
Pain.002.001.03 Details

This page contain details of the payment status file :

Tag DepthXML TagTag NameMultiplicityFormat/LengthUsage
CstmrPmtStsRptCustomer Payment Status Report[1..1]
++MsgIdMessageIdentification[1..1]Text/35GS Bank generated unique identifier of message
++CreDtTmCreationDateTime[1..1]ISODateTimeMessage creation date & time
++InitgPtyInitiatingParty[0..1]Goldman Sachs Bank
++OrgnlMsgIdOriginalMessageIdentification[1..1]Text/35Message ID of the original message whose status is being reported
++OrgnlMsgNmIdOriginalMessageNameIdentification[1..1]Text/35Message format of the original message
++OrgnlNbOfTxsOriginalNumberOfTransactions[0..1]Numeric/15Number of transactions in the original message
++OrgnlCtrlSumOriginalControlSum[0..1]DecimalNumber/ totalDigits: 18 fractionDigits: 17Numerical sum of all transactions in original message
++GrpStsGroupStatus[0..1]CodeStatus of original message (available while reporting status of file) Possible values: RJCT= Original message rejected ACTC= Original message accepted after technical validations
++++(or) CdCode[1..1]ExternalStatusReason1CodeClick here for more details on status reason code
+++AddtlInfAdditionalInformation[0..n]Text/105Click here for more details on status reason code
+OrgnlPmtInfAndStsOriginalPaymentInformationAndStatus[0..n]This block can occur multiple times depending on the number of payments whose status is being reported
++OrgnlPmtInfIdOriginalPaymentInformationIdentification[1..1]Text/35Payment info ID in the original message (Batch ID)
++TxInfAndStsTransactionInformationAndStatus[0..n]This block is used to report underlying transactions in the batch in 3.1
+++OrgnlEndToEndIdOriginalEndToEndIdentification[0..1]Text/35Original end to end ID of the payment that is being reported
+++TxStsTransactionStatus[0..1]CodeStatus of payment. Possible values include: RJCT- Payment rejected PDNG – Payment pending processing ACCP- Payment accepted post technical & profile validations ACSP- Payment accepted, pending settlement ACSC- Payment accepted & settlement complete
+++++(Or) CdCode[1..1]ExternalStatusReason1CodeConsists of ISO code defining reason for payment status
++++AddtlInfAdditionalInformation[0..n]Text/105Includes plain text description of reason code and description Possible values include XchgRate – Exchange Rate FundingAmt - Funding amount XchangeTime – Posting liquidity generation ClrSysRef – Swift reference ID IdNumber –Identification number PaymentAmt – Payment amount Txn type – Transaction type
+++AcctSvcrRefAccountServicerReference[0..1]Text/35GS bank unique payment ID (GSUPI)
+++ClrSysRefClearingSystemReference[0..1]Text/35Unique payment reference assigned by the payment network. Populated with IMAD for Fedwires
+++++InstdAmtInstructedAmount[1..1]ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyAndAmount/ fractionDigits: 5 totalDigits: 18 ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyCode:[A-Z]3Instructed amount for the said payment as per the payment instruction
+++++(Or) EqvtAmtEquivalentAmount[1..1]Equivalent amount for the said payment as per the payment instruction
++++++Amt Ccy="AAA"Amount[1..1]Amount
++++++CcyofTrfCurrency of Transfer[1..1]Code

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¹ Real-time data can be impacted by planned system maintenance, connectivity or availability issues stemming from related third-party service providers, or other intermittent or unplanned technology issues.
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