
Payment Status Reason Codes

When TxB provides a payment status, we may optionally describe the reason using the below codes:

Reason code



NARR Narrative information from GS Bank


G000 Payment passed to next GPI agent
G001 Payment to non- GPI agent
G002 Payment settlement may not complete today
G003 Pending documentation
G004 Pending funds
G006 Delivered to beneficiary bank as non GPI
NARR Check issued
NARR Check voided
NARR Check stopped


AC01 Account number is invalid or missing
AC04 Account number specified has been closed on the bank of account's books
AC06 Account specified is blocked, prohibiting posting of transactions against it
BE01 Identification of end customer is not consistent with associated account number
NOAS Failed to contact beneficiary
RR03 Specification of the creditor’s name and/or address needed for regulatory requirements is insufficient or missing
RC01 Bank identifier code specified in the message has an incorrect format
G004 Missing cover
RC08 Routing code not valid for local clearing
FOCR Return following a cancellation request
DUPL Payment is a duplicate of another payment
RR05 Regulatory or central bank reporting information missing, incomplete or invalid
CUST At request of originator
MS03 Reason has not been specified by agent
FF07 Purpose of payment is missing or invalid
RR06 Tax information is missing, incomplete or invalid
BE04 Creditor Address must be present
RC02 Invalid Bank Identifier populated
AC03 Creditor Account Number is invalid/ missing
RC04 Bene Bank BIC must be present
RR04 Regulatory reason
AM11 Transaction currency is invalid or missing
CH20 Number of decimal points not compatible with the currency
AM06 Specified transaction amount is less than agreed minimum
AM14 Transaction amount exceeds limits agreed between bank and client
CH04 Value in Requested Execution Date or Requested Collection Date is too far in the past
RC10 Creditor ClearingSystemMember identifier is invalid or missing
RC09 Debtor ClearingSystemMember identifier is invalid or missing
AC02 Narrative information from GS Bank
RR04 Regulatory reason
DU04 Payment End to End ID/Collection End to End ID is not unique
AC07 Creditor account number closed
AM07 Amount specified in message has been blocked by regulatory authorities
MD07 End customer is deceased
BE06 End customer specified is not known at associated Sort/National Bank Code or does no longer exist in the books
CURR Currency of the payment is incorrect
MS02 Reason has not been specified by end customer
AG01 Transaction forbidden on this type of account
SL01 Due to specific service offered by the Debtor Agent
AC15 The account details for the counterparty have changed
NOCM Customer account is not compliant with regulatory requirements, for example FICA (in South Africa) or any other regulatory requirements which render an account inactive for certain processing.
BE01 Identification of end customer is not consistent with associated account number
RR01 Specification of the debtor’s account or unique identification needed for reasons of regulatory requirements is insufficient or missing
CNOR Creditor bank is not registered under this BIC in the CSM
AM05 Duplicate payment
MD16 Cancellation/amendment is requested by the debtor
MD17 Cancellation/amendment is requested by the creditor
AG10 Agent of message is suspended from the payment system
AB07 Agent of message is not online
AB06 Transaction stopped due to timeout at the Instructed Agent
AM23 Transaction amount exceeds settlement limit
AG11 Creditor Agent of message is suspended from the payment system
MODT The underlying transaction was modified
NARR Token Expired
NARR Virtual card payment has been returned
NARR Check print failed
NARR Check canceled
AC11 Creditor account currency is invalid or missing
AC13 Debtor account type invalid
AC14 Creditor account type invalid
AG03 Transaction type not supported / authorized on this account
AM09 Amount received is not the amount agreed or expected
AM12 Amount is invalid or missing
BE07 Specification of debtor’s address which is required for payment is missing/not correct
BE10 Debtor country code is missing or invalid
BE11 Creditor country code is missing or invalid
BE16 Debtor identification code missing or invalid
BE17 Creditor identification code missing or invalid
DS24 Request expired due to time-out
FF08 End to End Id missing or invalid
NOAT Receiving Customer Account does not support/accept this message type.
RC03 Debtor FI identifier is invalid or missing
UNKNOWN Payment rejected


CUST At request of originator


R01 Insufficient Funds
R02 Account Closed
R03 No Account/ Unable to Locate Account
R04 Invalid Account Number Structure
R05 Unauthorized Debit to Consumer Account Using Corporate SEC Code
R06 Returned per ODFI’s Request
R07 Authorization Revoked by Customer
R08 Payment Stopped
R09 Uncollected Funds
R10 Customer Advises Unauthorized, Improper, Ineligible, or Part of an Incomplete Transaction Customer Advises Originator is Not Known to Receiver and/or Originator is Not Authorized by Receiver to Debit Receiver’s Account
R11 Check Truncation Entry ReturnCustomer Advises Entry Not in Accordance with the Terms of the Authorization
R12 Account Sold to Another DFI
R13 Invalid ACH Routing Number
R14 Representative Payee Deceased or Unable to Continue in That Capacity
R15 Beneficiary or Account Holder (Other Than a Representative Payee) Deceased
R16 Account Frozen/Entry Returned Per OFAC Instruction
R17 File Record Edit Criteria/Entry with Invalid Account Number Initiated Under Questionable Circumstances
R18 Improper Effective Entry Date
R19 Amount Field Error
R20 Non-Transaction Account
R21 Invalid Company Identification
R22 Invalid Individual ID Number
R23 Credit Entry Refused by Receiver
R24 Duplicate Entry
R25 Addenda Error
R26 Mandatory Field Error
R27 Trace Number Error
R28 Routing Number Check Digit Error
R29 Corporate Customer Advises Not Authorized
R30 RDFI Not Participant in Check Truncation Program
R31 Permissible Return Entry (CCD and CTX only)
R32 RDFI Non-Settlement
R33 Return of XCK Entry
R34 Limited Participation DFI
R35 Return of Improper Debit Entry
R36 Return of Improper Credit Entry
R37 Source Document Presented for Payment
R38 Stop Payment on Source Document
R39 Improper Source Document/Source Document Presented for Payment
R40 Return of ENR Entry by Federal Government Agency
R41 Invalid Transaction Code
R42 Routing Number/Check Digit Error
R43 Invalid DFI Account Number
R44 Invalid Individual ID Number/Identification Number
R45 Invalid Individual Name/Company Name
R46 Invalid Representative Payee Indicator
R47 Duplicate Enrollment
R50 State Law Affecting RCK Acceptance
R51 Item Related to RCK Entry Is Ineligible or RCK Entry Is Improper.
R52 Stop Payment on Item Related to RCK Entry
R53 Item and RCK Entry Presented for Payment

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¹ Real-time data can be impacted by planned system maintenance, connectivity or availability issues stemming from related third-party service providers, or other intermittent or unplanned technology issues.
Transaction Banking services are offered by Goldman Sachs Bank USA (“GS Bank”) and its affiliates. GS Bank is a New York State chartered bank, a member of the Federal Reserve System and a Member FDIC. For additional information, please see Bank Regulatory Information.
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