
Sample camt.05X V8 details

This page contains the details of ISO version 8 of the Camt 52 and 53 files.


Group Header Block

Tag DepthXML TagTag NameMultiplicityFormat/LengthUsage
BkToCstmrAcctRptTag only - identifies between camt.052 and camt.053 . In camt.053: BkToCstmrStmt
+MsgIdMessageIdentification[1..1]35Bank generated unique ID
+CreDtTmCreationDateTime[1..1]YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sssZTimestamp for file creation in UTC
++NmName[0..1]140Your legal name
+++(Or) OrgIdOrganisationIdentification[1..1]
++++(Or) OthrOther[0..n]
+++++IdIdentification[1..1]GS provided client ID

                                                                                          Report Block

Tag DepthXML TagTag NameMultiplicityFormat/LengthUsage
RptReport[1..n]Tag only - Report tag repeats for each account that's being reported In camt.053: Stmt
+IdIdentification[1..1]35Unique report ID
+ElctrncSeqNbElectronicSequenceNumber[0..1]18Electronic sequence number For both intraday and EoD reports, the value will be 1 for the first report/statement and will increase incrementally per report/statement tag. It will reset to 1 only when the 18-digit limit is exhausted.
+LglSeqNbLegalSequenceNumber[0..1]18Legal Sequence Number .For both intraday and EoD reports, the value will be 1 for the first report/statement and will increase incrementally per report/statement tag. It will reset to 1 only when the 18-digit limit is exhausted.
+CreDtTmCreationDateTime[1..1]YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sssZTimestamp for creation of report (Could be different from file creation date/ time in case the report for the given account in the report is generated at a different time & compiled in 1 file)
++FrDtTmFromDateTime[1..1]YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sssZReport start date & time
++ToDtTmToDateTime[1..1]YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sssZReport end date & time
+++(Or) IBANIBAN[1..1]IBAN of the account for which the report is being generated
+++(Or) OthrOther[1..1]
++++IdIdentification[1..1]34Account number for which the report is being generated
+++ProprietaryPrtry[1..1]35Account type with GS Bank (DDA/ VA/ TDA)
++CcyCurrency[0..1]3Account currency
++NmName[0..1]140Account name
++++BICFIBIC[0..1]Account's bank BIC
++++++CdCode[1..1]Account’s bank clearing system code, i.e. GBDSC for UK Sort code
+++++++MmbIdMemberIdentification[1..1]35Account bank’s clearing system identifier
++++NmName[0..1]140Account agent's bank name
++++CdCode[1..1]4OPBD= Opening Ledger Balance CLBD= Closing Ledger BalanceITAV= Interim Available BalanceOPAV=Opening Available BalanceCLAV=Closing Available Balance
++AmtCcy="AAA"Amount[1..1]Numerical value of balance with currency
++CdtDbtIndCreditDebitIndicator[1..1]4Balance credit/ debit indicator. CRDT= Positive balance DEBT= Negative balance
+++NbOfNtriesNumberOfEntries[0..1]15Number of entries in the account report
+++SumSum[0..1]Sum of transactions in the account report
+++TtlNetNtryTotalNetEntryAmount[0..1]Net value of transactions in the account report
++++AmtTotalNetEntryAmount[0..1]Net value of transactions in the account report
++++CdtDbtIndCreditDebitIndicator[0..1]4Net amount credit/ debit indicator CRDT= Positive balance DEBT= Negative balance
+++NbOfNtriesNumberOfEntries[0..1]15Total number of credit entries in the account report
+++SumSum[0..1]Sum of credit entries in the account report
+++NbOfNtriesNumberOfEntries[0..1]15Total number of debit entries in the account report
+++SumSum[0..1]Sum of debit entries in the account report
++NtryRefEntryReference[0..1]35Bank generated unique ID
++"AmtCcy="AAAAmount[1..1]Transaction amount with currency
++CdtDbtIndCreditDebitIndicator[1..1]4Transaction credit/ debit indicator
++RvsIndReverseIndicator[0..1]true/falseTrue for both Reject/Returns
+++CdStatus[1..1]Always "BOOK"
+++(Or) DtTmDateTime[1..1]YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sssZTransaction posting date & time
+++(Or) DtDate[1..1]YYYY-MMDDTransaction value date
++++CdCode[1..1]35GS proprietary transaction type
+++++MsgIdMessageIdentification[0..1]35File message ID if payment was initiated via a file
+++++AcctSvcrRefAccountServicerReference[0..1]35Goldman Sachs Bank Unique Payment ID
