
SWIFT Reporting

SWIFT message category (MT 9XX) is used for cash management and customer status. The SWIFT messaging standards for intraday reporting (MT 942) and end of day reporting (MT 940 and MT950) are defined as follows:

  • MT 940 Customer Statement -

It is an account statement that provides detailed information about all entries booked to an account. It can be sent directly to the account owner or to a financial institution authorized by account owner.

  • MT 942 Interim Transaction Reporting -

The message is sent to the account owner or to a party authorized by the account owner to receive the message. It is used to inform the account owner, or authorized party, of the entries booked (debit/credit) to the account, with incremental transaction details from the last interim statement generated.

  • MT 950 Account Statement -

It is an account statement that provides detailed information about all entries booked to an account. It is sent directly to the account owner or to a party authorized by the account owner to receive the statement.

Layout of MT 940


Similar to the headers explained earlier in this document, message blocks contain the following elements: Start of block indicator, Block identifier, Separator, Block Content and End of block indicator. The hierarchy and sequence of tags is illustrated below followed by the tag details.

RequirementFieldField Name
MandatoryMessage Header Record
Mandatory20Transaction Reference Number
Optional21Related Reference
Mandatory25Account Identification
Mandatory28CStatement Number / Sequence Number
Mandatory60FOpening Balance

Section - Transactions (Not mandatory, repetitive)

Optional61Statement Line
Optional86Statement Information

End Section - Transactions (Not mandatory, repetitive)

Mandatory62FClosing Balance
Optional64Closing Available Balance
Optional65Closing Forward Balance
Optional86Information to Account Owner
OptionalMessage Trailer Record

Tag Details

TagSub FieldField NameField LimitMandatory(M) / Optional(O)Sample UsageRemarks
20Transaction Reference Number16XMTRN0000123456789Used to uniquely identify an MT 940 Message
21Related Reference16XONot used
25Account Identification35XM0123456789Account Number
28CStatement/Sequence Number5N/5NM1/1This tag contains the number of the account statement, followed by a sequence number of the message in the statement. This number will be 1 for the first statement the client receives and then increment for each subsequent statement. This resets to 1 on 1st January
60FOpening BalanceMC200506USD2080000000,00This field specifies the opening balance. Option 60F: First opening balance and Option 60M: Intermediate opening balance applicable in case of multiple statement messages
1Credit/Debit Indicator1AMCC: Credit, D: Debit
2Date(last entry data)YYMMDDM200506In case of 60F this is last statement date and in case of multiple messages and for tag 60M this is the current statement date
3Currency3AMUSDISO Currency Code
4Amount(opening or interim balance)15BM2080000000,00
61Statement LineO2005060506D279999800,00NTRFEPHI000015544410// I20081200003033This tag contains the details of transaction
1Value DateYYMMDDM200506
2Entry DateMMDDO0506
3Credit/Debit Indication1AMDC: Credit, D: Debit
4Funds CodeONot Used
6Type of Transaction4XMNTRFUses SWIFT Transaction Codes, details in Appendix
7Reference account owner16XMEPHI000015544410
8Bank reference//16XOI20081200003033The bank reference ID
9Supplementary InformationOWill appear as new line if exists, can provide channel name
86Information to Account OwnerO

For Debits
Line 1: Reference Account Owner [/EREF/]
Line 2: Creditor Name[/CRNM/]
Line 3: Creditor Account number/BIC [/CACT/CBIC/]
Line 4: Clearing system reference[/CREF/]
Line 5: Target Currency /FX Rate/FX Datetime[/TCCY/ /FXRT/ /FXDT/]
Line 6: Remittance[/REMI/]
For Credits
Line 1: Reference Account Owner[/EREF/]
Line 2: Debtor Name[/DBNM/]
Line 3: Debtor Account Number/BIC [/DACT/ /DBIC/]
Line 4: Original Amount/Funding Currency/FX Rate/FX Quotation Time [/OAMT/ /FCCY/ /FXRT/ /FXDT/]
Line 5: Remittance [/REMI/]
Line 6: Clearing system reference[/CREF/]

