Step Up API Authentication
If you haven't already done so, please read our Basic API Authentication Guide here.
Basic information about JWT
- A JSON Web Token("JWT") is used by TxB partners who interact with our APIs on behalf of more than 1 client
- A JWT consists of a header, payload and a signature
- RSA key(private) with a unique 'kid' is used to sign the JWT. Partner exchanges public RSA key with TxB which will be used to validate the signature
- The claim in the payload has various identifiers namely, client(subject), partner(issuer), audience(txb), kid(from RSA key), sha256 hash of the mTLS cert
The guide below describes how to create and bind a JWT token, which may be included in the Authentication
input parameter and which will be presented alongside the mTLS certificate.
Step by Step Guide
Step 1 - Generate a public JWK using RSA KeyPair
Generate a one-time unique key ID:
String uniqueKeyId = String.valueOf(UUID.randomUUID())
This unique key Id will be used in RSAKey generation (this step) and also used again in Step 3 during JWT generation.
You can use uuid generator tools to create this via code or via tools available online.
Generate public JWK using a one-time generated RSA Key:
RSAKey rsaKey = new RSAKeyGenerator(2048)
.keyUse(KeyUse.SIGNATURE) // indicate the intended use of the key
.keyID(uniqueKeyId) //This static key Id will be used again in Step 3
return rsaKey.toPublicJWK();
This is a one-time key setup and will be used in Step 3 to sign the JWT.
Send the output of rsaKey.toPublicJWK()
to TxB.
Step 2 - Calculate the certificate hash using thumbprint
Once you have the mTLS certificate, copy the text into the mTLSCert variable and run the code below to create the X509Certificate
String mTLSCert = "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\n"
+ "-----END CERTIFICATE-----\n";
InputStream targetStream = new ByteArrayInputStream(mTLSCert.getBytes());
CertificateFactory certificateFactory = CertificateFactory.getInstance("X.509");
X509Certificate x509cert = (X509Certificate) certificateFactory.generateCertificate(targetStream);
Compute the SHA256 hash of the X509Certificate
object using below code:
private static String getThumbprint(X509Certificate cert)
throws NoSuchAlgorithmException, CertificateEncodingException {
MessageDigest md = MessageDigest.getInstance("SHA-256");
byte[] der = cert.getEncoded();
byte[] digest = md.digest();
String digestHex = DatatypeConverter.printHexBinary(digest);
return digestHex.toLowerCase();
private static String calculateSHA256(X509Certificate x509cert) {
String thumbprint = getThumbprint(x509cert);
byte[] decodedHex = Hex.decodeHex(x509cert);
return new String(Base64.getUrlEncoder().encode(
decodedHex)).replaceAll("=+$", "");
An example output of the SHA256 hash is - ikVs7R7oXt0Ll_EGWWCE6VaJv6myadr9giDODCzbvtM
. This value will be used in the JWT payload in step 3
Step 3 - Bind all of values together in JWT
Create a JWTClaims
JwtClaims claims = new JwtClaims();
Set Expiration time on the claim:
Set the Partner Identifier
provided by TxB:
claims.setIssuer("0EAA62456B3426NU962A296BC4C5F9C9"); // This will be the gseid value in the mTLS cert
Set the Client Identifier
provided by TxB:
claims.setSubject("7FNA456B34268NU6G9682A2964C5967F"); // This value will change based on the third party account
Set the audience as txb
Set a random ID for JWTId:
Set Current time as issuedAt
Set value of kid
from Step 1:
claims.setClaim("kid", uniqueKeyId);
Set cnf#x5t#S256
from output of Step 2:
claims.setClaim("cnf#x5t#S256", calculateSHA256(x509cert));
Sign the JWT using the RSAKey from Step 1:
JsonWebSignature jws = new JsonWebSignature();
jws.setKey(rsaKey.toPrivateKey()); // From Step 1
jws.setDoKeyValidation(false); // relaxes the key length requirement
Finally, return the JWT Output:
String jwtOut = jws.getCompactSerialization();
return jwtOut;
Your JWT will look something like this:
Step 4 - Test final connection
Finally, test your connection using this cURL command:
curl -s -X GET "" -H "Authorization: Bearer <jwtOut>" --cacert ./certificate.pem --key private_key.key
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