
Transaction Type Codes

This section details all of the GS supported transaction types and their equivalent ISO standard codes.

Details of Transaction Type Codes

GS Supported Transaction Type (BkTxCd.Prty.Cd)Description(not populated on reports)Credit/DebitDomain Code(BkTxCd.Domn.Cd)Family Code(BkTxCd.Domn.Fmly.Cd)Sub Family Code(BkTxCd.Domn.Fmly.SubFmlyCd)
TransferBook TransferDBPMNTICDTBOOK
TransferBook TransferCRPMNTRCDTBOOK
Incoming WireDomestic or cross border incoming wireCRPMNTRCDTDMCT
Outgoing WireDomestic or cross border outgoing wireDBPMNTICDTDMCT
Outgoing Wire ReturnReturn of outgoing wireCRPMNTICDTRRTN
ACH Credit PaymentClient initiates batch/individual ACH paymentsDBPMNTICDTACDT
ACH Credit RejectClient initiated ACH payment is rejectedCRPMNTICDTARET
ACH Credit Payment ReturnClient receives ACH returnCRPMNTICDTARET
ACH Credit ReceiptClient receives inbound ACH receiptCRPMNTRCDTACDT
ACH Credit Receipt ReturnPayment credited to client account is returned to remitterDBPMNTRCDTARET
ACH Credit ReversalClient initiated ACH payment is reversedCRPMNTICDTAREV
ACH Credit ReversalACH Credit reversalDBPMNTIDDTUPDD
ACH Credit Reversal ReturnClient initiated ACH payment is reversal is returnedDBPMNTIDDTUPDD
ACH Debit CollectionClient initiates individual/batch of ACH Direct Debit collections (GS client is collecting)CRPMNTIDDTPADD
ACH Debit RejectSystem rejects ACH Direct Debit batch/paymentDBPMNTIDDTUPDD
ACH Debit Collection ReturnClient receives ACH Direct Debit returnDBPMNTIDDTUPDD
ACH Debit PaymentClient receives inbound ACH Direct Debit (GS client is paying)DBPMNTRDDTPADD
ACH Debit Payment ReturnClient receives inbound ACH Direct Debit, returned to creditor and re-credited to GS clientCRPMNTRDDTUPDD
ACH Debit ReversalClient initiated individual/batch of ACH Direct Debit reversalDBPMNTIDDTAREV
ACH Debit Reversal ReturnClient initiated individual/batch of ACH Direct Debit is returnedCRPMNTICDTARET
Cash ConcentrationCash ConcentrationCRPMNTRCCNICCT
Cash ConcentrationCash ConcentrationDBPMNTICCNICCT
Cash Concentration - Incoming WireCash Concentration - Incoming WireCRPMNTRCCNICCT
Cash Concentration - Outgoing WireCash Concentration - Outgoing WireDBPMNTICCNICCT
Cash Concentration - InterestCash Concentration - Interest PostingCRPMNTRCCNINTR
Cash Concentration - InterestCash Concentration - Interest PostingDBPMNTICCNINTR
InterestInterest paid or chargedCRACMTMCOPINTR
Overdraft InterestOverdraft Interest charged to accountDBACMTMDOPCHRG
Overdraft Interest AdjustmentOverdraft Interest AdjustmentCRACMTMCOPADJT
Overdraft Interest AdjustmentOverdraft Interest AdjustmentDBACMTMDOPADJT
Interest TransferTransfer of interest paidCRPMNTICDTBOOK
Interest TransferTransfer of interest paidDBPMNTRCDTBOOK
Fee PaymentFee PaymentDBACMTMDOPFEES
Deposit Placement FeeDeposit FeeCRACMTMCOPFEES
Deposit Placement FeeDeposit FeeDBACMTMDOPFEES
Term Deposit MaturityTerm Deposit MaturityCRLDASFTDPRPMT
Term Deposit MaturityTerm Deposit MaturityDBLDASFTDPRPMT
Interest AdjustmentInterest AdjustmentCRACMTMCOPINTR
Interest AdjustmentInterest AdjustmentDBACMTMDOPINTR
Check PaidClient makes a check paymentDBPMNTICHQCCHQ
Check ReturnCheck is returnedCRPMNTICHQCQRV
Check DepositCheck is depositedCRPMNTRCHQCCHQ
Check Deposit ReturnDeposited check is returnedDBPMNTRCHQCQRV
Check RedepositRedeposit returned checkCRPMNTRCHQCCHQ
FPS OutgoingOutgoing FPS Debit PaymentDBPMNTIRCTDMCT
FPS IncomingIncoming FPS Credit PaymentCRPMNTRRCTDMCT
FPS ReturnClient receives return for a FPS Debit paymentCRPMNTIRCTRRTN
FPS RejectClient initiated FPS payment is rejectedCRPMNTIRCTRRTN
RTP IncomingIncoming RTP Credit PaymentCRPMNTRRCTDMCT
RTP RejectRTP payment rejectCRPMNTIRCTRRTN
RTP ReturnRTP payment returnedCRPMNTIRCTRRTN
BACS Credit PaymentClient initiates batch/individual BACS paymentsDBPMNTICDTACDT
BACS Credit RejectClient initiated BACS payment is rejectedCRPMNTICDTARET
BACS Credit Payment ReturnClient receives BACS returnCRPMNTICDTARET
BACS Credit ReceiptClient receives inbound BACS receiptCRPMNTRCDTACDT
BACS Credit Receipt ReturnPayment credited to client account is returned to remitterDBPMNTRCDTARET
BACS Debit CollectionClient initiates individual/batch of ACH Direct Debit collections (GS client is collecting)CRPMNTIDDTPADD
BACS Debit RejectSystem rejects BACS Direct Debit batch/paymentDBPMNTIDDTUPDD
BACS Debit Collection ReturnClient receives BACS Direct Debit returnDBPMNTIDDTUPDD
BACS Debit PaymentClient receives inbound BACS Direct Debit (GS client is paying)DBPMNTRDDTPADD
BACS Debit Payment ReturnClient receives inbound ACH Direct Debit, returned to creditor and re-credited to GS clientCRPMNTRDDTUPDD
BACS Credit ReversalBACS Credit ReversalCRPMNTICDTAREV
BACS Debit ReversalBACS Debit ReversalDBPMNTIDDTAREV
SEPA CT PaymentClient initiates batch/individual SEPA paymentsDBPMNTICDTACDT
SEPA CT RejectClient initiated SEPA payment is rejectedCRPMNTICDTARET
SEPA CT Payment ReturnClient receives SEPA returnCRPMNTICDTARET
SEPA CT ReceiptClient receives inbound SEPA receiptCRPMNTRCDTACDT
SEPA CT Receipt ReturnReturn of Client received inbound SEPA receiptDBPMNTRCDTARET
SEPA Instant  Credit ReceiptClient receives inbound SEPA Instant receiptCRPMNTRRCTESCT
SEPA Instant Receipt ReturnReturn of client received inbound SEPA Instant receiptDBPMNTIRCTRRTN

