
SWIFT Advices

SWIFT message category (MT 9XX) is used for cash management and customer status.

The SWIFT messaging standards for Debit confirmation (MT 900) and for Credit confirmation (MT 910) are defined as follows:

  • MT 900 Confirmation of Debit -

It is used to notify the account owner of an entry which has been debited to its account. The entry will be further confirmed by statement. It can be sent directly to the account owner or to a financial institution authorized by account owner.

  • MT 910 Confirmation of Credit -

It is used to notify the account owner of an entry which has been credited to its account. The entry will be further confirmed by statement. It can be sent directly to the account owner or to a financial institution authorized by account owner.

Layout of MT 900


Similar to the headers explained earlier in this document, message blocks contain the following elements: Start of block indicator, Block identifier, Separator, Block Content and End of block indicator. The hierarchy and sequence of tags is illustrated below followed by the tag details.

RequirementFieldField Name
MandatoryMessage Header Record
Mandatory20Transaction Reference Number
Mandatory21Related Reference
Mandatory25aAccount Identification
Optional13DDate/Time Indication
Mandatory32AValue Date, Currency Code, Amount
Optional52aOrdering Institution
Optional72Sender to Receiver Information
OptionalMessage trailer Record

Tag Details

TagSub FieldField NameField LimitMandatory(M) / Optional(O)Sample UsageRemarks
20Transaction reference number16XMTRN0000123456789Used to uniquely identify an MT 900 Message. Must not start with “/” or contain consecutive “//”
21Related Reference16XMABC1234This field contains the reference number of the transaction which resulted in this message, for example, the field 20 i.e., the Transaction Reference Number of the SWIFT payment instruction. Must not start with “/” or contain consecutive “//”
25aAccount Identification35XM0123456789Account number. Supported in two formats: no letter option or P
(Identifier Code)
Option P must only be used if the Receiver of the message is not the account owner
13DDate/Time IndicationO2005061230-0400This field indicates the date, time and time zone when the entry is posted to the account, in the books of the account servicing institution
3Time Zone Indication1X-Possible values: + or -
4Time Zone Indication4N0400Hours differing from UTC
32AValue Date, Currency Code, AmountM210120USD900000100This field specifies the value date, currency code and amount of the debit
1Value DateYYMMDDM210120
2Currency Code3AMUSDISO Currency Code
52aOrdering InstitutionOThis field identifies the institution which instructed the Sender to execute the transaction resulting in this debit, when other than the Receiver
ALine 1: Party Identifier
Line 2: Identifier Code
DLine 1: Party Identifier
Line 2: Name and Address
72Sender to Receiver Information4*65XO For Debits
Line 1: Reference Account Owner [/EREF/]
Line 2: Clearing system reference[/CREF/]
Line 3: Target Currency /FX Rate/Funding Currency[/TCCY/ /FXRT/ /FCCY/]

Line 4: Creditor Account number/BIC/ Name[/CACT/CBIC/CRNM/]
Line 5: Remittance[/REMI/]
This field contains additional information for the Receiver


//S BANK USA/REMI/USD Payment from 
//USD account

Layout of MT 910


RequirementFieldField Name
MandatoryMessage Header Record
Mandatory20Transaction Reference Number
Mandatory21Related Reference
Mandatory25aAccount Identification
Optional13DDate/Time Indication
Mandatory32AValue Date, Currency Code, Amount
Optional50aOrdering Customer
Optional52aOrdering Institution
Optional72Sender to Receiver Information
OptionalMessage trailer Record

Tag Details

TagSub FieldField NameField LimitMandatory(M) / Optional(O)Sample UsageRemarks
20Transaction reference number16XMTRN0000123456789Used to uniquely identify an MT 910 Message. Must not start with “/” or contain consecutive “//”
21Related Reference16XMABC1234This field contains the reference number of the transaction which resulted in this message, for example, the field 20 i.e., the Transaction Reference Number of the SWIFT payment instruction. Must not start with “/” or contain consecutive “//”
25aAccount Identification35XM0123456789Account number. Supported in two formats: no letter option or P
(Identifier Code)
Option P must only be used if the Receiver of the message is not the account owner
13DDate/Time IndicationO2005061230-0400This field indicates the date, time and time zone when the entry is posted to the account, in the books of the account servicing institution
3Time Zone Indication1X-Possible values: + or -
4Time Zone Indication4N0400Hours differing from UTC
32AValue Date, Currency Code, AmountM210120USD900000100This field specifies the value date, currency code and amount of the debit
1Value DateYYMMDDM210120
2Currency Code3AMUSDISO Currency Code
50aOrdering CustomerOThis field identifies the customer or financial institution from a Payment which originated the transaction resulting in this credit
Identifier Code
FParty Identifier
Number/Name and Address
NY 10017
Name and Address
52aOrdering InstitutionOThis field identifies the institution which instructed the Sender to execute the transaction resulting in this debit, when other than the Receiver
AParty Identifier
Identifier Code
DParty Identifier
Name and Address
56aIntermediaryOThis field identifies the financial institution from which the Sender received the funds, when other than the ordering institution
ALine 1: Party Identifier
Line 2: Identifier Code
CITIGB2LXXXGS will support
DLine 1: Party Identifier
Line 2: Name and Address
GS will support
72Sender to Receiver Information6*35XO For Credits
Line 1: Reference Account Owner [/EREF/]
Line 2: Clearing system reference[/CREF/]
Line 3: Target Currency /FX Rate/Funding Currency[/TCCY/ /FXRT/ /FCCY/]

Line 4: Debtor Account number/BIC/ Name[/DACT/DBIC/DBNM/]
Line 5: Remittance[/REMI/]
This field contains additional information for the Receiver


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2/1 Dom

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¹ Real-time data can be impacted by planned system maintenance, connectivity or availability issues stemming from related third-party service providers, or other intermittent or unplanned technology issues.
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