Provided in unstructured format. Contains additional information about the preceding transaction details. EREF replaced by PREF in case of batch posting.
62MClosing Balance (Booked Funds)MC200506USD900000100,00This field specifies the final closing balance. Option 62F: Final closing balance and Option 62M: Intermediate closing balance applicable in case of multiple statement messages
1Credit/Debit Indicator1AMCC: Credit, D: Debit
2End Booked DateYYMMDDM200506In case of 60F this is last statement date and in case of multiple messages and tag 60M this is the current statement date
3Currency Code3AMUSDISO Currency Code
64Closing Available BalanceOThis field specifies the closing available balance.
1Credit/Debit Indicator1AMCC: Credit, D: Debit
2DateYYMMDDM200506Balance Date
3Currency Code3AMUSDISO Currency Code
65Forward Available BalanceONot Used

Sample: {4: :20: TRN0000123456789:25:0123456789 :28C:1/1:60F:C200506USD2080000000,00 :61:2005060506D279999800,00NTRFEPHI000015544410// I20081200003033 : 62M:C200506USD900000100,00: 64:C200506USD900000100,00}

Layout of MT 942


The MT942 being an intraday message, includes the addition of floor limits, and the number and sums of credit and debit transactions. The opening and closing balances of the account are not provided.

RequirementFieldField Name
MandatoryMessage Header Record
Mandatory20Transaction Reference Number
Optional21Related Reference
Mandatory25Account Identification
Mandatory28CStatement Number / Sequence Number
Mandatory34FFloor Limit
Optional34FFloor Limit
Mandatory13DDate/Time Indication

Section - Transactions (Not mandatory, repetitive)'

Optional61Statement Line
Optional86Statement Information

End Section - Transactions (Not mandatory, repetitive)

Optional90DNumber and sum of entries
Optional90CNumber and sum of entries
Optional86Information to Account Owner
OptionalMessage Trailer Record

Tag Details

TagSub FieldField NameField LimitMandatory(M) / Optional(O)Sample UsageRemarks
20Transaction Reference Number16XMTRN0000123456789Used to uniquely identify an MT 942 Message
21Related Reference16XONot used
25Account Identification35XM0123456789Account Number
28CStatement/Sequence Number5N/5NM1/1This tag contains the number of the account statement, followed by a sequence number of the message in the statement. This number will be 1 for the first statement the client receives and then increment for each subsequent statement. This resets to 1 on 1st January
34FFloor Limit IndicatorMUSDD0,00First occurrence: Floor Limit Indicator. Specifies the minimum value an order must have to be included in message specifically for debit transactions
1Currency3AMUSDISO Currency Code
2Credit/Debit Indicator1AMDC: Credit, D: Debit
3Amount15BM0,00Default at 0
34FFloor Limit IndicatorMUSDC0,00Second occurrence: Floor Limit Indicator. Specifies the minimum value a transaction must have to be included in the message specifically for credit transactions
1Currency3AMUSDISO Currency Code
2Credit/Debit Indicator1AMCC: Credit, D: Debit
3Amount15BM0,00Default at 0
13DDate/Time IndicationM2005061230-0400This field indicates the date, time and time zone at which the report was created
3Time zone indication1XM-Possible values: + or -
4Time zone indication4NM0400Hours differing from UTC
61Statement LineO2005060506D279999800,00NTRFEPHI000015544410// I20081200003033This tag contains the details of transaction
1Value DateYYMMDDM200506
2Entry DateMMDDO0506
3Credit/Debit Indication1AMDC: Credit, D: Debit
4Funds CodeONot Used
6Type of Transaction4XMNTRFUses SWIFT Transaction Codes, details in Appendix
7Reference account owner16XMEPHI000015544410
8Bank reference//16XOI20081200003033The bank reference details
9Supplementary InformationOWill appear as new line if exists, can provide channel name
86Information to Account Owner65X Lines 1..6O

For Debits
Line 1: Reference Account Owner [/EREF/]
Line 2: Creditor Name[/CRNM/]
Line 3: Creditor Account Number/BIC [/CACT/CBIC/]
Line 4: Clearing system reference[/CREF/]
Line 5: Target Currency /FX Rate/FX Datetime[/TCCY/ /FXRT/ /FXDT/]
Line 6: Remittance[/REMI/]
For Credits
Line 1: Reference Account Owner[/EREF/]
Line 2: Debtor Name[/DBNM/]
Line 3: Debtor Account Number/BIC [/DACT/ /DBIC/]
Line 4: Original Amount/Funding Currency/FX Rate/FX Quotation Time [/OAMT/ /FCCY/ /FXRT/ /FXDT/]
Line 5: Remittance [/REMI/]
Line 6: Clearing system reference[/CREF/]