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¹ Real-time data can be impacted by planned system maintenance, connectivity or availability issues stemming from related third-party service providers, or other intermittent or unplanned technology issues.
Transaction Banking services are offered by Goldman Sachs Bank USA (“GS Bank”) and its affiliates. GS Bank is a New York State chartered bank, a member of the Federal Reserve System and a Member FDIC. For additional information, please see Bank Regulatory Information.
Certain solutions and Institutional Services described herein are provided via our Marquee platform. The Marquee platform is for institutional and professional clients only. This site is for informational purposes only and does not constitute an offer to provide the Marquee platform services described, nor an offer to sell, or the solicitation of an offer to buy, any security. Some of the services and products described herein may not be available in certain jurisdictions or to certain types of clients. Please contact your Goldman Sachs sales representative with any questions. Any data or market information presented on the site is solely for illustrative purposes. There is no representation that any transaction can or could have been effected on such terms or at such prices. Please see for additional information.
Mosaic is a service mark of Goldman Sachs & Co. LLC. This service is made available in the United States by Goldman Sachs & Co. LLC and outside of the United States by Goldman Sachs International, or its local affiliates in accordance with applicable law and regulations. Goldman Sachs International and Goldman Sachs & Co. LLC are the distributors of the Goldman Sachs Funds. Depending upon the jurisdiction in which you are located, transactions in non-Goldman Sachs money market funds are affected by either Goldman Sachs & Co. LLC, a member of FINRA, SIPC and NYSE, or Goldman Sachs International. For additional information contact your Goldman Sachs representative. Goldman Sachs & Co. LLC, Goldman Sachs International, Goldman Sachs Liquidity Solutions, Goldman Sachs Asset Management, L.P., and the Goldman Sachs funds available through Goldman Sachs Liquidity Solutions and other affiliated entities, are under the common control of the Goldman Sachs Group, Inc.
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