICATORMandatoryAlways 1, to indicate that an addenda record follows this entry17979
11TRACE NUMBERMandatoryNumeric
Unique identifier for each Entry within the batch. The first 8 digits correspond to GS Bank’s routing number ‘02601507’, followed by a sequence number in ascending order within the batch.

Entry Detail Record – type 6 – for CTX entries

FieldField NameRequirementContents / TypeLengthStart PositionEnd Position
1RECORD TYPE CODEMandatoryAlways ‘6’111
2TRANSACTION CODEMandatoryNumeric. Contains one of the following values, that indicates a Return or NOC
* 21 – for original transaction codes 22, 23
* 26 – for original transaction codes 27, 28
* 31 – for original transaction codes 32, 33
* 36 – for original transaction codes 37, 38
3RECEIVING DFI IDENTIFICATIONMandatoryThese fields are populated with the corresponding values from the original ACH entry to which the return / NOC relates.8411
4CHECK DIGITMandatoryThese fields are populated with the corresponding values from the original ACH entry to which the return / NOC relates.11212
5RECEIVER’S ACCOUNT NUMBER AT RDFIMandatoryThese fields are populated with the corresponding values from the original ACH entry to which the return / NOC relates.171329
6AMOUNTMandatoryThese fields are populated with the corresponding values from the original ACH entry to which the return / NOC relates.103039
7IDENTIFICATION NUMBEROptionalThese fields are populated with the corresponding values from the original ACH entry to which the return / NOC relates.154054
8NUMBER OF ADDENDA RECORDSMandatoryAlways “0001”45558
9RECEIVING COMPANY NAME / ID NUMBERMandatoryThese fields are populated with the corresponding values from the original ACH entry to which the return / NOC relates.165974
10RESERVEDN/AThese fields are populated with the corresponding values from the original ACH entry to which the return / NOC relates.27576
11DISCRETIONARY DATAOptionalThese fields are populated with the corresponding values from the original ACH entry to which the return / NOC relates.27778
12ADDENDA RECORD INDICATORMandatoryAlways 1, to indicate that an addenda record follows this entry17979
13TRACE NUMBERMandatoryNumeric. Unique identifier for each Entry within the batch. The first 8 digits correspond to GS Bank’s routing number ‘02601507’, followed by a sequence number in ascending order within the batch.158094

Addenda Record – type 7

The Addenda record for a Return or NOC entry provides the Return / Change Codes, together with additional information as applicable. For IAT Returns, the 7 mandatory addenda records are not included in this pseudo-NACHA format report.

FieldField NameRequirementContents / TypeLengthStart PositionEnd Position
1RECORD TYPE CODEMandatoryAlways ‘7’111
2ADDENDA TYPE CODEMandatoryFor NOCs: always ‘98’
For Returns: always ‘99’
3RETURN / CHANGE CODEMandatoryContains a 3-character code.
For Returns, see List of Return Codes & reasons
For NOCs, see List of Change Codes
4ORIGINAL ENTRY TRACE NUMBERMandatoryTrace number from positions 80-94 of the original Entry Detail Record or Corporate Entry Detail Record.15721
5DATE OF DEATHConditionalApplicable only for Return Codes R14 or R15. Entered as YYMMDD.62227
6ORIGINAL RDFI IDENTIFICATIONMandatoryFirst 8 digits of RDFI routing number from positions 4-11 of the original ACH Entry Detail record.82835
7ADDENDA INFORMATIONConditionalFor NOCs, only the first 29 positions of this field are used to indicate the Corrected Data. The Corrected Data elements follow a format as specified in the List of Change Codes.
For non-IAT Returns, this field contains additional description for return codes R11 and R17.
For IAT Returns, the first 10 positions of this field contains the Original Forward Entry Payment Amount ($$$$$$$$cc). The remainder of this field contains additional description for return codes R11 and R17.
8TRACE NUMBERMandatorySame Trace Number as corresponding Entry Detail record for the Return/NOC.158094

Company / Batch Control Record – type 8

The Company/Batch Control Record for Return / NOC files follows the standard NACHA format, as applicable for Origination files. It is detailed below for sake of completeness below. All Entry Detail Records are hashed. Both Entry Detail Records and Addenda Records are included in the Entry/addenda counts; Batch Header and Batch Control Records are not included.

FieldField NameRequirementContents / TypeLengthStart PositionEnd Position
1RECORD TYPE CODEMandatoryAlways ‘8’111
2SERVICE CLASS CODEMandatoryNumeric. Should be the same as the Service Class Code of the associated Company / Batch Header record.324
3ENTRY/ ADDENDA COUNTMandatoryNumeric. Total number of entry and addenda records in the batch.6510
4ENTRY HASHMandatoryNumeric
Sum of the 8-digit RDFI routing numbers in the Entry Detail records in the batch. Use the right-most 10 digits if the sum exceeds 10 digits, and fill with leading 0’s if less than 10 digits.
Sum of Entry Detail debit totals within the batch.
Sum of Entry Detail credit totals within the batch.
7COMPANY IDENTIFICATIONMandatoryAlphanumeric. Should be the same as the Company ID of the associated Company / Batch Header record.104554
Not used. Fill with spaces.
9RESERVEDN/AFill with spaces67479\
10ORIGINATING DFI IDENTIFICATIONMandatoryAlways ‘02601507’ (first 8 digits of GS Bank’s routing number)88087
11BATCH NUMBERMandatoryNumeric. Should be the same as the Batch Number of the associated Company / Batch Header record.78894

File Control Record – type 9

The File Control Record for Return / NOC files follows the standard NACHA format, as applicable for Origination files. It is detailed below for sake of completeness below.

FieldField NameRequirementContents / TypeLengthStart PositionEnd Position
1RECORD TYPE CODEMandatoryAlways ‘9’111
2BATCH COUNTMandatoryNumeric. Number of batches in the file.627
3BLOCK COUNTMandatoryNumeric. Total number of blocks in the file. Block = 10 records (including all Header and Control records and Blocking control records).6813
4ENTRY/ADDENDA COUNTMandatoryNumeric. Total number of Entry Detail and Addenda records in the file.81421
5ENTRY HASHMandatoryNumeric. Sum of all Entry Hash fields in each Company/Batch Control record contained within the file. Use the right-most 10 digits if the sum exceeds 10 digits, and fill with leading 0’s if less than 10 digits.102231
Sum of Entry Detail debit totals within the file.
Sum of Entry Detail credit totals within the file.
8RESERVEDN/AAlways filled with spaces395694

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