Provided in unstructured format. Contains additional information about the preceding transaction details. EREF replaced by PREF in case of batch posting.
90DNumber and sum of debit entriesO3USD2080000000,00This field indicates the total number and amount of debit entries
1Number of entries5NM3
1Currency Code3AMUSDISO Currency Code
90CNumber and sum of debit entriesO1USD900000100This field indicates the total number and amount of credit entries
1Number of entries5NM1
2Currency Code3AMUSDISO Currency Code

Sample: {4: :20:TRN0000123456789 :25:0123456789 :28C:1/1 :34F:USDD0,00 :34F:USDC0,00 :13D:2005061230-0400 :61:2005060506D279999800,00NTRFEPHI000015544410// I20081200003033 :90D:3USD2080000000,00 :90C:1USD900000100,00}

Layout of MT 950


Similar to the headers explained earlier in this document, message blocks contain the following elements: Start of block indicator, Block identifier, Separator, Block Content and End of block indicator. The hierarchy and sequence of tags is illustrated below followed by the tag details.

RequirementFieldField Name
MandatoryMessage Header Record
Mandatory20Transaction Reference Number
Mandatory25Account Identification
Mandatory28CStatement Number / Sequence Number
Mandatory60FOpening Balance

Section - Transactions (Not mandatory, repetitive)

Optional61Statement Line

End Section - Transactions (Not mandatory, repetitive)

Mandatory62MClosing Balance
Optional64Closing Available Balance
Optional65Closing Forward Balance
OptionalMessage Trailer Record

Tag Details

TagSub FieldField NameField LimitMandatory(M) / Optional(O)Sample UsageRemarks
20Transaction Reference Number16XMTRN0000123456789Used to uniquely identify an MT 950 Message
25Account Identification35XM0123456789Account Number
28CStatement/Sequence Number5N/5NM1/1This tag contains the number of the account statement, followed by a sequence number of the message in the statement. This number will be 1 for the first statement the client receives and then increment for each subsequent statement. This resets to 1 on 1st January
60FOpening BalanceMC220308USD2080000000,00This field specifies the opening balance. Option 60F: First opening balance and for Option 60M: Intermediate opening balance applicable in case of multiple statement messages
1Credit/Debit Indicator1AMCC: Credit, D: Debit
2Date(last entry data)YYMMDDM220308In case of 60F this is last statement date
3Currency3AMUSDISO Currency Code
4Amount(opening or interim balance)15BM2080000000,00
61Statement LineO2203080308D279999800,00NTRFEPHI000015544410// I20081200003033This field specifies the opening balance. Option 60F: First opening balance
1Value DateYYMMDDM220308
2Entry DateMMDDO0308
3Credit/Debit Indication1AMDC: Credit, D: Debit
4Funds CodeONot Used
6Type of Transaction4XMNTRFFor SWIFT driven payments, the transaction type is prefixed with ‘S’ followed by message type. For instance, the transaction type is S103 for category 1 with MT103 message format. For non-SWIFT payments, uses SWIFT Transaction Codes, details in Appendix
7Reference account owner16XMEPHI000015544410
8Bank reference//16XOI20081200003033The bank reference ID
9Supplementary InformationOWill appear as new line if exists, can provide channel name
62MClosing Balance (Booked Funds)MC220308USD900000100,00This field specifies the final closing balance. Option 62F: Final closing balance and Option 62M: Intermediate closing balance applicable in case of multiple statement messages
1Credit/Debit Indicator1AMCC: Credit, D: Debit
2End Booked DateYYMMDDM220308
3Currency Code3AMUSDISO Currency Code
64Closing Available BalanceOThis field specifies the closing available balance.
1Credit/Debit Indicator1AMCC: Credit, D: Debit
2DateYYMMDDM200506Balance Date
3Currency Code3AMUSDISO Currency Code
65Forward Available BalanceONot Used

Sample: {4: :20: TRN0000123456789:25:0123456789 :28C:1/1:60F:C220308USD2080000000,00 :61:2203080308D279999800,00NTRFEPHI000015544410// I20081200003033 : 62M:C220308USD900000100,00: 64:C220308USD900000100,00}

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