+++++PmtInfIdPaymentInformation/Identification[0..1]35Payment information ID (batch ID) if payment was initiated via file
+++++InstrIdInstructionIdentification[0..1]35Payment instruction ID (payment ID) if payment was initiated via file
+++++EndToEndIdEndToEndIdentification[0..1]35End to end ID (unique payment ID for the payment) if payment was inititated via file
+++++TxIdTransactionIdentification[0..1]35GS Unique Payment ID in most cases, will contain the original Payment ID for returns
+++++ClrSysRefClearingSystemReference[0..1]35Clearing system reference ID for the respective clearing system used (IMAD for fedwire)
++++++AmtCcy="AAA"Amount[1..1]Transaction amount with payment currency
++++++AmtCcy="AAA"Amount[1..1]Amount in account currency
++++++SrcCcySourceCurrency[1..1]3Source currency (in case of cross-border payment)
++++++TrgtCcyTargetCurrency[0..1]3Target currency (in case of cross-border payment)
++++++XchgRateExchangeRate[1..1]Exchange rate at which the currency trade was made (to 4 decimal places)
++++++QtnDtQuotationDate[0..1]YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sssZDate & time at which the said trade was executed
+++++++(Or) OrgIdOrganisation Identification[1..1]
+++++++++IdIdentification[1..1]Initiating party of the payment
++++++NmName[0..1]140Debit party name (Provided in case of a credit payment)
+++++DbtrAcctDebtorAccount[0..1]IBAN or Account ID is provided; whichever is available
+++++++(Or) IBANIBAN[1..1]Debit party account IBAN (Provided in case of credit payment)
+++++++IdIdentification[1..1]Debit party account ID (Provided in case of credit payment)
++++++NmName[0..1]140Credit party name (Provided in case of a debit payment)
+++++CdtrAcctCreditorAccount[0..1]Tag only - Account IBAN or account ID is provided; whichever is available
+++++++(Or) IBANIBAN[1..1]Credit party account IBAN (Provided in case of debit payment)
+++++++IdIdentification[1..1]Credit party account ID (Provided in case of debit payment)
+++++DbtrAgtDebtorAgent[0..1]Tag only BIC and/ or clearing system ID is provided; whichever is available
+++++++BICFIBIC[0..1]Debit party agent's BIC (Provided in case of credit payment)
+++++CdtrAgtCreditorAgent[0..1]Tag only BIC and/ or clearing system ID is provided; whichever is available
+++++++BICFIBIC[0..1]Credit account agent BIC (provided in case of debit payment)
+++++(Or) CdCode[1..1]
+++++PurpPurpose[0..1]Tag only
++++++PrtryProprietary[1..1]35Purpose of payment
+++++RmtInfRemittanceInformation[0..1]Tag only
++++++UstrdUnstructured[0..n]140Non-structured remittance information.
++++++StrdStructured[0..n]Structured remittance information.
+++++++RfrdDocInfReferredDocumentInformation[0..n]Provides identification and content of the referred document
+++++++RfrdDocAmtReferredDocumentAmount[0..1]Provides details on the amounts of the referred document
+++++++CdtrRefInfCreditorReferenceInformation[0..1]Reference information provided by the creditor to allow the identification of the underlying documents
++++++++TpType[0..1]Tag only
+++++++++CdOrPrtryCodeOrProprietary[1..1]Tag only
+++++++InvcrInvoicer[0..1]Details of the party issuing the invoice
+++++++InvceeInvoicee[0..1]Details of the party receiving the invoice
+++++++TaxRmtTaxRemittance[0..1]Remittance information for a payment made for tax related purpose
+++++++GrnshmtRmtGarnishmentRemittance[0..1]Remittance information for a payment made for garnishment related purpose
++++++RtrInfReturnInformation[0..1]Tag only
+++++++RsnReason[0..1]Tag only
+++++++PrtryProprietary[1..1]Return reason code is provided when available
+++++++AddtlTxInfAdditionalTransactionInformation[0..1]Additional information about the transaction; GS Bank will provide the SEC codes for ACH transactions in this tag

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¹ Real-time data can be impacted by planned system maintenance, connectivity or availability issues stemming from related third-party service providers, or other intermittent or unplanned technology issues.
Transaction Banking services are offered by Goldman Sachs Bank USA (“GS Bank”) and its affiliates. GS Bank is a New York State chartered bank, a member of the Federal Reserve System and a Member FDIC. For additional information, please see Bank Regulatory Information.
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